"We are trying to appeal to casual players as well as the veteran fans"

>"We are trying to appeal to casual players as well as the veteran fans"

It's like having your cake and eating it.

>We are trying to appeal to a broader audience.
>Game fails miserably and is either hated or forgotten by both groups

Why is she fixing her hair like if she was sucking a dick? why that pose to eat anything that is not dicks?

I need answers

Love how they always made this excuse for the last fucking game in a series.

>"We want the Skyrim audience"

>We are trying to appeal to MOBA players as well as the RTS fans

She doesn't want to get any pizza in her hair on accident. Same reason she's leaning forward, she doesn't want any crumbs or cheese on her costume. It's a very messy looking pizza so its all quite understandable.

>hey I haven't played any of the games in this long-running franchise, is it okay to be retarded and start with this latest entry?

even when it's an obvious lie it's still fucking annoying on all fronts

A product that only caters to people currently using it is a product that is doomed to die. The intent should ALWAYS be to reach out into new markets because it makes perfect sense to do so.

Why are you playing devil's advocate instead of advocating for your own interests?

Right, but if the creators were to choose otherwise then that's okay too.

>dev adds niggers just because to appease to muh diversity and not because story demands it.

>When you try to look smart, but shit out a bunch of retarded pseudo-marketing.

Why can't there just be a difficulty slider for shit like that
>easy is casul shit for the noobs that the company so desperately seems to want
>normal is how the game is supposed to be played and exactly like the old games

>we're cooking a dish for people who like hot and cold food alike

>other races need a reason to exist
>white people are this retarded

>several things done to make MHW more accessible
>several threads on Sup Forums full of people complaining that they can’t figure it out
Capcom tried

>what is context
>shit skins are this retarded


>other races need context to exist and white people don’t
>white people are this retarded

Why can’t niggers make their own games instead of demanding everyone to cater to them? They can make a diversity paradise game where they kill all whites like they desire.


>game made by whites in a country that's majority white and obviously based on white European folklore/history/tradition/culture/customs
>have to include niggers, zipperheads and towelheads for no plausible reason other than the sub-humans start getting butthurt
>shit skins are this retarded

Here's a reason for you: pack your shit and fuck off back to where your dirty ancestors came from and then make your own fucking videogames but that wouldn't be as easy as living off the whitey and complaining about inclusion wouldn't it?

Demanding people cater to you because you’re a certain race is still not as retarded as being triggered at having to look at something that isn’t your race, which only whites do
>he unironically believes in white genocide
Poor whitecuck

>implying majority means overwhelming majority
>implying European culture means everyone will be white
>white people are this fucking braindead

I don’t give a shit what gender or color the characters in a game are if it’s a good game. It’s obnoxious to hear people bitch because god forbid a guy wanted to make a game how he wanted to and didn’t ask the diversity brigade their input.

make your own games and stop demanding other people do the work for you faggot. you people are insane

He's not wrong, the people who say sexuality has to be "relevant to storytelling" are oblivious to the rampant heterosexuality in every medium. Which is not to say that it doesn't make sense that heterosexuality is everywhere, given that most people are heterosexual. But you should at least be aware it exists, and not get triggered when the homos occasionally get acknowledged as existing.

I laugh at the people who demand people I change the game for racial reasons, just as I laugh at the people who get triggered every time they have to look at someone who isn’t white in a game. Both of you groups are the same level of retard in my eyes.

I'm still mad about Supreme Commander 2.

why do you get to demand I add niggers to my game? do they have to add wipipo in their own games? (no, they don't)

Meanwhile your camp will go out and spout #BASED because some developer goes out of his way to not put in "Moors" and purchase a game regardless of how boring or pathetic it is. Fuck off.

Then you're the first who's whining when lesbian devs at blizzard are making autistic niggers characters

>which only whites do
o im laffin
Yes he did imply overwhelming majority (like Europe). Yes European culture does imply everyone will be white, because remember how European culture is inherently white supremacist according to your sociology professor.
>white commies are this fucking braindead


Nigga you can’t read or what? I couldn’t care less if the game is a nigger with blue hair in a wheelchair if it’s a good game. I do care and judge devs who cater to the very, very small minority of crying faggots who are so entitled to think their opinion is worth more than the people who make a game and should have their complaints addressed asap. I don’t know a fucking thing about actually making a game, save for topical departments and what not, so I sure as shit don’t go on twitter and yell when a game I like has something I disagree with. The people that do are mentally unstable as fuck and should be ignored.

the point is that you dicksucking faggots INSIST that we add dicksuckers to our games. why are you pretending there's an equivalency here?

> Nigger in a wheelchair with blue hair.
> Good game.

Pick one.

>Yes European culture does imply everyone will be white
European culture will literally turn 100% of people white. How?

Spotted the retard

i don’t play the game anymore because it got boring fast. it’s their game let them make a billion black lesbians to their hearts desire.

you literally can't reason with a communist. it's not worth it. arm yourselves and prepare to shoot when the revolution finally arrives.

I quoted to clarify that I felt the same and I hate groups who demand games be changed just as much as you.

I mean that’s pretty obvious. I was just making a point that if it’s a good game who cares what they look like. I love the Metroid series and it has a girl in it. People get too wound up in needing to insert themselves in the MC instead of just enjoying it for what it is. Time gets spent on making changes that do not matter whatsoever instead of working on the game and making it better.

why? why do you get to demand that I acknowledge your existence?

how about this: you do not exist. you do not deserve to be acknowledged. you don't deserve anything at all.

Nice generalizing. Different people have different interests, not everyone is a clickbait "journalist". Personally I don't demand that every game have homosexuality (video game romances are generally pretty bad), but having some gays is fine and there's no reason to get triggered over it.

The tweet he was replying to was arguing that sexuality needs to be "relevant for storytelling" which is just fucking stupid as I already explained. It's the definition of a double standard.

Do you even know what communism means or do you hate it because you’re supposed to like Reddit
>inb4 you use this to think I like communism/Reddit

>gaming journalist
>not clickbait

100% is overwhelming majority? Think that's more of a totality.

problem is most games that have gay people in it only have one personality trait and that's they are so fucking gay and need to let you know about it. zero nuance about the whole thing. make a good fucking game with a character who happens to be gay, cool.
issue is that it's pretty clear when a game debuts and shows off something like that, you know they spent an inordinate amount of time on it and the game will usually be shitty.

“Everyone” is a totality.


How is it a demand? Why are you interpreting everything as force? Stop being such a drama queen. If anything I'm pushing against the demand that gays need to have a reason to exist in a story. There doesn't need to be a reason period. Just like there doesn't have to be a particular reason for a character to be heterosexual. Writers can do what they want. It doesn't make their stories any better or any worse. Gearbox and Bioware games would have bad writing regardless of the gay shit.

>reading comprehension

That's a generalization, and there are plenty of straight characters that applies to as well. Again, double standard.

>gay characters have to be "relevant for storytelling" and if they aren't written perfectly they're a reflection of all gay characters everywhere
>straight characters can be absolutely anything, even the most obnoxious fucks imaginable, and they can get away with it

This is kind of like the Galbrush conundrum. Any character that has a quality that's different from the norm is expected to be a perfect representation of that quality. You're not allowed to make imperfect characters because both "sides" will shit on you.

i can count on one hand the amount of times there were good games with gay characters. devs are just retards and dont know how to design good characters.