Call me autistic, but i legitimately can't fathom how some who likes videogames doesn't like nintendo games.
Call me autistic, but i legitimately can't fathom how some who likes videogames doesn't like nintendo games
Maybe it's not their cup of tea? Maybe they don't like overly cartoonish artstyles? Sure they're fun to play but some people are just turned off by things like that. Personal taste is a thing that exists despite all the garbage that you read daily on this hellhole.
I played then on the NES as a kid, but I don't find easy games fun and Nintendo first party games are almost all easy as fuck. Why play mario when I can play castlevania or megaman X or whatever.
BING BING WAHOO gets old after a while.
>i legitimately can't fathom how some who likes videogames doesn't like nintendo games.
Fun fact: Some people like games who are engaging to play and require a minimum amount of skill, which Nintendo games do not offer being games aimed at a very young audience.
Then there's artstyle and another whole world of problems, so yes, you are indeed autistic.
I played the shit out of Mario when I was younger. Nintendo just doesn't have a lineup that I want to invest that much money in to play, at least on console. Been thinking about picking up a 3DS eventually.
They're all very easy
I don't hate them though
I like nintendo games. Just not all of em
i only like pvp games and nintendo is bad at those
Splatoon was the best shooter last year...
dont like shooters
Only if it was the only one.
but i can enjoy difficult and simple games. it just bugs me for some reason.
I enjoy games that take some modicum of skill to play. I'm not saying that difficulty is the end all be all of video games, but Nintendo games tend to be designed for a younger audience and because of that are usually really easy to master.
I recently played the new Kirby game and Metroid remake on 3ds, both were ridiculously easy and only about 10 hours long. There is just no substance.
Nintendo has sucked since the GameCube, and even then, there was a debatable decline since the snes. Not enough game publishers
The only Nintendo series I have consistently loved is Zelda. The rest I liked them when I first played them back on N64. I liked them again on the GameCube. When it got to the Wii I was getting a bit tired of them... it was the same games again only this time with worse graphics than the competition and weird motion controls. There was a few gems like Mario Galaxy but for the most part it was worse versions of GameCube games. SSB Brawl was worse than Melee. Mario Kart Wii was worse than Double Dash. Metroid Prime 3 was the weakest of the trilogy. Mario Party and Warioware were worse than previous instalments despite the fact the Wii controls should have been perfect for party games. The Wii U had way too many 2D platformers for me but did have a few gems as well. The new Smash and Mario Kart were definite improvements and Splatoon was an awesome new IP. Now we have The Switch and it just seems to be the same games again only this time it's portable. Even though a lot of Nintendo games already have portable versions on the 3DS or even back on the Gameboy. I'm just bored of the majority of Nintendo franchhises due to having basically played them my entire life I guess. I really want something new from them that isn't super gimmicky like motion controls or cardboard.
I unironically think nintendo games are for kiddies.
>hurr durr Nintendo games are too easy
Go beat Kid Icarus, Tropical Freeze, FE Conquest at high difficulties and we'll talk.
>Conquest is hard
Maybe if you're used to playing Birthright on Phoenix with grinded-to-fuck units.
Call me autistic, but i legitimately can't fathom how some who likes pizza doesn't like hawaiian pizza.
Nintendo makes a lot of good games, nintendo makes a lot of bad games too, nintendo used to make better games in the past
Their past glories often get used to cover their present fuck ups
Smash bros
It's a hard game, especially on Lunatic.
You're really not impressing anyone.
good one
>It's a hard game, especially on Lunatic.
I like eating food, but any animal organs other than muscle are gross
For me Nintendo is for children only.
Take a look at movies/shows.
Do you still watch Teletubbies or some crap like that?
There are quite a few games that Nintendo puts out that require a significant amount of skill. Any Fire Emblem and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games just as an example.
I watch The Amazing World of Gumball and MLP sometimes. Does that count?
I can't bear playing most mainline nintendo titles, one or two zeldas, metroids, pre 3ds pokemons and animal crossings got a pass but stuff like Mario & Kirby are instantly stale for me.
They're mostly trash platformers and puzzle games made for babies. I don't like to play different BING BING games where this time you play a green BING BING with a sword instead of a red one.
I never grew up with nintendo games. I was a genesis, ps1 kid and n64 never catch me.
Still, alot of post snes nintendo games are just bad mostly because instead of trying to push with good solid games they went the gimmick route
Its because no one wants to play the same game every 6 months/year. Theres only so many times you can release another zelda or mario over and over again. Even splatoon which needed something new is already boring and old af.
Not to mention the switch is now the official port beggar console and even devs dont really care for it.
Also the games are childish af and the design choices is pretty insulting.
nintendo games are too derivative of themselves. zelda didn't stop being lttp clones until the most recent game. pokemon and fire emblem are the same shit every game. metroid's big idea for a revival is a remake. for some reason though I still enjoy the marios a lot
I dont like their hardware enough to play the games. Don't know if I don't like them and probably won't ever find out.
