>all the insiders saying it would be this week
Where is the announcement then. Cant wait for the insiders to be wrong about the direct for the 5th time this year
>all the insiders saying it would be this week
Where is the announcement then. Cant wait for the insiders to be wrong about the direct for the 5th time this year
What? Nobody said it would be February. Idiot. Everyone was saying March. You're remembering wrong. Doofus!
I could see a small announcement happening on valentines day
They would have to be retarded to have a direct on Valentines. All the Nintendo fans will be busy watching their girlfriends getting fucked.
honestly this
Labo was the ND.
See you at E3.
Every Nintendo thread has been filled with retards spouting "IT'S HAPPENING IN FEBRUARY I KNOW IT"
it's too easy
Unironically this
Are you saying the full direct isn't going to happen? Or are you bragging that predictions aren't right 100% of the time? Help me understand why you are so mad right now.
but the tranny said..
>Are you saying the full direct isn't going to happen?
It's not.
>muh patterns!
>It's not.
Stop believing everything you read.
it'll be on the 15th, announced tomorrow
But Markus Sellers is NEVER wrong!!
The Direct will be ready when its ready. In the meantime - theres much to be played on the Switch.
Not bloodborne or mvci. Sit down retard.
metal gear solid 5
fallout 4
battlefield 1
destiny 2
No need to falseflag nintenbro we already won.
Not him but I own a PS4 and those games are shit.
>being a non idort
Uh, I have those on my PC and my Switch gets GOTYs and 97s.
>only one of those games is exclusive
actually kill yourself so(n)ygro
they announce them a day or two out and we're not even halfway through February
LABO was the direct, see you at E3!
>muh souls
>shit multiplat
>shit multiplat
>shit multiplat
>listening to """""insiders"""""
When are people going to learn that insiders are always just trannies who are so desperate for attention that they lie about stupid shit on the internet? You'd have better luck listening to that kid on the playground who says his uncle works for Nintendo.
Its supposed to be this week, they have to announce it tomorrow or Wednesday or the leakers are proven to be fags again
Purseowner port confirmed?