I'm looking for something where you either manage a relatively small group of people or several medium sized groups. Pic definitely related, something akin to those games would be dope, especially in some historical setting (not necessary tho).
Hard West is the best by far. Zero random. The rest of that list image is just RNG dice roll games.
Daniel Rivera
Play Expeditions Conquistador if you havent
Colton Hughes
Are there any other turn based games where you can actually build your characters from the ground up and maybe even affect their personality/story, like in Divinity?
And are there turn based games with interesting base building UNLIKE Xcom, where it's just rudimentary shit?
Evan Wright
Mordheim: City of the Damned
Andrew Collins
James Scott
Of the ones I've posted, I think that Hard West and Renowned Explorers are the best even though they use RNG a lot too.
I have, I've started with it and then moved on to the viking one.
Interested in this too
Jayden Thomas
I'm going to presume you've played the obvious shit like Divinity 1/2 and Wasteland?
Elijah Lee
Original X-Com (and its endless supply of mods) Jagged Alliance 1.13 Silent Storm Banner Saga
Lucas Adams
I actually haven't played Divinity, something keeps telling me to stay away from it idk.
Anyone tried this game yet? Been wondering about it for a while.
Jeremiah Long
Voidspire Tactics Best TRPG I have played in ages.
Kayden Walker
It is ok but is a gay sex VNovel basically
Oliver Russell
Dungeon Siege isn't turn-based, but if you have ever wanted to play a game that perfectly encapsulates the feeling of going on a D&D campaign or a journey similar to Lord of the Rings it can't be beat. Just pirate it and look at the mods available. Steam version is broke. I can't remember what the mod's called but it lets you move faster out of combat so the game isn't too slow because there's 0 fast travel but also 0 loading screens.
Brandon Morris
Combat is nice, but I personally don't like the mechanics. Besides combat, there's fuck all to do. Pirate and see if it's your cup of tea.
Adam Brown
>port of a dice based board game >RNG dice roll games I donno man, you sure?
Isaiah Perez
I've seen Accursed Farms' review on it, I don't think I'd enjoy.
Nathan Jones
Tyler Hughes
I've played it. It's alright. I feel that the stuff actually in the game is pretty good, but I just wish there was more to the game. The only enemies are other humans, orcs, goblins, undead, and a few supernatural creatures. Even though the enemies all fight differently it still didn't feel that there was enough variety.
Kayden James
I can usually play any game from any era with any art style... But this shit feels so wrong to me, I can't even look at the still pictures without turning away.
James Stewart
Oliver Brooks
Exit Fate, free RPG Maker game. One of the best on the engine. Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but it is turn based.
Lucas Cruz
Open xcom with the mods you like the most Toee modded Wizardry 8 Both DivOS
Andrew Gutierrez
misleading pic
Isaac Anderson
Am I allowed to say XCOM 2 with the War of the Chosen expansion
Jayden Smith
- without getting bombarded by "nu-COM" replies
Jaxson Nguyen
Nothing wrong with enjoying bad games.
It is not really tactics if 90% of the game is ensuring the computer does not get to take a turn.
Brody Roberts
Is X-Com 2 really like that?
Camden Powell
>no one streams JA2. >too much of a shitter to play it, since Win10 Compatability sucks.
Anthony Campbell
haha haha
Wyatt Perez
Ya. It is all about ambushing pods and ensuring they don't get to take actions. They added a mission timer to the game to try and force you to move faster but that just forces you to trigger pods sooner and roll the dice on non-perfect ambushes.
If you fail too kill the pod with your opening overwatch shots then you just drop a grenade on them.
Anthony Anderson
showdown is unironically great
Parker Rivera
Jaxon Adams
If you want mass appeal, XCOM2+WotC cannot be beat. If you want actual tactical depth, Mordheim > all.
Ethan Turner
Taking any hits is a huge loss since even 1 HP can be weeks in recovery. There is a decent chance for crit insta kills on anyone not in full cover. Turns spent fighting are turns not spent working on the map objective so fighting is a waste of time really.
The game only rewards you for cleaning pods before they act and massively punishes you in anyway it can for letting them act.
