>people still getting grabbed by ghost in V5 savage

havent played since 4.0, is 4.2 worth resubbing for?

I'd """"quell"""" him if you know what I mean

>Start trying to clear savage this week
>People die on every knockback ghost

I want to kill myself already

Is the same "do the new content for 1 or 2 weeks and then get bored again" as always

Why do you fags keep falling for it?

Missing out on 4.2 cause of MHW. Read up on the last live letter about Eureka but didn't see a release date. Should I assume early March?


Question for 1.0 players/people knowledgeable about that era or the game's story in general. When exactly was it revealed that Dalamud was a prison for Bahamut? The synopsis for 1.0 events on various wikis and shit just talk about things from the current perspective where we know all this stuff. Nael van Darnus knew of it at the time, but was it her plan to just bring down the moon on Eorzea or did she intend to release Bahamut even before her tempering? When did the other major characters and/or the players figure this out? I mean, it would have probably been one hell of a bombshell reveal if it was kept secret until the end of 1.0 cutscene, but I haven't found a timeline of things to confirm that.

As for Byakko, fought the Normal version for the first time today. Have roughly 330 average ilvl right now. Will probably farm more shit with my friends next week.

wait until 4.3

>join "farm" party
>get one good run in, if that
>people start dying to the stupidest shit
>party disbands

I still don't have my Byakko weapon

same here user.
just joined a practice group.
people dont know a lick about the fight.
second tank """""""d/c's"""""""
people drop like diarrhea

o7s is fun

user, why the fuck are you joining a practice group if you're surprised that people don't know anything about the fight. That's literally what a practice group is for.

Clearing parties/Farm parties are what you want if you actually want competent people that know the fight.


>just joined a practice group.
>people dont know a lick about the fight.


AFAIK it was not revealed until the actual end cutscene of 1.X where Dalamud crashes down and Bahamut comes out.

>tfw have everything to create the 370 weapon next week
life is good

Can either spend tomes on BiS or fashion.

>still need to clear o7s

>tfw had my diamond weapon week 1

feels amazing man

Is it worth using Meikyo right after Iaijutsu? It always feels clippy as fuck to me. Also if you just unlocked a sen and Meikyo is 1-2 seconds away from coming off cd, do you prioritize using Meikyo (and risk doing nothing for a second) or keeping the gcd rolling?

It was hinted all along that something was inside Dalamud fucking with Nael's head, but nobody knew what until Bahamut popped out as servers shut down.
>Nael van Darnus knew of it at the time, but was it her plan to just bring down the moon on Eorzea or did she intend to release Bahamut even before her tempering?
She didn't know what was in there, just that Dalamud was manmade and could be controlled. She was tempered 15 years ago along with Cid's dad when they experimented with the Lunar Transmitter at Bozja Citadel.

how's hardcore raiding?
midcore is pretty comfy right now

It was ok. Kind of miss progging ultimate and im looking forward to the next one.

Im not looking forward to having shit to do for the next few months

Alright, thanks for clearing things up for me.

Savage is impossible with pugs

maybe you'll get it in week six LOL

i pugged this tier to neo kefka. could've cleared by now if 99.9% of the population weren't perpetually cockblocked by guardian and 8s PF is a total dead town

i wanna quell his hard cock with my pussy ^_~

>just joined a practice group.
>people dont know a lick about the fight

I want to try savage now that I have 330, but tactic videos are so overwhelming. How do people manage to do this shit with pugs?

Which game tho

>people not skipping the ghost phase by having a WAR completely cheese it

lmaoing at groups who dont have a Warrior.

That feeling when 1.0 story was so much better than the rancid dogshit that is Stormblood MSQ.

hows kefka user, is it harder than exfaust

Probably because they could do whatever the fuck they wanted without worrying too much about it impacting future expansions. I feel like that's the issue with Stormblood in a lot of ways, everything it does feels too safe (with the exception of the music, where they continue to mess around and explore new genres).

Stormblood story is weaker because they had to make it easy to understand for jump potion shitters.

I like Stormblood's MSQ though. It was pretty much just a comfy adventure along the whole way.

it's much more fun and harder. as dps you also actually have more things to do than just sitting on his butt. the binary aoes are pretty mindfucky and catches people off guard a lot. i tend to screw it up too if i'm too tunneled on my rotation. the enrage is pretty tight at the current gear. remember guardian requiring 29.5k to beat in 12.5 minutes? now you have to do 31k in 7 minutes with a fourth of that being downtime. expect to chuck infusions and food and your healers and tanks absolutely have to dps. it's not impossible to beat even if you use meme jobs though; i think a nin can make it go 10 seconds faster than a sam

It was shit and you should feel bad.

No weapon upgrade but I do have the tome and will have i370 weapon in 3 weeks.

You have cleared this already right Sup Forums? u arnt casul right?

The saddest thing is how easy 7s actually is compared to any previous 3rd floor. But the enrage timer is just too strict with everyone's current gear. I guess a big issue is a lot of people who would have normally been stuck on the 2nd fight, got through because of how easy it was.

I feel really bad for the people I keep seeing in PF looking for a 7s clear, they were just like me but I got lucky last night.

Why is it called 05-8s when its sigmascape not omegascape?!

savage with pugs makes me want to rip my hair out

7s is harder than 3s tbqh. Most groups don't even make it to enrage consistently and half of the mechanics are fucked by latency

Because A1-12 stuck and people went to "O" once Sigma was v1-4 again.

I still see some people say v5-8 though.

I found books and animal farm to be way worse than anything 7s has. Everything in 7 is assigned spots and the only true RNG is which tanks/healers get Wind.

