>tfw bought s soytendo switch just for pic related
so, when is it coming out?
Tfw bought s soytendo switch just for pic related
Why would someone buy a console for a game that isn't even out yet?
>being Nintendo soyfag
La atrocidad
is metroid good?
Developed by Bamco Singapore
Its gonna suck ass.
Probably 2019 or 2020. Don't expect any news soon
no it's great
Bamco Japan, according to new rumors
You have to go back
>see Bloodborne
Reminds me that there are people who legit think this things coming out this year
might want to stay up to date on your bullshit rumours
If Prime 4 is good I might actually buy a switch.
Haven't had a console since ps1
Namco is still shit at developing games, faggots.
So if you had a PC this whole time, you would know Prime 1-3 are mediocre compared to most FPS games.
Nobody wants prime 4 for an above mediocre 'fps experience' you silly billy
Prime 2 to 3 were just that
prime 2 is the best metroid game though
>Buying a console for one game before it's even out.
Do you people learn nothing from things like Kingdom Hearts 3, Mega Man Legends 3, or anything else?
add TLG to that list, people bought PS3s for that
didn't care about this game before this week, am loving Prime trilogy right now and hope 4 doesn't shit the bed
This, Metroid Prime is going the way of the Halo Wars series, I hope the next Halo and Metroid spin-offs are games that star their main characters Samus and Master Chief, are third person action adventure games, and play like 2D Metroid and FPS Halo instead of a gimped FPS and RTS.
reminder the best Star Fox in years was by Namco