Finished XBC2 and feel like starting a new JRPG. Which one?
Finished XBC2 and feel like starting a new JRPG. Which one?
I liked Bravely more but Radiant Historia is really good so you can't go wrong with either.
Both will make you hungry for more so start with whichever has the better cover first.
Why is the second Bravely cheaper than the first everywhere I go?
Radiant has better story and ending that isn't a cliffhanger, so that one.
Bravely will need you to go into Second right after beating it if you don't want to be stuck with cliffhanger.
Because it's a low budget title that's almost entirely made out of recycled assets for the first game. Most of the bosses and the overworld are literally copypasted from the first game.
Is the new story in Radiant Historia any good?
It's good but not great, also it's literally just the cut content from the original game that they had to scrap due to running out of budget and devtime.
Bravly default if you can stomach that they took out content for american soyboys and soccer moms
play octopath when that comes out because it's like BD
If I haven't played Radiant Historia before what story option should I choose when I start the game?
Contrary to what the game tells you, Perfect is best for both newcommers and oldfags.
Append just puts the new content at the end which is awful because the new content is a lot of quests that are best done spread out, rather than all of them being dumped on you at once which is monotonous as fuck.
tl;dr Perfect
>played the demo to completion already won regular
Just start over, the demo is short as shit and not even 1/50 of the game.
I'm 6 hours in m8 I did all the shit in the main and alternate path
Why even ask a question if you're going to ignore it? Kill yourself.
not the same guy
About Radiant Historia is Europe getting the special edition?
Nope, not even physical, EU is digital only.
Fatlus hates Europe and any self respecting European should pirate their shit for that very reason.
Wait, really? .CIA it is then... Unless it costs 19.99eur or less at launch.
Yes really, also grab the undubbed CIA since it's already on 3DSISO and the dub is awfully low budget and low effort.
Not really. Mostly recycled assets, mission based with little exposition to add to the story.
Pic related
A UK store which ships too Australia has this game for preorder it does not list it as digital only/ download code
they usually do that if its not physical
That's strange, it looks like they're doing a physical release here in Australia.
Maybe something got changed, I remember reading it was digital only, sorry for confusion.
another this site (ozgameshop btw) will list games from Australia as "Australian stock" but my image has a PEGI rating on it.
Bravely Default is a great game with crippling flaws. I'd say it's worth playing but it entirely depends on your ability to deal with having to literally repeat the later half of the game over and over again. At least try the demo out first to see if the core gameplay appeals to you, personally I found it amazing and it's what kept me playing through the repetitive parts of the story
Haven't played Radiant Historia so I can't compare them.
>have a PS4
>can't play all PS3/Vita games on it
>have a Switch
>can't play 3ds games on it
Fucking hacks
Radiant Historia is my pick, though I liked Bravely Default for the most part as well.
I liked Radiant Historia a lot better than Bravely Default tbqh.