Aiden Cox
Invisible Inc is pretty dope
Noah Reyes
This: It's a kinda harder to get into than other games and it's extremely RNG-dependent (though not quite as much as Blood Bowl), but it's pretty satisfying once you git gud.
Brody Jenkins
>Are there any online turn-based games btw? There's Shadowrun Online (aka Boston Lockdown), but it's not great and probably pretty dead by now.
There are also Dofus and Wakfu (two very similar games by the same developer), but while they're quite fun to play they're balanced by retards and a true grinding nightmare.
James James
I really liked Warhammer 40K Rites of War; it's supposed to be a clone of Panzer General 2. And Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate is a good game with similar combat to X-Com.
Jacob Morris
It was too hard for me, this is coming from someone who's beaten xcom 2 on legendary. The rng is much harsher and harder to mitigate, it feels impossible to keep everyone alive in some fights. Plus yeah the randomly generated content gets stale quite fast. Imagine vanilla mount and blade but even more bare
Isaac Foster
I only like turn based games that heavily involve rng desu
Eli Myers
Why shouldn't a game reward you for quickly dispatching the enemies
Anthony Gonzalez
It makes most of the game play pointless if the game is just Sniper Ambush Simulator.
Ian Bennett
>it feels impossible to keep everyone alive in some fights That's kind of the point though.
The peasants, beggars and other shitters you hire early on because they're cheap won't hold a candle to the elite guys you'll be able to afford later on even with a few levels under their belt, so you're meant to take losses and gradually replace the with better troops.
It's not nu-XCOM where you're practically encouraged to savescum your way through everything like the casual you are.
Oliver Watson
There is also Atlas Reactor, which has an arena-style combat with characters using their own skills to shake things up.
Jaxson Allen
Came here to post this
Blake Flores
Depends on how you play, but he's right in that hands-down the most efficient way to play the game is to make sure you can kill everything that pops up before they get a shot off. Alpha striking is a huge deal in XCOM 2 due to how the pod system and the turn limits work.
That said, if you're not shit at videogames you can make do without better everything on alpha strikes and the turn limit isn't even an issue unless you're shit. War of the Chosen even added options to increase the turn limits to retardedly high values and to double enemy HP so alpha striking is no longer a realistic option in every situation, so there's definitely no reason to ruin the game for yourself by always playing in the safest, most efficient way.
David Sanchez
>rance series is finally getting translated into english
What a time to be alive
Aaron Myers
Or you could not be a loser and just roll with the punches by not savescumming
Luis Parker
we'll be long gone once rance 10 hits the official English release
Jacob Gonzalez
The UI and characters remind me of my mundane work.
Jeremiah Phillips
my goty desu sadly, art style sucks
Jeremiah Smith
Yeah that's what I didn't like, how the combat is set up so you're basically going to lose someone and there's not much you can do to stop it. Your guys are going to be trading dozens of blows over the course of a battle, it only takes a few unlucky crits out of the dozens of dice rolls then one of your men ends up dead. I get that most people don't like how you can kill enemy pods in one turn in xcom, but I prefer being able to avoid the possibility of damage entirely through planning to the way battle brothers does things.
Joseph Morris
Anyone here play Pit People? It seems pretty cool, and Behemoth games are generally a good time, but it's a new genre for them so I'm wondering if it's actually as good as the reviews it's been getting.
Cameron Jackson
I agree and I always play on Iron Man mode myself, but modern XCOM isn't really built for making big comebacks after a serious loss. With the smaller squad sizes it's harder to level characters outside your main squad and the enemies don't hold back when your entire alpha team is out of commission. You can't really just decide to do easy missions for a while because terror/retaliation missions will keep happening and in WotC you also get those extra events on top of that. It can definitely be done, but it's obviously not something that's part of the game design.
In Battle Brothers, it is explicitly part of the game design. Not only does the larger quad size and the ability to take easy missions or even not take any missions and just hunt bandits, wolves or goblins for a while to get XP, but characters also have a sense of built-in obsolescence where it's not a big deal to lose Cedric the Farm Hand because it means you can fill his spot in the lineup with Manfred the Swordmaster. The only time where you can't just sit back are during the endgame events, and even then one of them (the nobles war) doesn't negatively affect you if you choose not to take part in it.