>tfw took 6 days to clear Phantom Train in PF
>O6S took me about 3 lockouts in total
>Havent tried o7s because fear being shit as tank and unable to hit the DPS requirement

its okay
I've just accepted i'm a shitter at this point

>going into Rabanastre with two friends, me as SCH and them as MNK and DRG
>our alliance also gets a WAR, a WHM, and three RDMs (wow!)
>friends are tracking damage on fflogs, they keep my pleb PS4 ass up to speed in our voice chat discussion
>after the very first pull it's incredibly apparent that our WAR fucking sucks, he's doing less damage than me
>even after I mess up and die a few times on Hashmal, he only barely manages to out-damage me for that fight alone
>can't even do the tanking part of his role properly it seems, does weird shit with positioning
>we are very entertained by this and agree he's not worth rezing if he dies
>during the last boss he does die and he just won't get up, maybe all the red mages caught on too
>turns out he seemingly just went afk because his carcass lies there for minutes while everyone still there waits for the loot and dances on the corpse

>implying books and animal farm didn't have assigned spots
What fucked up groups were you running with?

It doesn't help when I try out other stuff as a DPS and see tanks doing dumb shit making me wonder why I didn't go as tank instead.

My static of course!

And now that they've split up I got a 3rd floor clear in the 2nd week instead of 5th.

>too tired to notice Im selling my hq azim the same price as nq azim and sell 90k worth of hqazim 250gil

>that guy who lists materia without the 5th zero

i'm only midcore
i wish

I just did his normal fight blind and thought it was pretty annoying

How much more annoying is his EX version?

What materia do WARs now use?

no problem user, hope you have use for it
sks > crt > det = dh tresh

depends on how often you get targeted by mechanics

>Finish SB main story quest
>Barelt interested in the story updates because SB wasn't as great as HW
>Still subbed for 50 days
>Friend joined the game recently
>Feel obligated to play now
>Whenever I do log in, I do my tria roulette, check my retainers, walk around Limsa and log off

What do? I'm completely burnt out but feel obligated to play.

dont do this its for shitposting only

How the fuck do people fuck up the most simplest shit in Byakko ex?
Never mind knowing where to drop the tornadoes, but dying to fucking SWEEP THE LEG. TWICE.
>be ot
>pick up the tiger
>healers imminently forget that you exist and then promptly die to the ensuing auto-attack right after the cleave and/or white herald


>>healers imminently forget that you exist and then promptly die
I did this once by mistake (the MT was losing health a bunch), and the shame never left me.

1. Do your job.
2. Pray everyone else does theirs.

sounds shitty with pugs

>getting mad over 90k gil
Must suck being poor.

i have like 100m+, I'm just jewish

>30% on O7S
This fight goes from "Oh this is easy" to "What the actual fuck" in a hurry.

>Planes phase 2 is literally phase 1 without missiles
>Ultros phase 2 throws everything at you

why did people call Gordias, Midas, and Creator A1-12

>latency between abandonment partners is slightly different
>100% fail mechanic

This is so dumb

I raid at 160ms get good

The poimt is that you will fail the boss mechanic if you partner has a 100ms latency.,

I don't know i started in Stormblood.

you are silly, the problem is that you and your partner don't have the same ping

>make kill parties with 2-3 FC friends
>people keep fucking up phase 3, with randoms dropping out after a wipe or two
>finally get a full FC plus one crossserver friend run together
>hit enrage once since first run for someone, then kill him smoothly, including getting the tiger below 5%

>O5S is harder than O8S, O7S, and O6S
what were the devs thinking

06s is fun

>It's another "virus prog" PF group where people fail at fucking phase 1 Biblio
>Takes 90% of the tries to reach Virus only to wipe in a second because 6/8 don't know what the fuck to do

Yeah I'll just wait for the welfare gear next patch

I always OT that fight, due to not trusting the other tank. if the tank is good at dps, he can get tunnel vision and fuck up a mechanic. If the tank is bad, he will find a way to ruin the run. Its impressive how many times i had to cast clemency on myself or use fucking hallowed ground due to healers not understanding that the tiger hits harder than fucking Byakko.

With an outlook like that user you'll never get anywhere, gotta keep suffering to eventually hit the end. Life aint easy doing Savage PUGs, the NA raid scene hasn't been good for the health of the PUG scene as it is.

Was subtle hints and such but most XIV players are retarded. Easiest one to spot was Nael using megaflare in 1.0 fight and kept referring to "him"

"""him""", like it mean anything mentioning Nael

Him as in Bahamut since Nael called upon Dalamud's power and started casting megaflare after the first part of the fight.

Also in FF4, the red moon is home to bahamut but like I said, FFXIV players are a bunch of retards who can't catch hints.

I did O1S-O4S every week for months with pugs, but for some reason the fights in this tier are a lot more obnoxious to do with pugs. The pug quality, even in learning groups, was much better in O3S than it currently is in O7S.

>people getting mad over the memory game in the valentines instance
And I thought this community couldn't get any more pathetic.

>tfw want to raid but I'm a DRK main

finally time to level another tank I guess

People got mad over the "match letters to numbers" games for the last anniversary because they "had dyslexia". There's no hope.


DRK is fine.

reminder that "fine" doesn't mean "good" or "fun"

nobody wants drk or sam. get back in your cuck sheds

>a PLD near me demands me to MT as a WAR

You can fuck off anytime.
And no, I don't care that I can use Unchained. If the PLD is doing a 2k parse as OT, he will be the MT for being useless.

>everytime static is trying to explain the mechanic, my attention goes somewhere else because I just don't care

Maybe I should stop playing this boring garbage.