Will you buy his game?
Will you buy his game?
ill pirate it and probably uninstall within 30 minutes.
yes i will "buy it" like i "buy" all games
yes my dick is so hard
From an alleyway two blocks from your house, brought to you by Fat Larry?
can't afford it on a student budget. but it looks sweet, like normie mount and blade or something.
like a good soyboi
I'll watch the story on youtube like I do with all games. Can't remember the last time I actually played a game instead of just watching it instead.
I will if my buddies that are getting it say good things about it. Might be a good time waster. I'm expecting something really rough and clumsy though, so probably not.
I was interested until I saw unedited gameplay of the final version, not even pirate-tier.
Explain why. I get to see the story in games without ever having to pay a cent. Seems good to me.
sounds like games arent for you, brainlet
perhaps you're on the wrong board
I used to play games until 4 years ago but then I started getting bored with gameplay. I still like the stories in games. So watching them on youtube allows me to skip all the boring gameplay and go straight to the story.
>I get to see stories in games ranging from mediocre to terrible (because that's all that exists) without ever having to pay a cent.
Good for you?
Mount and Blade is normalfag tier as fuck.
Too racist
>I’ve seen a lot of discussion on here concerning the forthcoming Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I don’t often feel the need to do this, but I feel I’ve got to put out a Buyer Beware on the developers responsible for the game. Frankly speaking, the lead developer, Daniel Vávra, is an unashamed racist and sexist. His Twitter account is full of anti-PC, anti-‘social justice warrior’ tirades that come across as the ramblings of a xenophobe. He is also a supporter of GamerGate and makes absolutely no attempt to hide his reprehensible opinions. This interview with Kotaku in July 2015 laid his beliefs bare. In fact, one of the reasons he developed the game was because he believed it was ‘historically accurate’ to not have any non-white characters anywhere, which is provably false given that medieval life was a melting pot of different races. The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies published a paper on it, on how pointless it was to compare modern concepts of race to medieval notions of ethnicity. People have brought up the argument that the hundreds of other developers who worked on the game don’t deserve to suffer lost sales because of one racist, but I have to call foul on that. He’s unashamed in his racism, and it’s clear the game comes from a source of deep rot. I implore people to not buy the game, to boycott it. We have to show that people who hold such disgusting views should not be rewarded, and that games that come from such a rotten, anti-progressive stance don’t deserve to succeed. Andrew Middlemas PS: Incidentally, one of the sound engineers who worked on Subnautica was revealed to be a massive bigot, and was consequently fired from the studio. I hope the gaming community does more to thin out the cancerous elements that infest it.
I can't wait for a mod that replaces that stupid face.
Why are you getting so offended? Me watching games on youtube doesn't harm your enjoyment of games.
Is this 3D chess viral marketing? Because I'm now feeling an impulse to buy the game as a statement to SJWs.
>Being American
On sale. I don't pay 60 for single player games.
Don't worry, I'll buy a copy for you too.
>I don't pay 60 for single player games.
My sweet summer child.
I'll hold out on it. No reviews or previews from souces I trust, and there's no reliable gameplay vids. Discussibg tve game on Sup Forums is pointless, because the threads always degrade into pol or SJW shit or all around trollery.
These are the kind of people who voice themselves on this shitty backwards board. Consider lurking instead of posting, faggot.
Pirating. No charge for games.
Don't worry, user. When the game comes out I'll pirate it and give you an honest opinion.
read some books user
You are posting on a mongolian SSP board about PLAYING video games. You don't, so your opinions don't matter. Stay away you normie fuck.
>These are the kind of people who voice themselves on this shitty backwards board. Consider lurking instead of posting, faggot.
U mad as fuk over a non issue
>Medieval game.
>Faggy ass modern haircuts, perfectly styled and kept, not greasy messy helm hair.
Fucking Dropped.
I was thinking about taking up reading as a hobby but I don't know where to start
Name one game that accounts for that. In any setting.
I come here for the banter not the video games.
None. But how can you call this game historically accurate with these modern hairstyles? I guess the "no niggers" is the only thing huh?
Why are KC:D threads so fucking shit all the time?
How is that a modern hairstyle
Wasn't so bad in TES and older games. I'd rather have hair that plain looks like shit over hair that belongs in a gaybar.
