New Splinter Cell game incoming

New Splinter Cell game incoming.

thank you for informing us, Ubisoft employee

based shill

I didn't ask for this...

No Irons
No buy

that's not sam and that's not grim

that's ash and some new guy from siege

play along or fuck off

No idiot, this is Thermite and Ash.

I like the guy but god, Ironside dicksuckers are the worst. I hope they make five more games with NuSam just to spite you faggots.

>new guy
He's the most important attack operator.

All military people look the same.

ayo thas raycis dawg

Ah man I miss Splinter Cell. I prithee ubisoft will be careful and give the game the proper gameplay it needs.

Then you're never getting another Splinter Cell game again, no matter how good it is. Ironside's been pretty vocal that he can't do mocap at his age, and mocap is an industry standard now. Johnson did a respectable delivery for his first major role, and like Ironside improved from SC1 to SC:CT, I'd expect Johnson to get better over time if he continues voicing Sam.

>He's the most important attack operator.
laughing jap goblin.jpg

You can have someone doing VA and mocap separately, you fucking retard. The issue is that they have to hire two seperate people. Ubisoft want Soy Fisher to be a James Bond type character.

The problem wasn't Johnson, he didn't miss a beat, the problem was the lack of personality for Sam, he was just an intense military dude, missing that dark humor he should have.

>doing VA and mocap separately
Which is more expensive than one person doing both. If Ironside isn't willing to take a pay cut, or the mocap actor isn't willing to work for less, then it isn't economically possible. Or would you be willing to pay the difference?

Remember that SC1-SC:CT Sam was shaped by Ironside's input, which means that Ironside is willing to push for change rather than leave. So it wouldn't follow that he'd leave over new writing he disagreed with, since he'd stayed in the past.

>Then you're never getting another Splinter Cell game again

Aww fuck yeah, love me some Splinter Cell.

No Michael iron side no buy simple as that.

Fuck you asshole, I actually got hyped.

I hope not, it's going to suck anyway

But Blacklist was good.

Can Hibana make a BIG FUCKING HOLE? I don’t think so.

>Not gonna play a game because of voice acting.
Why are you even into games?

There's no humour in new Sam, no cynical veteran who isn't afraid to crack a joke here and there. He's just angry all the time and generally unpleasant.

>New character
I hope he's who we play as. Sam should've been left alone to live with Sarah after Conviction

Fuck you weeb.


More Blacklist style, please.
It was a nice change from the hallway simulator of the other ones.
Conviction is still lame

I want the next game to consist of GZ style hubs with multiple objectives.

Hibana a shit

i hope they get a talking dog on the team

Sam unironically needs a pet.