Reminder that A Hat in Time devs are pissed about Odyssey overshadowing their game

>Reminder that A Hat in Time devs are pissed about Odyssey overshadowing their game
>This is the real reason that the game is not coming to Nintendo platforms
>Reminder that other Unreal Engine 3 games can and have come out on Switch



>i-i didn't want to play your game anyway haha
>you're the mad one not me

>Posts the thumbnail first
the absolute state of ninteniggers

>Can you please port Hat in Time to Switch?

Odyssey is a 77/100 game with 10 points of paid reviews and another 10 Nintendo bonus points.

nintendo fags eternally BTFO

>being this scared of a $20 bucks indie game that's barely 12 hrs long
Why are Nintendofans such pecknecks?

Imagine being so angry a video game got a good score you have to lie to yourself.


>I want HiT

Why would nintenkids want to play a pedo game anyway?

>what is splatoon

But user, those are squids, not kids.

I don't care one way or the other because I'm not a console kiddy who feels the need to defend a console with his life because that's all his mom could afford for him. I play everything. Exclusives are good because they help sell things, yeah, but there's no reason why some games shouldn't be on everything.

I understand WHY it can't be done. Porting UE3 is a shitshow on Switch. However, you know eventually some fucking turboautist is going to do it, and the Hat in Time devs will eventually pay said turboautist (or just steal it) and make a huge deal out of "hey guys! it's finally on Switch!", which will just lead to people being mad about how they acted like a bunch of asshurt roasties for people asking them to put it on Switch in the first place.

What the fuck is it with indie devs being retarded and purposely antagonizing people who WANT to give you their money?

Don't forget Ashley.

>being so mad about the game not being released on switch you made this picture and thread to cry about it
absolutely seething

Why would Nintenbros give a shit? HiT is about as relevant as Yukaa Layee after Super Mario Odyssey.


Cant prove that its wrong

>joke about no ethical consumption under capitalism
good thing i pirated your game to keep my moral compass clean

Switchfags are all pedos

Theyre the only one port begging when they already got the oh so great mario

Hat In Time >>>>>>> Odyssey
>Purple currency has no reason to be seperate from Coins
>There are so many moons, they don't feel special when you pick one up
>Most levels in the game are absolute garbage like the Ice, Water, and Lava worlds
>New Donk City is 100/10 but no other level in the game comes close to its level of perfection

Odyssey is good, but HiT is great

This isn't even funny. Just sad. Learn how to meme kid

Can't prove its right

>Hat in Time
>12 hours
Maybe if you speedrun the levels and ignore all the Yarns and Coins.

Mario odyssey has more polish, a Hat in time has more charm. They're both good games.

>wanting to play a hat in time on the odyssey box instead of PC where it has 60fps and doesn't lag when too much shit happens on the screen.
Looking at the other ports of hat in time it's probably for the best it isn't getting put on switch.

You're a pedo

>muh faggy pedophile game that was responsible for some of the worst, most transparent shilling in this board's history

fuck off

shouldnt be a commutard

Loving the shitendoodoo toddlers butthurt.

>rib made as a jab at a neogaf poster
>cucks still think the devs are commies

this triggers the nintendo fag

The levels in HiT range from passable to awful, though. Even the worst levels of Odyssey are better than the best of HiT.

Redditors detected

>It's 2018 and there are still Ice, Water and Lava worlds at all
The spooky forest level in HiT makes my dick hard, it's such good design, when Mario games go back to spooky levels and do them really well, then I'll buy them.

unlike you i dont read neofag
you should go back there
or, as we both know you wont, at least explain the jab

The virgin full image
The chad thumbnail

Seems a lot more likely they just didn't do their homework and bought some middleware that may have promised support, but didn't actually deliver on it.
Game devs have been really bad about this in recent years where UNIX based platforms with new graphics APIs like the Switch are concerned, a lot of middleware is basically Windows-only plus current most popular console which they'll hack together some one-off support for (often from an outside contractor).

Does Mario Odyssey have a Jontron cameo? Didn't think so.


Some fag said that they wouldn't buy the game because of JonTron claiming that it "wouldn't be ethical".

Mecha is a fucking faggot

>Indie developer
Having the possibility to earn more money with your game..
That retarded

If they want to be manchildren I won't stop them
A lot if not most indie games sell a lot better on the Switch, sometimes more than on all other platforms combined. Maybe this will give room for a good and lesser known title



But we did tho

I'd give Mario 3 for body since Nintendo has always been amazing at making their games as polished as possible. A Hat in time I'd give 1 for body. It controls well but it's littered with janky bugs all throughout the game.

