
Yes. Now let me suck that cock, daddy.


It aint gay if u romance all females in the game.

If I learned one thing about myself through RPGs it's that I'm a lesbian.

Dad, can you please stop watching me play games literally all the time, it's getting really weird

Playing female characters doesn't make me gay, dad. It's all the cocks i suck that does

If a game has romance, I'll play as male. If not I'll make a qt waifu.

>It’s because if I do they all give me these perks and I don’t have to talk to or see them again after I take their stuff
>O-oh... just like your mother...

Son, why do you shake your hand around like a retard while staring a blank wall? You autistic or something?

>old man buys games for you because you're 27 without a job or even a driver's license
>tries to get into your hobby because you're a pathetic piece of shit weeb
>"d-dad, can you gtfo?? GOD it's so annoying"
>"s-sorry, son...it's just ever since your brother moved out..."
>when he leaves you start masturbating furiously to futa

its more gay to play as a male, you probably enjoy staring at muscular man back and man ass all the time

>implying i wait for him to leave
>implying he doesn't join me for some father son bonding

Fucking Fags
I'm going to play TETRIS

heh ... I remember that. Ah man that was some dumb shit.

I bet your favorite Tetromino is the I block you queer

incorrect, I like them all equally
apart from square

Newfags can't even blankpost.


>liking the I block (erect penis), T block (dick and balls), L block (dick and balls side view), and S block (bent dick

wow you really are a turbo fag

no I like square

>Because i don't want to watch a guy's ass every time i play
This answer always amazes me because i always play normally but my character's ass is the last thing i keep staring at. I honestly believe people who play females are gay.

Depends on the game, while i'd rather watch the derriere of a lady i'll settle for a dude if it involves hardcore porn such as in Skyrim modded, i'd rather do the fucking than getting fucked.

>liking the gaping anus

well, at least you're a pitcher instead of a catcher

No, just a tranny.

there's no avoiding it
time do download pictures of anime girls for my future as a trap poster

>Not playing a guy and romancing the guys

what are some games where you can play as a girl and can romance other girls


>or even a driver's license
>or even
wanna know how i know youre american?


If I like a game a lot I will play through both genders. If there are races then I like to play through those too. In saints row 3 I played though multiple times to hear the different voice actors.

>56% of my ancestors are smiling at me, Imperial. Can you say the same?

>you are

What is the best dildo to own?

>Mom goes on the computer
>Tried to look for something in browser history
>Accidently clicks on a Sup Forums loli porn thread I was fapping to the day before.
>"Son, I saw some weird porn thing on the browser history"
>"Don't worry mom, some friends were freaking about it and I wanted to check out, it's disgusting"
>"Oh ok"
>Believes me because I have a girlfriend and a full time job and I'm a proper human being.
You can do weird things if you're not a weird person, your parents already know you're fucked up due to your 20+years virginity and lack of human interaction.
You playing female characters is not gonna surprise them at this point.

It's called an apostrophe and your ignorance of it is proof that you're a fucking retard.

Clearly he knows what it is and he's phoneposting. Stop being a retard, retard.

Wow, Jesus

Newfags can't
឴ ឴឴ ឴▲
▲឴ ឴▲

Kek, you faggots always get me

dripping dragon by bad dragon. Pairs excellently with modded skyrim


>wasting your time on punctuation meme on a chinese gardening digital talk place
jokes on you you are the tard

Will it make my prostate feel good tho?

Nevermind, he's the retard.

you tell him bro, heil grammar!
together wi will turn this place into a serious conversation forum for serious business men such as we are

I want someone to do a version of this with Chad in it watching hokuto no Ken and the father being left impressed at the omae wa mo shindeiru scene.

When you get a little older, you'll realize no one will take you seriously if you talk like a retard, not even on a Mongolian basketweaving letter network such as this.

stop fucking spying on me

>knowing all these cringe references and titles


Yes I know about one of the most iconic shounen anime of all time and how is comically depicted as manly, while I'm also familiar with one of the most currently popular memes of the website we're browsing.
Sorry I guess?

your post is the cringe

This, no one in any workplace is ever respected of they write like retards when chatting on the phone or mails.

well i am 27
literally shitposting from my office right now, living the good retard life
so uh... do your worst

You're 17 at best

Doesn't matter what you say you are unless you're going to go out of your way to post timestamps of your birth certificates and proof of employment. If you act like a retard and underaged, you are one for all intents and purposes while posting here.

>and then romance
i dunno which shit game you are playing . but i'm not playing it

>unless you get out of your way to sprinkle up your posts for uptight bellends you are a retard and a child
oh man i am hurting

hear wer go


>Playing as female
>romancing every girls


NO dad, how many times do i have need to tell you. Its only gay if the boy is cute! Gooosh you never understand me.

>why do you play as a female
Because I like watching dat ass like every normal man. What are you, """dad"""? A faggot or something? Now fuck off and go watch tyrone shaquile o'horsecock fuck your wife.

dildos dont really target the prostate.
There are specialised prostate massagers for that.

same, but also depends if
>i am forced into romance to unlock some gameplay feature
>that forced romance can't be lesbian

Bad dragons are pretty good for my gay ass, don’t know what kind of dildos you’re using