Chase Cook
I've heard of it but I'm offended and triggered by that obnoxious art style so I can't play it. It looks like a free flash game except even cheaper somehow.
Sebastian Thompson
> Just stick through the early game long enough to get more movement/attacks/skills on your dudes and it opens up wonderfully
James Foster
Looks like the tooth and tail of turn based strategy
Ryan Powell
>>too much of a shitter to play it, since Win10 Compatability sucks. ja2-stracciatella.github.io/ You have no excuse now.
Angel Barnes
I tried Atlas Reactor once but back then you could only play a few characters for free, idk if they changed that?
I haven't but I wanna try it, seems fun
Grayson Price
Last Steam Sale someone posted this image with games of that genre and I saved it It was outdated at the time and a lot of the games have already been mentioned, but maybe it will give you some ideas user had things to say about the games I asked him about (the ones I thought were dogshit through word of mouth) and apparently he actually played and found redeeming qualities in all of them
Brody Morris
Is Mordheim similar to Of Orcs and Men? I played that one and it was alright but it was definitely lacking in several departments.
This looks cool
Isaiah King
Isnt orcs and men an action RPG?
Bentley Price
>Jagged Alliance 2 Can someone explain what kind of tactics I'm supposed to use in this game? I've started playing it a bunch of times, then when I get into gunfights my accuracy is so bad that I hit maybe 10% of shots (this is after going prone and taking the aimed shot that uses most TU). Seems like the only way to hit things reliably is to get right up next to the enemy, so am I supposed to move closer while they're trying to kill me and then shoot or what? Last time I played I got past that gunfight where you have to fight 30 guys, then they sent another few dozen and I uninstalled
Leo Allen
I don't know what to call it actually, some sort of real time pause thingy.
Nathaniel Young
>Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown Kinda shit, especially compared to the singleplayer Shadowrun games. Also a dead multiplayer (pseudo-MMO) game.
>Expeditions Conquistador A little rough around the edges, but pretty good.
>Battle Brothers Hard as balls and pretty repetitive, but good.
>Battletech Looks great, but it's early access.
>Legends of Eisenwald It's shit. The Blood of November expansion is especially bad, with garbage story that's entirely about modern politics (in a medieval fantasy game!).
>Expeditions Viking Better than Conquistador IMO. It's more of a "proper" RPG than Conquistador as well, for better or worse.
>Xenonauts I dislike the art style, but if you want something that's more like X-Com than XCOM, this is it.
>Necromunda It's not even out yet.
>Hard West Interesting combat system and setting, but not a good game and with an awfully disjointed story.
>Mordheim - City of the Damned One of the most in-depth games on the list (mechanically anyway), but very repetitive and prone to absolute RNG-fuckery. Also has one of my most hated levels in the entire genre (FUCK the library). If you think you're hardcore about strategy RPGs, this is for you.
>XCOM If you don't know about these already, you're not actually a fan of strategy RPGs. Good entry-level titles though.
>Phoenix Point Looks like XCOM/XCOM2 except better, but it's not even out so who knows.
>Dungeon Rats Haven't played it yet, but AFAIK this is just the battle system from Age of Decadence with all the story and shit stripped out. Which is okay but not too interesting.
>Space Hulk Haven't played it yet.
>XCOM2 It's XCOM except bigger and better, though it keeps many of the same flaws. Casuals will cry over turn limits but they're really not that bad.
>Xenonauts 2 Who knows?
>Banner Saga 1/2/3 Good games, though the battle system takes some getting used to and will piss off some people by how it punishes you for using common SRPG tactics like focusing fire.
Brody Brooks
Dungeon Rats is hard as fuck
Kayden Williams
You could have left out the ones you didn't play or aren't released yet you know
Leo Price
wesnoth.org/ its free and fun. No pay gates at all.