Outside the Sup Forumsbait the actual gameplay of KCD is total trash
see, i can find you in every thread :^)
What genre do you like? There's this great collection SF masterworks that I can recommend. I don't think I disliked a single book from that.
>i'm jewish
So I looked at a video of this game, one of those narrated gameplay presentations, and I wondered, can you really play through the game via stealth and persuasion? Seems like you have to bust out your medieval fighting moves at some point.
Anyone else think he looks like this guy?
>provably false given that medieval life was a melting pot of different races
Czech republic is like 99% white even in 2018 what the fuck is this retard on about
I'll pirate it to confirm it's the unfinished indie trash I suspect it is. I honestly hope it's great and if I like it I'll buy it. But my expectations are 0
start with the greeks
Tfw steel is heavier than feathers
based beard man might of just made me buy his game.
>People in this thread are still paying for water
I haven't really read a book since I was in college and even then those books were related to my field (medical biology). So any books of any genre really that you want to recommend. I will check them out.
>Falling for jewish tricks
good goy, buy the jew's product
>blatantly taking a quote out of context to make him seem racist
i fucking hate these people
His game was dead the second Sup Forums turned him into a meme
>game only has white people
dropped, white people are so boring and cultureless compared to people of colour
Already did
prove it faggot
>I was born so I instantly must have true/uncorrectable knowledge of
damn, this guy seems like he has a high IQ, game must be good
I make my purchase decisions based on identity politics like a true magapede so which one of these should I believe?
I legitimately don't think my PC can run it
Pretty sure it's a meme since the only reason this game has traction on here is because >le based /myguy/ devs
White people = brown, blond, red hair/blue, green, brown eyes
Black people = black hair/black eyes
Who are the people of colour again?
time to play am i on Sup Forums or facebook
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
That's not why this game will bomb no matter how badly you'll want to scapegoat sjws for that fat kike
white people smell like wet dogs... ewww
[Citation needed]
The hero we need.
>There are people who are unironically shilling this game because one of the devs triggered people who are easy to trigger
Like puppets
Literally been to Prague and the only non-whites I saw were east asian tourists
No probably not. m'lady knights and shit are gay.
>Wot weighs more: the 5 keelograms a bleedin art ova liberal or the 5keelograms a stuburn ass ova conservative?
>Ass rite, the ass, cos an ass es bigga thena art.
>but Enry, 5 keylowgrums es 5 keylowgrums, et don matta ef ets from the tears of social jussiss warrurs or the wails of pullm es steel 5 kellograms
>an ass
I'm not, it's just funny you think that shitty stories are valuable in games, let alone that saying that would be interesting to anyone here. Perhaps Reddit is more your speed.
Gameplay looks awful, anyone who defends it is just a fanboy.
This is not bait either, go watch any gameplay clip that wasnt posted by the devs and youll see.
Data is cheap. Buy a bigger HDD.
In time.
mount&blade combat looks like shit aswell, but felt pretty good If you actually play it urself
what the fuck is wrong with you
movies exist, and let me tell you, they're much more enjoyable than watching people play things you could be playing yourself
You must be fucking autistic or something
Maybe, but probably not. Historical accuracy and details to an autistic degree is nice and all, but the gameplay just really doesn't look particularly fun. More noticeable is that the animations/cutscenes/dialogue is so incredibly underwhelming and stiff. I'm not an elitist on the subject, but it takes you out of the experience when the game jumps straight into the uncanny valley and has worse facial expressions and direction than most games from 15 years ago.
by different "races" maybe he meant different nationalities?
Bohemia was part of the HRE, which included much of germany, poland, france, and italy. It wouldn't be too out of the ordinary to find an italian or even turk in bohemia as a merchant or diplomat.
Already preordered baby
the game goes deep with realism, how does that match normineness? dafuq
Achievements say the major quest line can be completed with only 1 mandatory kill.
wow you actually got serious responses to that comment
the way Sup Forums occassionaly surprises you sometimes
Well hey, that's pretty cool of them
people jumping to fucking assumptions of racism and shit without looking into anything fucking triggers me sometimes, a majority of jews are white so their accussation isnt even coherent
his response was masterful, love that guy
>i'm jewish