I doubt it can even run on the switch, the game barely runs on Xbone and ps4 it's not optimized

>idiot doesn't like jontron
>respond with "but you're not eating the rich right now? interesting! i am very smart."
so the joke fell flat and i'm still not buying your game because it would be less ethical to do so than sending you to the gulag
it's fine, i know you didn't want money for this

Of course not noob. Shitch cant even run minecraft.

>separating cosmetics currency from normal/readily-available currency and takes the place of red coins
>yeah this bugged me
>Shiveria was way too goddamned short, mermaid kingdom sucked but the beach kingdom was 10/10 and a giant-ass Sunshine reference down to what its controllable enemy could do, Luncheon kingdom was probably the least obnoxious lava level I've ever played
>yeah you can tell they put a fuck-ton of effort into New Donk, the others come across as half-baked or underwhelming in comparison
I'm still so fucking mad the Ruined Kingdom wasn't a true level, post-game it got a bit larger just to get my hopes up and then dashed them

Just because you make an image of your opinion it doesn't suddenly make it so that 'it has no soul' will suddenly be a worthwhile argument.

This is Sup Forums, where teenagers use the "mature gamers prefer graphics" argument """ironically""" and console-warring repeats the same handful of ebin meens over and over again thinking it will magically make the thread explode into a TORtanic

having bad graphics doesnt make your game good, you know

>the game barely runs on Xbone and ps4 it's not optimized
If only Game programmers weren't the bottom of the barrel this might not be as big of an issue as it is with pretty much any release.

Pick one

And complaining about bad gwaffix on Sup Forums doesn't make a game bad either


What does this even mean? You could just say odyssey is soulless. Not that HiT has much more.

You've worked yourself into a shoot brotha

I thought the only major UE3 game ported to the switch was rocket league, which was a nightmare to port and played like dogshit.

I don't get it

Mario Odysseys movement is too good. Developers need to take that and use it as the foundation of every platformer yet to be conceived.

Why would you buy a hat in turd when odyssey exists?

There's a reason that companies have professionals in charge of PR. These indie devs are far too invested and take things far too personally.

I played both and enjoyed them equally

>Developers need to take that and use it as the foundation of every platformer yet to be conceived.
If developers took it, Nintensoys would shitpost them to death.

>why would you play this one good game when a similar good game has also been released
Are you only able to play one?

>posts thumbnail first
>can't get the original image out of some gay slideshow
>has to screenshot it
Jesus fucking christ OP are you new to computers

Whats the obsession nin toddlers have with this game? just play it on your damn PC

It's the new standard. There's no excuse.

>le redditor boogeyman

Go back to 9gag or Reddit Mr i know bout memes

t. redditor

I completely agree, it's a shitshow of a twitter. I was tempted to buy it actually but I think I'm gonna pirate it because of the way they're treating people who want to give them money

Some no-name autist got mad he doesn't know how to walk in circles and made a 2 hour video sperging about Odyssey and why he thinks it's bad.

Between being the little girl or being an overweight manlet plumber, think I'm gonna have to be the little girl.


I don't own a switch. I own a PC. Even if I owned a switch, I would play a hat in time because it's cool.


>barely 12 hours long


Huh, I just assumed Odyssey would be like 40hrs because it has 900 moons.

You trip over moons every 3 steps and can literally buy them at the store for coins.


100 of those are from ground pounding glowing spots or just hanging out in the open, 60 more as achievements for "jump x times, collect x moons" and so on

Switch port begging is pretty funny but it's even funnier how the devs are so fucking butthurt that their game got BTFO by Odyssey that they won't put theirs on the Switch.

no matter how much you Nintendies push this fake news it'll never be true

That is some serious delusion.

they literally have no real programmers on their team, they can't hope to port an entire engine over

bing bing wahoo

>HiT sales killed by Odyssey
>why won't you make a Switch port
>j-j-just because, haha
>sobbing in the distance

what really happened:
>we want our early access mario copy on your platform
>Nintendo: nope

Literally what game? Who gives a shit?

t. Sad Nintendocucked gay gay fag

Nothing wrong with wanting to lick a little girls cunny.

it was a shilled to hell game here

I played Hat in Time as an appetizer before Odyssey and it was really good.