Camden Edwards
Sort of? Your units have a set amount of movement pips/tokens and a speed that determines how large one pip is in a circle. Your movement for the character is real time and if you want to charge directions you just return to the center of a previous circle and your pips are restored, interacting with objects(or getting shot. or walking into a trap) effectively starts your movement turn over with any remaining movement pips you have left. When youre out of movement and unable to charge, you can set an ambush(your unit will wait and charge the first enemy that appears within one pip of movement) and then you do the same for the next character in intiative
Zachary Martinez
>Breach & Clear Simple but pretty fun. Feels like a game mean for tablets but plays fine on PC.
>Blackguards 1/2 Based on the (in my opinion) extremely shitty Das Schwarze Auge RPG (basically a bad German D&D ripoff), Blackguards has a pretty nice level of difficulty and the combat isn't even that bad compared to garbage like Drakensang, but the shit characters and even shitter story get really annoying. BG2 is just more of the same and doesn't add anything noteworthy.
>Divinity Original Sin 1/2 There's not really any point in playing the first game at this time because the second is better in almost every way and the stories are almost entirely unconnected anyway. Definitely not without its flaws, DOS2 is one of the best RPGs in recent memories, but the heavy RPG/story elements will try the patience of someone who's looking for a pure SRPG experience.
>Invisible Inc Mechanically simple, but has quite a bit of strategic depth. A funn little game, for sure.
>Frozen Synapse The simultaneous turn-based system isn't everyone's cup of team, but I really enjoyed the tactical challenges this game offered.
>Chaos Reborn A multiplayer game, and not a terribly interesting one IMO. It felt too sterile and uninspired for me to really get into it.
>Warmachine Tactics It's not that the game itself is really bad, but the clunky mechanics and interface, as well as the garbage presentation, just make it not fun to play.
Dylan Green
>Is Mordheim similar to Of Orcs and Men? No. Not even slightly.
He means Of Orcs and Men. Which is kinda pseudo-real time like the old Neverwinter Nights games where the gameplay is real time with pause while you can tell there's still something like abstract turns happening under the hood.
Carter Brooks
Noah Cox
>there will never be a sequel Why is the world so cruel
Josiah Parker
Honestly, all of mordheims story missions are fucking miserable
>game emphasizes tactics through high lethality and no healing, threatening death and almost ensuring permanent disfigurement of killed troops >How do we make story missions different? I know! Lets throw infinitely respawning enemies and invincible bosses at the player!
Blake Cook
Yeah but at least most of the other mission locations don't add a clusterfuck of different levels connected by criss-crossing teleporters on top of that bullshit.
I'd rather trudge through skaven tunnels all day than do another Library run. And since the game loves reusing assets, you can't really avoid the Library no matter what path you pick.
Caleb Fisher
It's been a while since I've played it, but I remember later-game weapons being reasonably accurate. And yeah, at the start you have to flank and shoot them close up. Also the 30 men counterattack can be turned off in 1.13, and it's one of the things noobs should do.
Isaac Roberts
You're supposed to use terrain and buildings to your advantage whenever possible. If you're just moving around in the open, you're gonna get fucked.
William Morris
soooo Darkest Dungeon?
Thomas Nguyen
>darkest dungeons lacks healing and has infinitely respawning enemies
Did you even try.
Cameron Thompson
I've never played any of the Divinity games. Which should I start with?
Christian Smith
Divine Divinity.
There's no harm in just starting with the latest game (Original Sin 2) though, since the stories of most of them are only very loosely connected with decades or even centuries of time passing between titles.
Robert Bell
>it opens up wonderfully Into the chaos dimension where plague demons take away your ability to do damage with corrupting AoE attacks that fill the entire room.
Mordhiem is the only game turnbased game I've played where you need to expect to fail from time to time.
Aiden Kelly
>Mordhiem is the only game turnbased game I've played where you need to expect to fail from time to time. Try Battle Brothers or Darkest Dungeon.
Also Necromunda isn't out yet, but it's literally Mordheim in space.
Jackson Baker
>he doesnt have his own demon to deal with that
Ratlets and humans get out
>darkest dungeon
Pretty much only in the darkest dungeon. Early on the enemies are too wimpy and later on your dudes are so strong you can use champion runs for stress relief
Cameron Moore
>AI has an Impressive on the field >it gets stuck on a doorway and doesn't contribute anything to the battle
Every time. The AI in Mordheim is ridiculously bad.