I wish.
How dare you speak to me.
this whole flamethrower thing is super annoying.
It's literally not a flamethrower, it's a butane torch with a pistol grip and stock. Beyond the fact that it's not a flamethrower, flamethrowers aren't designed to be shouldered.
Market it well enough and you can get money from any retard
It would be super irresponsible to sell actual flamethrowers to people. The whole thing is simply a joke, it's not supposed to be an actual serious product.
Musk is literally plebbit: the businessman
new commercial flamethrowers are manufactured and sold, actively used for agriculture work.
I believe the US laws are less strict than actual firearms, if you take it by a state-by-state basis.
>Elon Musk: "the better videogames and computers are, the more likely we're all living in the matrix dude!!!!!!"
>Flat Earther: "the better CG is, the more likely NASA is fabricating CG images of the earth"
Why do ALL globelovers act like this?
>flat earth
>not giant ice ball
I hate this bob page cunt. Cheering for him will just hasten the death of NASA
Got anymore of these retarded theories?
Flat earth is pretty much confirmed by now though, you'd have to be blind to not be able to see it.
You americans are crazy, however I meant that it would be pretty dangerous to hype up actual flamethrowers for a meme, you just know people would get hurt.
>even Elon Musk is happy that he's not Randy Pitchford
>all that space footage is faked!
>here, have these stupid images I made up, this'll prove my autistic theory!
I know you're taking the piss, but there are people out there that actually believe this and it's quite frankly incredible how stupid they can be.
Where's that tweet of someone posting a PUBG screenshot and everyone believing it's proof that the earth is flat?
If the earth is round, how does it stay on the back of the elephants without rolling off?
Keep dreaming globelover
>but galaxies are flat discs, if gravity makes the globe shape why aren't there globe galaxies?
I'd legitimately forgive Elon for being a thin skinned faggot who sues everyone and everything that insults his Tesla Waifu if he did that.
it's not a fucking flamethrower, it's a propane torch. you can buy the same thing from harbor frieght for 40 bucks just not in the shape of a gun. looks more like tf2 flamethrower. i've got one in the corner of my room.
Pics or didn't happen
something to do with gas particle interactions in the formation of galaxies
still waiting for the mass conspiracy reveal, personally.
>galaxies are flat
You need to account for 4-D space
Just play Blinx on the Xbox.
this is what I use to smoke weed, do you think Elon's flamethrower would be better?
>possibly hollow
>You americans are crazy
they're used everywhere and it's very easy to make a homemade flamethrower if they dont
flamethrowers are not very deadly compared to guns outside of specific circumstances
Europeans literally have debates over butter knives. Just ignore them, they've been nanny-stated to death.
I mean, all you need is a lighter and a can of deodorant and you've got a makeshift flamethrower. One that would properly explode in your hand but still.
I thought that was a dick pump for a second and thought you had some mad WEED LMAO strats.
los creaturos di abomanacion
that's the uk not europe
There's a reason why they're calling it the "not a flamethrower", the flames don't extend long enough to actually be considered a flamethrower so you can get away with buying one without a permit
just because brexit happened you can't just wash that shit off. You're clinging onto nostalgia for colonialism when the UK was meaningfully different than say the French or literally any other Western European trade nation.
UK is not EUROPE
>the flames don't extend long enough to actually be considered a flamethrower
I see you don't know what a flamethrower is
you literally don't need a permit for a flamethrower except in 2 states. It's just a normal object, like your computer or your fleshlight.
It is.
>UK was meaningfully different than say the French or literally any other Western European trade nation.
it still is
Well, randy pitchfork is more charismatic. Elon Musk comes off as weird in this situation. I can't tell if it's ironic, which would be a stretch. Or serious, which would be uncomfortable and disgusting.
nope :^)
I can't win at an easy Bingo.
Good, NASA is doing fuckall these days, applying tons of researchers that make no progress whatsoever aside from very few active teams. Waste of fucking money they already barely have, research based agencies and lack of competition from businesses are what killing the industry.
I don't like Elon, but you can't deny that SpaceX made significant progress in lowering the costs of payloads. For now it's not commercially viable since space is not something many enterprises are interested in. Your grocery store isn't running to SpaceX to launch a satellite and neither are 99.99% of the other companies that can, but don't need to. It doesn't matter that it runs on subsidies, of course it does, every space agency does. What matters is the fact that they are applying money much more efficiently than other space agencies.
>Waste of fucking money
all space travel is a waste of money. It's more economically viable to settle the ocean floor than it is to settle Mars
Idc about this forced shit.
you could try to learn code NOW and then give up 1 minute later
and you could spend an hour at Sup Forums
"2000 people working at CERN all smarter than Elon Musk" - Terry A. Davis
you're retarded
Just watch Pewds the other will come naturally soon after.
not an argument
>How dare you speak to me
Fucking classic.
Read the fucking post to the end before answering to me, you fuckhead. You know what I mean, I was talking about efficiency over immediate economic viability. Space is not something that can be immediately economically viable and probably won't be for decades if not centuries. What matters for companies now is the near future fight for the dominance while they still can, so they will be able to enjoy the space benefits long into the the future.
What's up with billionaires shitposting on Twitter?
I wrote an argument then decided it was a waste of time and replaced it with "you're retarded" instead.
>you literally don't need a permit for a flamethrower except in 2 states. It's just a normal object, like your computer or your fleshlight.
Well today I learned there's almost no laws against them in the us, thanks
He is a business man, not a scientist. People under him are smart, he is just good at self promotion.
cose but no dice