Why is japan trying so hard to make us pedos?


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Mitsudomoe looks like dogshit

>these legs
you fucking what

But user, nippon is trying to show us the glory of 2D. Not 3D.

>tfw didnt fallen for thicc midgets
must feel gud

I want to FUCK that dumb fatty

Doujins are good, though.

i thought loli haet pizza

its retarded eighter way
they are supposed to be six grade
they look like fucking 6 not 12
fat ass

Chubby is good

Kill yourselves

I am not denying that the girls of Mitsudomoe are meant to look good. But the main stick and appeal of Mitsudomoe is middle school nostalgia not anything sexual.

because little girls are cute
everyone loves cute things

fat pig


She's an idiot she don't know no better

>masturbating to drawings makes you a pedophile
I guess killing video game characters makes me a murderer.

fucking unf, so fleshy

delete this

this is deep

but still people go amok because of shooters
or so they say


wtf I want to fuck kids now?!




14yo is the ideal age for breeding and the peak of a female beauty you cannot refute this

being black makes me a nigger :(

>they look like fucking 6 not 12
That's what we call taking liberties in art direction.

I actually cannot


this doujin was good

tell this the fbi
or better
go into politics and try to make this normal then

Please tell me how liking a used up hollow disgusting 24 year old woman is better than an innocent freeminded cute 14 year old girl (perfect age for marriage)


>draw literal female
>call it male
its retarded and noone asked for it

Oh shit son an mspaint comic

There was one of these for violent video games


Except it seems like a lot of people are asking for exactly that, seeing as how it's so popular.

It was normal for millions of years and I predict it will become normal again in the future, we probably wont be alive to see it though

Who is this "we", faggot?

>rimjob by mother

Yeah, and fapping to traps doesn't make you gay lol

if you can't separate 2D girls from 3D then you might have autism

>inb4 le strawman MSPaint picture
not an argument


it is retarded
some faggots said its not ok around 100 years ago
now subhuman think it is sick
fuck this world man

>not liking getting rimjobs

Pleb. More for me i guess

It's possible to separate both and still be a pedophile though.

name of girl? she's cute

It just makes you a guy that got rused by porn, not necessarly gay, hence why so many men say they are straight but like traps
Now fucking the trap, that is gay as shit. Obviously.

>autistic lolicons are pedos
makes perfect sense tho

please tell me why a 14 year old girl would want a disgusting, washed-up, 24-year old neck beard when they could have a young, virile, 14 dude who could satisfy her for hours

Wtf? It's just a picture of a crying panda

but it does
low bait, try again
did you get from your mother already? nice son

Imagine marrying a virgin 15yo and loving her so much, how happy you would be, how happy she would be
Women used to be happy then the jews poisoned them and took them away from us, now they are nothing but used whores with twisted minds
Just by having 2 sexual partners instead of 1 a woman chances of baing abusive/alcoholic/divorce you/abort increase by 50%

My dick disagrees.

You dont know how women work
They are not men with tits

Daily reminder that if you're browsing this thread in Australia you're going to jail

Nobody that claims they masturbate to traps were tricked by anything, except maybe their first time.

Trapfags know they fap to dick, and some unironically claim it isn't gay.

i am not sure if i should kek or be angry
yes it is a subhuman site by faggots who cant programm a shit since 10 years

looks like degenerated pedo shits are at it again


>Imagine marrying a virgin 15yo and loving her so much, how happy you would be, how happy she would be
I don't about where you live but people under 21 or so years old are not exactly great in terms of maturity and personality
I understand desiring the body of a young girl but going as far as to say you'd marry her seems a bit far fetched, because girls at that age still have the mentality of a kid. You couldn't even have an interesting talk with her unless it was a not-father to not-daughter thing.

yeah, nah, cunt


wtf ? why?

I read the manga yesterday, and almost forgot she was originally a coquettish sadist who was considered the most attractive of the triplets, before she became the fat one.

but thats not how it wor- im stumped...

if i'm attracted to *drawings* of men's dicks but not real life men's dick why should i be considered gay?

is there a /l/ on 2chan?
i cant nip

Not tricked in that sense
It's just that your brain literally gets fooled into liking cocks after you watch porn for too long

Dude, don't even try, there's already legitimate pedos defending fucking kids in this thread.

There is literally nothing wrong with loli

why are you interested in *drawings* of men's dicks?

I was more of a Hitoha fan. She's absolutely gorgeous.

The only reason you don't also fap to real dicks is because you're too afraid to try.

Well yea, if you enjoy shooting people in video games, chances are you're a psychopath with violent tendencies.

pls end this shit

>mfw this thread

I mean, is homosexuality defined by physical interaction with a person of the same sex, or is desire enough to be technically gay?

God damn I miss /l/. The Sup Forums loli threads are trash

pls end yourself


is this fucking /ck/?

>Escape from the Loli train

is there a l on 2chan?
newfag here
what was /l/ like?


Why do people like this shit?

>14 year old boys
>knowing how to satisfy women
This is the funniest post in this thread.

fuck off pedofag

>dude its just a drawing
this makes perfect sense only if Sup Forums isn't assblasted about "politics" in video games


It's called baby fat you shit eating normies

It's a mystery.

still waiting for atte7kusa's newest work to get scanned why the fuck doesn't he do digital uploads god damn hunting down his stuff is hell

It's merely attraction to the same sex, doesn't have to be physical.

Same with pedophilia, but lolifags are too terrified to admit it.


>14 dude who could satisfy her for hours
That said, sholicon and /ss/ are both superior to flat out loli.

reminder all pedos burn

this is the mindset of pedo shits

When I was 16 I made my gf finna cum through playing with her tits alone tbqh but maybe the two year difference is substantial.