I'm jealous of how much good stuff you would find if you started emulating
nintendo games haven't evolved in like 20 years. it's all pretty samey.
that and their inability to make the game hard enough that you even use the mechanics is pretty obnoxious. imagine a kirby game where you have to master every ability to beat the game. imagine a zelda with elaborate logic puzzles that you slowly unravel over the course of hours. imagine mario oddysey but you have to use all the movement options to progress. it's fucking disappointing to pick a game up and breeze through it without really putting thought or effort in
Some people call themselves gamers, but see videogames as just another form of generic entertainment, like hollywood garbage.
So they only buy cuckold propaganda and B-tier interactive movies like Uncharted.
They would never, ever touch anything close to a real videogame like SMT or whatever Nintendo makes.
Unfortunately I don't care enough to get into emulating.
is your screen name wokegamer by chance?
>nintendo games haven't evolved in like 20 years. it's all pretty samey
I have no idea what you mean by this, only Nintendo series that really have stayed almost exactly the same are Kirby and Pokemon.
But, the lack of challenge is a valid complaint against them
I grew up with them on the NES and SNES. By the time the 3D consoles came around I basically lost interest because I reached puberty and no longer had the desire to play children's games.
Then you don't care about playing the best games of all time (and I don't only mean Nintendo here)
Did you beat the True Arena?
Never suggested I did.
Cuckamungus actually
I'm suggesting that you should
>but see videogames as just another form of generic entertainment,
Because they are?
this right here
you don't have to join into a collective hivemind to like or dislike something. Sometimes, you just don't like something and a collection of games tend to have that exact thing you don't enjoy
I will keep that in mind. Maybe someday I will care but I am too lazy at the moment.
Not him, but yes.
>only somewhat difficult part of a game is a boss rush mode you can clear in a half hour.
>even then, some powers like PSI make it a joke.
I like SMT games and I dont like Nintendo games
Call me autistic, but i legimately can't fathom how some who likes animals doesn't like rattle snakes
Call me autistic, but i legimately can't fathom how some who likes cars doesn't like volvos
Call me autistic, but i legimately can't fathom how some who likes food doesn't like anchovies
That's good to hear.
If that day ever comes, the Emu General wiki has good emulator recommendations and instructions on how to install them
The best SMT games are on nintendo
When I was 4 years old I got a NES with Mario, duck hunt, and many other games. Never liked Mario it was a very easy, boring and bland game. Same goes for almost every Nintendo game ever made, they're all tailored toward mediocrity, for the average person this is perfect and this explains the wide appeal. But for the somewhat more sophisticated among us; those with a more developed taste and ability these games just aren't worth or time.
You don't really believe this do you?
>There are quite a few games that Nintendo puts out that require a significant amount of skill
>Any Fire Emblem and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games just as an example.
LMAO, get out of here son.
Your point?
I like game made by third parties and I dont like nintendo games
>no Nocturne
>no DDS
>no Raidou
>no Persona outside of an EO reskin.
Sure buddy.
>they havn't made a mario game to surpass mario 64 or a zelda better than majora's mask.
>they left metroid dead for years
>wagglin shit was a huge turn off during wii years, wiiu was alright because they heavily cut down on that shit and the tablet was never used for anything except in pikmin which was actually nice
>i really wanted to like those weeb rpgs but they're actually fucking awful and i can't do it
botw feels like your average molyneux game. it's got nice concepts but it's just a chore to play
I am goong to own my first Nintendo system since the DS Lite OP what do you want from me?
I think cartoony graphics is not a good reason to dislike a game though.
It's just like avoiding games with an anime art style, no matter how good they are
Don't buy one yet. Once you get past the two games worth playing you're stuck waiting for ports.
i know i miss out on a lot of good shit because i do this
I do enjoy nintendo games
I just don't think they're worth purchasing
I enjoy other games more
And yet the best mainline game isn't on Nintendo.
Literally the only exception
Spinoff. Doesn't hold a candle to mainline
See above
I want the first party titles though. I realize that it's lacking in thw 3rd party department. Also I miss Bayonetta
I hope you're not implying that Persona is mainline?
I like old Nintendo, new Nintendo can go to hell.
Of course not.
Honestly Persona isn't even that good. Favorite spinoff series is Devil Summoner.
Best mainline is SJ. Also
shit taste in general, I see
That's already 3 senpai, and I can list at least a couple more games
You're autistic
What about within Devil Summoner?
I'm gonna wait till March for Splatim
Aren't we all
they also removed firehopping because of retards like you.
Yes it is. If the games aesthetics don't please me, if they're not something I want to see, I'm not going to play the game.
>N-nintendo games aren't challenging. They're all for babbies!
Okay, then what games DO you like to play?
Recent games I've enjoyed have been: Monhun world, Nioh, Total Warhammer, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight and probably more but that's off the top of my head. Why would I play mario when dead cells and hollow knight offer so much more.
Mommy didn't let them have more than one videogame console.
I'm not five years old anymore for one.