Kingdom Come: Deliverance

So here is the world map
1 day left

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Not as big as Skyrim

Doesn't look that big

Not as big as your mom's gaping vag

so it actually coming with a real map again. Awesome. I really miss that

So it's a story driven game or what?


lol. day 1 pirate. thanks again witcher for yet another "RPG" with a shitty premade protagonist

whats the difference between kingdom come and mordhau?

Are they still sticking to the original plan of releasing three games?

it's literally not even as big as morrowind

I just realised that the game will be in english which will mean it will have that awful "englishisation" of slavic names

Kingdom Come will actually be good since Mordhau is just multiplayer shit and only faggots prefer MP over SP.

>he buys physical editions
>in 2018

So this.. is the jewel of the Holy Roman Empire.. woah

>Implying video game RPG's actually exist

Where's the big city? Everything looks like little villages.

>paying for something and not owning it

why would that even matter? will dynasty warriors 9 be better than kcd just because the map is bigger?

Uhh, no? They're the original names.

There isn't any, the game's set in a backwater bodunk hillbilly area of Bohemia.

No, all 3 acts are now one game.

>14 hours
>no pre load

Game of the year
Game of the year
Game of the year

It's not supposed to be, it's about 60 square kilometers.

Sure it doesn't look big, but if it's packed full of shit to do, then it's the perfect size.

What's the appeal of this game? I don't get it.

If the map is too small then we will get the feeling that every town is a stone's throw away from each other.

Neat. My interest is piqued a little.

>implying Holy Roman Empire isn't trash
For spanisfags.
Im hyped but...

There's no way to avoid this. Towns in video games are always too close to eachother because moutbreathers don't want to spend an hour travelling between them.

not as big as skyrim? aren't bethesda's maps usually quite small? at least skyrim and fallout 4 from what I've seen

the combat is shit tho

For me at least it's the historical setting, medieval fantasy is so fucking overdone.

Skyrim and Fallout 4 in theory have large maps but they're very railroaded, in Skyrim almost half the map is impassable mountains and in Fallout 4 half the map is just water.

this game looks like a night mare for me. this guy is doing the same mission over and over again, he cant beat it

my attention span is too small for this shit

Reminder that
>Fallout NV has a shitton of mountains and invisible borders to make the map seem larger than it really is
>so does Skyrim
>Morrowind too has a shitton of mountains
But I guess Morrowind can be excused

KCD map might be smaller,but there will be no invisible borders or large impassable mountains

Maybe he just needs to git gud.

I can assure you that czechs wouldnt name their village pribyslaviTZ or samopeSH

Maybe not modern czechs, but languages change. Or are you actually familiar with the medieval place names and not just guessing?

So this game is just a medievil rpg with you just going around killing people? No monsters and such?

Loli mods when?

>no monsters
>no niggers

Game has no kids at all, unfortunately.

How will this game even be fun without any monsters to kill? Killing the same few looking humans will get boring eventually.

>no monsters
>no children
So what's the appeal to this game, it's just going to be filled with people you can fight and that's it?

Purge mods when? Purge all pedo fags

LOL. Like anyone will play this shit game with DW9 releasing the same day.

It's not a game for you then. Go play some shit like monster hunter world.


Never even heard of that, but I have heard of and will play KC.

I will.

One of the best things about this game,for me, is that it is a pure medieval game,as I'm sick of generic fantasy settings.

die weeb

Neither one of your statements is true tho.

The combat looks...clunky.. to put it mildly. And it seems it's a big part of this game.

I'll wait for more footage/reviews.

>set character with set background and motivations

into ye olde midden heap it goes

Are there at least bears and wolves in hungary? I get the idea behind the game, I still want to play it but slicing up people left and right with no real risk of wildlife seems just about as much fun as playing a musou game slaughtering mooks

Boars only, bears were cut for dumbass reasons just like crossbows.

so it begins

I wonder how many more concessions like this were made and how the game will end up.

They didn't even do all their KS stretch goals (dog companion, female character), no idea if they were just running out of money or what.

Reminder that the AI is terrible and the fights are extremely boring in this game. It's going to be awful and after the first week it will only be played by retarded Europeans who can pretend it's fun.

