Remember "Twitch Play's Pokemon"?
it happened 4 years ago to this day
Remember "Twitch Play's Pokemon"?
it happened 4 years ago to this day
who the fuck cares
>we went from praise helix to praise kek
I wanna go back before either of those reddit meme shit religions
It went to shit when he added the Democracy system.
ATV kills dragons
It was a fun time
Did the guy release the software?
the game went literally nowhere without it.
>mfw giovannis gym entrance
they are gonna rerun it in 2 hours
Maybe that should have been the point.
And was more funny, which is what separated the entire concept from watching some fag's let's play
Pretty sure they still managed to beat giovanni's warp tile labyrinth in anarchy mode
I was more into it than I want to admit until Aniversary Crystal but the fucking stream is still going on like fucking why
Everyone I knew who was for democracy was a soyboy. Real chads like me stuck with anarchy because we weren’t trying to making twitch history and tell our friends “OMG I WAS THERE AND HELPED AT THAT PART”.
Fucking hate reddit, they make everything about them.
something something helix fossil
>ruining the fun with the democracy system
literally turned it from an entertaining clusterfuck to an LP on 1/10 speed
>reddit soy and chad all in the same post unironically
end your lfie
That was the entire point behind it in the first place. They even captured a zapdos that way.
I remember but I lost interest in it pretty quickly.
How did they even get through the safari zone? I imagine that must have taken a long time.
It was great out of the box idea. You will never be able to create even remotely comparable feat.
The worst part is they considered it an "accomplishment," when the only real accomplishments were the shit done during the chaos.
It was actually genuinely interesting when it was fighting a chat full of retards trying to go every which direction at once.
Dark Souls was infinitely worse in this regard as they actually claimed it was an achievement when they beat the game... with it pausing every other second so they could enter commands to do. It became a boring let's play that served no purpose at that point. The *only* good part to it was when they died to crestfallen for 9 hours while in chaos.
>Dark Souls was infinitely worse in this regard as they actually claimed it was an achievement when they beat the game... with it pausing every other second so they could enter commands to do.
That annoyed me so much. It was no longer "Can Twitch beat Dark Souls". It was "Can Twitch beat a turn based RPG".
Democracy ruins everything eventually.
It really isn't a "twitch plays" either when it's 2 people in the chat. It's just meaningless
Was giovanni's gym they beat with democracy but when the game switched to anarchy they went out of the gym and did it again?
Are you for real?
It was all about these moments. Moments where thousands of people agreed on a single motherfucking will to win.
The entire point was having a chat full of monkeys and seeing how far they could go, you knob. Democracy was an idiotic idea that got added to pacify the babbies crying for progress and to keep them around for twitchbux.
That was the fucking point. The only rational time to use it would be the safari zone so the game didn’t softlock.
I can't even follow TPP anymore, too much shit going on and too much shit on screen. It looks like an ad to something if I'm being honest
Someone please hold me I need physical contact
*holds you*
Agreed. It ruined the appeal.
Which as Anons have said was the entire point. It was fun to see how far they could go by force of will. Adding the democracy just made it a boring lets play.
That's the point. Given enough time, people would eventually get the right combination of steps to advance. It might take interest to die down so chat slows down enough for it to happen, but it could be done. But noooo, kiddies were too impatient and needed it to finish RIGHT NOW. Throwing in the democracy system ruined this aspect as a social experiment.
*licks your dick*
Wasn't there some butthurt e-celeb that raised the chat with his fans that led to bloody sunday?
Seems like it's been longer.
thanks user
*hugs you*
Why the fuck are you pretending to be me?! That was MY HUG.
Why is it always a manlet?
sc2 was a mistake
just look at scarlett now
it was the one and only time ive ever been on twitch, and it was worth it
the crystal run was pretty good too, but holy fuck they got lucky at whitney and morty, somehow rollout missed twice in a row
it only needed it for safari zone, theres no way in hell that would have been brute forced
everything else was fair game, yes even silph co, they got through it once but accidentally walked back in