>"...but the ability for this game to run on the platform at all is impressive."
"...but the ability for this game to run on the platform at all is impressive."
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's a good game, but not a good X game.
>the achievement was a gut-punch of misogyny, and for that the game gets a 3... out of 5
>But the motion blur more than makes up for the lack of 60fps here
>"Hideo Kojima does it again"
>persona 5 is a good game, but not as good as persona 3 and 4
>despite running an average resolution of 600p, with frequent drops to 20fps, and asset quality below minimum settings on PC, this is a remarkable technical achievement and a highly recommended port
That makes me hit the desk
>Despite all the bugs and glitches it is still an amazing game of its genre.
This triggers the brainlet
>The Dark So-
>game from x franchise
>we dont even NEED to look at the game, the franchise is popular so its good!
>Does the game really need to be so hard?
I don't even read reviews anymore
I just look at Sup Forums for the objectively correct opinion
people joke, but I literally wait two months, then post a picture of the boxart with "what went wrong?" and I usually get a pretty well done list of the games pros and cons. hasnt led me astray once
That one is viable if there is a genre shift in a long running series.
you're literally killing this board
that's Sup Forums levels of shitposting
deal with it bitch
This is when Adam Sandler, I mean Sessler took the big hit in the likeablitity department :|
It was hilarious watching and playing The Last of Us and then constantly reading this post.
That game ran like hot garbage and I'm 100% sure it didn't need to, just muh grafix
>you're literally killing this board
>vidya discussion
are you stupid?
Eh, I doubt it, and I don't consider it shitposting. If the game is bad, I get a list of why it's bad. If it's good, I get told so. It's always good to wait a month or two so people can get more solid opinions
Sup Forums is extremely biased. You are literally missing out on several games because marketers weren't being paid to endorse them.
>I just look at Sup Forums for the objectively correct opinion
Oh yes, listen to the shills, goy.
>marketers come here
This was supposed to be the perfect Switch shooter to set the standard for all future switch shooters. God damn it. I went back to Spla2oon so fast.
that's not the point; it's an incredibly trite and overused platitude
Or because the devs or marketing triggers someone, See Subnautica where even before the firing crusading the NO GUNS thing was utterly out of proportion, since it is pretty fucking obvious that the setting is dystopic and not something to aspire to.
The firing itself was bullshit, but the game is definitely worth a pirate and completion now that it is done.
And on the other hand there are games Sup Forums utterly forgets the political connections in and shill freely, like Crypt of the Necrodancer that has direct ties to and giving money to good old Anita, yet even when her hate was at its top people ignored that and never cuckpost or Soypost or do anything like that regarding it or its "Expansion".
Because clearly Sup Forums is one person and/or unanimously agrees on everything
>why does 'x' character HAVE to be (insert minority)
Game """journalism""" makes my blood boil. A random Sup Forums cunt would do a better job than 99% of those hipster faggots
>Why does X have to be (white/straight/male)?
I mean stop playing the ps3 version if you want 60fps you retard
>The game runs better than the muh 4k 120fps niggers will give it credit
>The absolutely blaring sound glitch bethesda refuses to acknowledge is worse than "just a few users" when myself and multiple people I know confirm it happens consistently almost every fucking time
>The even fucking worse menu glitch caused by OTHER GAMES UPDATING which forces you to RESTART THE ENTIRE SWITCH to fix
That game makes me genuinely upset. I loved the PC version and double dipped on the Switch version just because, and got fucked for it. Some day I'll learn.
That's objectively true. P5 starts falling apart once you get to Madarame.
But Sup Forums is always wrong
>If you have any minorities in the game then you're pandering
While these bugs definitely suck, at least a patch for them is confirmed to be in the works.
Only listen to comments with 5+ replies with insults in them. That way you know the guy said the honest truth.
>but it's portable
>but can you use your PS4/Xbox One/PC on the go?
>This game is perfect for Switch
>Labo is innovative
>MHW is not on Switch? Whatever, it's casual trash
>DOOM on Switch is impressive even though it's 612p and drops to 20fps at some times
unironically this.
Sup Forums gives me a better understanding the ins and outs of a game than any review can
>Tricks the menester kids into actually discussing VIDEO GAMES
Kill yourself if you'd rather have waifufag or politicsfags threads on the vee
>This level of extreme violence shouldn’t be considered normal. It's not an excuse to say it’s expected because DOOM. That’s the problem
this got to be bait.
A Sup Forums post is riddiled with curse words, and other emotinally charged language, and is at least 1/10th shorter than a professional review
1/10th as long*
Those are good things.
>demanding a minority character is normal
>demanding a white character is racist
>white male protagonists are not diverse enough and too samey
>black female protagonists who have an afro are diverse and unique
>Getting this triggered
>People who complain about Doomguy being "too Doomguy" in Doom 4 when that's literally been his character since day fucking one
I don't understand how people saying that him punching monitors and being an angry fuck is being "too rip and tear" when the crux of the original game's plot was that he was so much of a red, white, and blue blooded AMERICAN that he killed hell itself for them killing his precious bunny.
>game dev who wants to "kill all men" is brave
>game dev who has conservative views on immigration needs to be fired
>being so triggered at pointing out retarded shit that you point out unrelated retarded shit
People forget the intermission text screens existed
Nobody is triggered but you who keeps responding to his posts and attacking him rather than his posts.
Do you also call people "snowflake" when they argue against something? You seem like that kind of shitposter.
Being a brainlet that can't read doesn't excuse you from ignoring the cheshire grin at the bottom of the screen any time you pick up a new gun
I just look at what the game offers, reflect on whether what is offered is something appeals to me and buy the game based on whether I want to or not. I will never understand why people want a yay or nay from someone when they are capable of making decisions for themselves.
>attacking his posts and attacking him rather than his posts.
You mean like he did
>I-its ok when we do it
Me defending Dark Souls 2 when it came out.
You were wrong, Shit Souls 2 is objectively a bad game
>he did it first!
Literally the argument of a child.
>I disagree with what you said
I mean, to be fair, that's been a valid piece of praise before.
That's why no one makes a decision to check out a game based on a singular post. The idea is seeing the differing opinions and judging the emotional charge behind them as an indicator for how much the posted cares. You read the opinions and then decide on your own if it sounds good or bad.
Professional reviews are basically the same idea but from one long ass shitpost made by someone who probably hates video games anyway.
Fallout 4.
If it was called "Borderlands 3" Sup Forums would even praise it.
>Im triggered and very clearly acting triggered
>Why are you complaining that a game in a series has none of the appeal of the last games in the series
Alright faglords, why not you post what you would consider deserving of praise for being a impressive port despite the technology of the port
>shits on a 6/10 present day game
>recommends 10+ years old game that is straight up worse in every regard
Yeah, I was wrong. I didn't have all the facts and was going on vague feeling.
I just watch gameplay. I don’t let the retard playing’s opinion color mine, but since I play a lot of strategy, what you see is what you get so I can tell from 30 minutes or so of normal gameplay whether I will like a game or not.
Metal Gear Rising.
paper mario starting from super (which would make it the "new" standard)
Getting DOOM to run on 2005 Hardware was pretty impressive, that being said it's not playable.
Give 3 examples.