*crossup blanka ball your path*
*crossup blanka ball your path*
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someone post the zagura doujin quick
>V trigger II turns Blanka into Talbain.
when will we get another black or latina character?
i feel like im going to spend a lot of time labbing against this guy bullshit
He looks just as bullshit as SFIV
(which by that I mean he looks very bullshity and I'll get mad at blanka fags just like previous game)
I just need Yun back to complete the cancer
>2 bar genei'jin vtrigger
Of all characters
Why Blanka?
He's a classic
That doesn't mean he's good
I've never met anyone at my locals or IRL that enjoys fighting as or against Blanka
My PTSD is kicking in, pls be low-tier
even if he is low tier its not like your scrubby complaining ass would be able to react to his fake gimmicks and stop you from complaining on twitter/reddit anyways
I fucking loved doing meaty crossup blanka balls on opponent's wakeup all fucking day in SFIV.
Japan loves him and he is Ono’s spirit animal.
Is a costume that changes the silhouette that much okay to have?
At least he looks more fun to play here than he did in IV
I'd give him a try but capcom is jews and fight money takes too long to get
oh my penis is twitching i dont want this though
And maybe 7 or so characters are still being denied some really nice special moves out of some misplaced sense of thinking they were overpowered.
AE did absolute jack shit to stop itself from being hit from the double iceberg of DBZF and Dissidia. MvCI is already taking a public beating and SF5 is barely holding back the hemorrhaging with the slow drip of DLC chars to maintain relevance.
The brand name can only carry SF so far, but hey, number crunchers that rely on tryhard tourney players mumblings on buffs and nerfs day in and out ignores the little guys that know how to make a goddamn difference where it matters most. Never learn, Capcom.
Yes the only time it does not work is when you make it smaller then the base
People still play Street Fighter?
Greenskin best skin.
aztec blanka is lit
All that this tells me is that Cody is next and that makes me happy
Technically, that would be Incan.
falke is next
ignore quilty. he's a financial faggot that talks about industry business shit and never bothers getting involved in metagame.
If you're not shitposting and really don't know what Dissidia is, It's a final fantasy arena combat game.
retard tripfag
god i can already tell he's going to be infuriating to play against online.
all those cross up gimmicks
It's ok, the game is based on luck anywahy, nobody acutally aim the model, they just spam safe moves until something hit
That animation quality is something I'd expect of a low bugdet bollywood movie
Guys, how do I get to gold. It’s the only trophy I need left before I start the grind for the million fight money.
I know what it is, used to play it on my friend's psp. Shame its such a clusterfuck with the UI now, but at least Golbez still looks sick.
play guile and learn how to anti air and jumping hk into throw all the time
you get good
or you choose abigail and hurry since hes getting unplayable due to all the whining next patch
I’m at 3300. Can’t someone just log into my account and get to gold for me?
SFIV was the pinnacle of street fighter artistic direction
sure, give me your account details and I'll do it for you
>Tfw I already got the million FM but Survival is impossible even on hard
I need gold too, but Im not getting the platinum for this
Why does SFV have the most inconsistent art direction. It's fucking Clay Fighter V and the character has a 50/50 of looking decent or total shit.
Luckily, the ole Gief strategy still work. If you poke into a running bear grab, it’ll work 90 percent of the time because the AI always blocks afterward. That’s how I beat my survival on hard. Too bad it doesn’t work online.
What characters do you like? You know, only talking about looks
did he really need a command grab?
Ryu, Bison, Urien, and Gief are the only cool looking dudes. Everyone is either a product of shit modeling or intentionally shit design.
Haha nice, I'll try that. CPU also gets hit by Dahlsim normals but I didn't knew other tricks to get througt all those levels
Awww, I want one.
Gold in what?
it's the last thing he needed lmao
Sounds like you’re just a homo with a thing for buff men.
What about Necalli? He is one of my favorites even if no one chooses him. I also like Alex (my main), Karin and Juri's new boobs. But yeah, most characters are way too muscular or something.
>Why are guys that punch each other so muscular?
SF4 is by far the ugliest entry in the series
>Newfag filter
user, I...
SFxT looks even worse if that counts, take the ugliest part of the SFIV aesthetic and make it even more noticable
He looks as annoying as ever.
I am sure people will be fucking furious about his cross up balls and his most likely quick crush-counter normals.
You know what I mean. They are really exaggerated. Just look at the characters walking in story mode
No one cares about Dissidia NT at all, the worst Dissidia game hands down. It looks nice and that's all it has going for it. How the fuck do you water down a 2 button arena fighter that bad
I liked it