I too thought this game was a stupid fucking meme game

I too thought this game was a stupid fucking meme game
Then I finally played it
Did Neutral and True Pacifist in the same day
Genuinely great fucking game. One of the few games that has characters actually worth caring about. Other than Dragon Quest V it's the only game that's made me tear up.
I will never do a genocide run. Couldn't bring myself to do it.
The battle system is pretty neat too, and the neutral run ending was just something else man
Probably one of my favorite games of all time, and I literally just finished playing it.
It didn't deserve the fanbase it got. In fact I have no idea how it got the fanbase it got, other than the goats looking a tad furbait-ish. It absolutely didn't deserve it.

ok thanks for the blog now go back to tumblr where you came from

why would you not do a genocide run, its the only way to really beat the game 100%

>Turn based pixel hunt dialogue box simulator
Yawn. I'd rather watch a playthrough of it or read the wiki. I got bored as fuck playing this, sure the music and dialogue is great and shit but damn I hate that turn based no skill bullshit. It's sloe as fuck too

I was like you
Just try it it's legitimately fucking good
The only thing I disliked was the sprite rotation

I never said i hate it im tired of seeing it

it belongs in tumblr

It was okay. That's it. It has a good soundtrack and tumblr-tier writing. Le epic skeleton meme and muh feels don't make this the greatest game of all time.

Some of the bullet patterns are kinda hard
Muffet and Mettaton EX especially gave me a hard time
Sadly the REALLY hard shit in the neutral/pacifist route has cop-out shit like save states and literally being unable to die
Also the game's like 5 hours long that's fast as fuck for an RPG
not worth it for me

It was a pretty good game. Its a shame it was ruined by meme culture and shit posting

I don't really go on tumblr except for porn but I thought the dialogue was really good
I mean, it's funny without being cringy. In my opinion. Minimal pop culture references, no social justice shit besides one lesbian couple which isn't really emphasised

It was pretty good desu and I'm glad it was tremendously financially and culturally successful

I'm glad it was financially successful but the cultural effect might have been more bad than good
I dunno. Maybe I'm overplaying how shitty the fanbase is. Like, look at the Youtube comments on a Touhou OST video. Same cringy kids.

There's a lot to the Genocide run, it changes the story pretty significantly.

There's also an easter egg at the end of the Pacifist run if you do a Genocide run before it.

Congrats you realized you have to be a complete fucktard to listen to Sup Forums.

Meh, "people I don't like this this I like" is kind of a silly sentiment to me, I'm just glad other people enjoyed it.

It was mostly just observation of the fanbase that put me off
I was aware of this game and had it installed since the beginning
I had it on my backlog kinda putting it off like I do with most games on my backlog but watching the fanbase grow into what it is made me put it off more
Kinda dumb I know but the fanbase does egfect your perception of a game, whether it's justified or not
Then I decided today to finally say fuck it and play it and I had a great time

Play the Genocide run and go all the way to the fight with Sans, beat the fight and then reset the game/stop playing. Watch the finale on YouTube or stg.
That's the best way to experience the game, imo.

I did the same a week ago, bought it in a sale, finished the neutral and pacifist route and really enjoyed it.

I played it once and did a pacifist run but now I have absolutely zero desire to ever play it again

Was emotionally draining

10/10 soundtrack even if it's ripped off

>Did Neutral and True Pacifist in the same day

>Did Neutral and True Pacifist in the same day

Pssh, try Neutral, Pacificist, Genocide, then Pacifist all in one day.

>still no nude mod
What a shitty """""""""""game"""""""""""""""""

pacifist on its own is decent but genocide is what really makes the whole game work. you're missing a lot if you skip it

With hips like that I'm a bit surprised Asriel's a boy.
A girl with those hips would be very nice!

That's gay tho

I'm going to L E S B I A N the gote and nobody can stop me!

I'd rather just watch someone else do it or read up on it
I know these characters aren't real but it still would just kill me to kill them
Especially Papyrus

that makes you just as bad

>I would rather not play the most fun parts the game has to offer
I forgot I was on Sup Forums

All right lads.
Tell me where to find more stuff for my %playername% folder.

I know of Sankaku, e621, gelbooru, pixiv, and rule34.xxx
Where else?
Loli/Shota ban.
>Google Images
Literally just feeds me Pixiv.
Lol no.

You got sort of lucky.

I was REALLY sceptical about undertale when Sup Forums was hyping it's beta, and then on release. All the random babble I heard about it made it look like another generic jrpg with shitty plot, that panders to animufags, and "cute waifus". Yeah, fanbase at that time kinda didnt make it better.

But one day I've seen it on the list of one reviewer, whose opinion I actually trust, and decided to play the game (not watching the actual review). Still was sceptical. And all my expectations were busted.

This game works best, when you dont expect much of it. When you think it's gonna be shitty, when you think it's gonna be dumb, or generic, or casual. It gives Undertale a lot of room to break you, to subvert every single idea you have about it. This constant surprise, this awe, is a big part of Undertale, I think.

I kind of understand all these people who had tried the game, and disliked it. I've talked to some of them, learned how their experience went. Most of them made a mistake of listening to a lot of praise to the game, before actually playing it. They had expected Undertale to be something grand and glorious, it's dialogue to touching from the very first sentence, every joke to be eternal comedy gold, you know, people talk about that game in this exact way. But Undertale is quieter. Softer. It grabs you slowly, only reaching peak at the very end. So, it's not that surprising, all these people got disappointed.

>People still talk about this
Jesus fuck, let it die already.

And dont listen to these fucks, genocide is good from the literary standpoint, and it has some very strong feels stored in it, however, it's a statement. The whole genocide is built upon the premise that you are a bored fuck, that you cant hold yourself from killing all your friends, just because 'you want to see all of the content' or 'you want to complete the game'. If you are not that kind of person, then congratulations, you've won genocide.

>no social justice shit besides one lesbian couple

If you think that's social justice-y, you'll want to stay away from this game! It's social justice as fuck!

This board still has constant New Vehas threads

Undertale is the best game of all time. It had won the award. Why would people stop talking about the best game of all time?

I think Undertale's success is just beyond bizarre to me. I remember right when it hit Kickstarter that time everyone made fun of it for furry trash.

And look at it now. I bought it.. Had fun with it for what it's worth but it's far from masterpiece. It was like a small little fun game and I moved on.

I don't actually care about homos in games but /vpol/ does so I thought I would mention it

Prime fap material desu

If you're too much of a pussy to look up DeviantArt pics, you don't deserve pics.
Just order them by "Popular of all time" and scroll past the shit and you're good.

>In fact I have no idea how it got the fanbase it got
Furry fandom glommed on to it. And then you mix that with feelsfags, and you have a dangerous concoction.

Well at least this is good for a laugh. Thanks user.

Best of luck, dude.

vpol here.
Got better things to focus on.
Undertale clearly isn't meant to represent reality, so any ideas it pushes don't really push them on IRL.
Better to focus on the games that are actually pushing a subversive narrative or false statements about the world we live in.

For instance, have you heard that OUR ANCESTORS WERE ROYALTY for the fifth fucking time this week and it's still only monday? Or how expression of dissenting views honestly deserves punishment, and that pesky "right to free speech" thing is immoral and stands in the way of justice?

Ah screw it, I'll go back.

It was merely okay.
At best.

Who else a cool contrarian in here, a person who is just too smart to enjoy stuff like this and thus is better than you normies, whose emotions fool you into liking games like these?

Don't worry those are just fake emotions that you've been brainwashed into thinking you feel, you aren't actually feeling them.
You don't actually like the game, you artificially like the game.