No monsters, no magic, just kiting the same boring enemies around for hours and hours. Hope you enjoy!

That's what happens when a small studio falls for the open world meme and bites off more than they can chew

>There needs to be big cities for there to have appeal
Urban """people""" are the worst


Not even that excited about the game, but jesus christ what an annoying faggot that guy is.

How convenient.

>implying you can't climb the mountains

Blacksmithing was also in the game but cut, now you play as the son of a blacksmith who can't actually smith anything.

Sasau is fairly large, rightly able to be called a largish town.

keep em coming

Starting to sound an awful lot like it's going to be a very shallow experience.

>Henry was a different kind of boy, instead of smithing he preferred to frolic in the meadows and pick flowers.

I still wanna try it, and I would imagine they're looking to add those stretch goals into the game as free updates, but yeah I wouldn't go preordering this.

i don't see any black ppl


Holy shit, the dev actually commented on the fucking youtube video and said it's a year old build. That's insane. If that build isn't old he's gonna be in some strife.

no it's 4v4 battlearena

>Boars only

they cut deer too? shit, there's like a dozen perks built around animal parts. all wasted

Better wait til day 2, at the least

I'll just do what I do with every hyped game, wait a week after its release and see what everyone actually thinks

I don't know what they were thinking with this one, it makes sense for Henry to be able to make shit since weapon and armor durability is a thing in the game, you need to repair even your clothes, if you screw up the grinding minigame you can fucking break your sword.

I can understand the protagonist not being able to make an OP sword in his local forge since he's a shitter, but letting players forge tools to repair their shit instead of buying in the market like a common pleb is sensible.

He meant boars are the only hostile animal, rest are herbivores like the deer.

That patch is already included in the Steam preload, which should come later today.

Oh no I have to wait another day

Bitch I've been waiting a year to pirate this

Every king come thread and this pale cuck is fucking shilling his you tube videos. I heard Daniel Vavra fucked his mum or some shit. LOL

What the fuck is wrong with devs these days.

That's a fucking separate game in and of itself. Did they forget to ship half of the assets? Jesus christ.

>stupid bitch tires to hype off bashing kcd

What is 1 day of wait when you have been waiting months for FM2018 and the same will happen with Dragon Ball Fighterz? Boy has no patience

>thinks he's funny for making fun of other peoples accent.
>can't even fucking pronounce British

That's just how cryengine rolls, change one texture in a massive archive and you need to replace the entire thing instead of just patching in the small difference.

It's the power of the CryEngine, no wonder no actual dev on the planet uses it even though it looks pretty.

The game will be passable at best. I don't believe on it. For the record I liked Oblivion and Fallout 3/NV, but hated Skyrim and Fallout 4

thats great, but the game was seemingly remade in its entirely a day before release. worrying to say the least

the reason the dev gave is that the game is packed into 2gb archives, and if you change even a few kb of data in one of the archives, you need to repack and reship the 2gb. the changes theyve made required changes to every single archive

Don't care, not like I'm gonna buy it anyways.

People are excited for this? Even though it's following the same pattern as every hyped game of the last 5 years that turned out be painfully mediocre and predictably shallow? Do you fucks ever learn?

Looking forward to all the webms and gifs of bugs and shit not working.

Well then why the fuck are you here. Just to complain? Don't you have something better to do.

The names are correct (and actually real). During this era the czech written language looks similar to polish. Also many cities are based on germanic language since bohemia was part of HRE and germanic culture was dominating in high circles.

I'm bracing for disappointment

>bumbling his sentences
>tries to say GOYS but doesn't commit
>slow and tiresome voice, as if he can't find any good reasons anymore

You sure convinced me you double nigger

Is stealth archer already confirmed best build?

Also, why can the whole town hear a lockpick break in someones cellar?

Nowadays you might get a cd but it still downloads through Steam.

Because I'm on Sup Forums, I have nothing better to do

>mouth breathing
>spamming threads
>clearly unemployed
>can't even speak English correctly
>has to shill his threads here of all places to get views

Talk about a sad life.