Describe your favorite game using a food metaphor
Describe your favorite game using a food metaphor
Whose the porn artist?
>having to scour the entire internet for three different recipes to adapt into the single most delicious cake you've ever eaten
The story is like eating a burger and then vomiting because it has pickles in it.
> implying Sup Forums actual eats
It tastes like shit
water and a few crackers is eating too
>order burger
>bacon is extra
>cheese is extra
Fucking DLC I know that shit is already on the grill
> this is what runescape players actually believe
It’s the most delicious pizza I’ve ever had, but there are only seven slices
Why didnt you order a bacon cheese burger though then
Bloodborne? A game that patched in the dlc for everyone but only let you access those parts after you buy the dlc that unlocks the Eye of a Blood-drunk Hunter?
games are like a box of chocolates.
cover looks pretty but someone already ate half of it and needs you to buy more boxes for more chocloate that are also half empty.
the othet half are the disgusting flavored ones only 1% of ppl like and hype it for altough its utter shit
Maybe I don't want to pay even more for a shit cosmetic and steel case like a faggot
>hey man, I'm ordering pizza, want any?
>order smaller pizza because not fat as fuck
>Hey bro, give me a slice
There's a sunibee videogame?
soylent food bar
I might want to stick it in that donut.
Is this donut cream filled?
It's been so long since I tasted anything at all I don't remember any of it, might as well be taking soylent pills
what does a girls butthole taste like Sup Forums?
Soymilk and 50 yen coins
_ ____ __ ____ ____ _____
I want to fuck that donut
Every souls game does this because you need to see other peoples' dlc items
He's probably talking about capcom's on disk dlc stuff
this but the cake doesn't actually exist
I dont want steel cases let alone dlc you complete dweebus