>The worlds in Kingdom Hearts 3 will be filled with NPCs
Game of the fucking year. Release date will be revealed at E3. What month will it be? I'm guessing a worldwide release in November just like FF XV was. And what world will be revealed at E3?
>same NPCs different sizes and colors >game of the fucking year
Jason Lee
I'd have to hear the remix for the opening to have an opinion on Oath.
I'm glad there's gonna be more NPCs though.
Nolan Bennett
Reminder that the release date they announce at E3 is going to be 7/13. Screencap this.
Joseph Long
Aiden Edwards
Why is this game series so goddamn fucking popular, especially with twinks and the same faggots who think Smash is the most hardcore game ever?
Liam Rivera
>And what world will be revealed at E3? It's inevitable. I honestly wouldn't mind just as long as its not a fucking musical world like Atlantica in KH 2. I know Nomura has a hard on for musicals but my god I can't believe nobody told him that would be a horrible idea. I love Nomura I truly do. He's a great guy and actually cares about making quality games but someone seriously needs to put Nomura on a leash at times
Gabriel Gomez
>consistently decent/great ARPG series with crossover elements and a plot that, while more than a little stupid at times, remains fairly entertaining and a last bastion of the dumb indulgent fun that died post-early 2000s gee i wonder why
Lincoln Jones
For the character design, art dirextion, disney and gameplay. its not rocket science my friend.
Gavin Scott
God, these threads get infinity better when you stub out the stupid posts.
Jose Wood
It won't sell.
Series is dated and old, fans have matured and the current titles are just too mediocre by today's standards to pull in younger fans.
Daniel Lewis
>game of the year
What year? 2019? 2020?
For me, 1 was because Disney+FF+action shit. 2 was that damn gameplay and amazing soundtrack in the Mix versions. Dont care about the 13 Xs of Norths, or the other random shit in the other games.
Leo Powell
I will never in a fucking million years understand people like you. Who gives a shit what everyone else likes
Isaiah Powell
Aw, fuck. Thought that was Hunchback of Notre Dam for a minute.
Aaron Robinson
>source: my ass You know what they say about assumptions right? I'm 28 and grew up with KH as my favorite ARPG and my kids love it also and their friends love it as well I'm sure it'll be marketed well enough that it'll turn out big numbers
Ian Anderson
>It won't sell. I can't believe you actually believe this. KH is more popular now than it has ever been. KH 3 was trending worldwide on Twitter during the fan event. Each new trailer literally gets millions of views. Hell the Toy Story trailer alone has gotten 5.3 million views. The two latest ones both have 1 million views each and it was just released. KH has reached an even bigger mainstream popularity than it did during the PS2 years
Samuel Cooper
Hunchback deserves a second chance.
Lucas Jackson
>anything disney related >flopping unless the mouse explicitly wants it to
Kevin Taylor
True, but on the other hand Tony is gone. So it won't be the same.
Asher Jones
They still sell a shit ton of KH stuff at Hot topic
Charles Anderson
It wasn't the same in 3D. But 3D's Hunchback of Notre Dame sucked shit.
Mason Martinez
Will there be any Final Fantasy Worlds? Are there every any? I feel like it's just Disney worlds but I only played the first game.
William Allen
Good thing that is not the main selling point and just some cool extra
Daniel Roberts
It only ever has FF characters, not worlds.
Nathan Reyes
There are some worlds original to the game, usually the final fantasy characters are in these
Blake Powell
Well that sucks dick.
Hudson Flores
Kingdom Hearts 3 will remain that game that every kid "wants" but his parents think it's too expensive and so does he because if he brings it up his father will beat/shout at him because his father is reminded that he can barely afford the basic necessities to feed his family and of the general state of hardship most others in his neighborhood never had to face
Easton Green
Noruma said 7 Disney worlds >Hercules >Tangled >Toy Story >Monsters Inc >Big Hero 6
Bet for the last two are Jungle Book and Frozen.
Ryder Allen
It's gay and offends me
Jaxson White
Watch Insomnia actually show up as it should have been in FFXV.
Jason Butler
KH 3 is literally one of the most anticipated and most highly requested game of all time. Literally millions upon millions of people have been bitching to Square for over a decade for KH 3. Even if KH 3 does somehow ends up being a pile of shit, it will sell like fucking hotcakes.
William Bailey
>hot topic
Juan White
>Toy Story
What the fuck kind of villain can they have in that? Zurg isn't enough of a threat. Lotso?
Mason Walker
>Noruma said 7 Disney worlds When did he say this?
Jaxon Brooks
Oh look, its the millions of posts that led to the creation of /vp/.
Brandon Morris
They should include a world of this
Jacob Scott
>Zurg isn't enough of a threat The one in 2 had brain damage, not his fault. Though maybe Al?
Kayden Hughes
There are no Final Fantasy worlds because the FF characters are citizens of the established worlds. How is this still a question? I believe the cutoff in terms of dates was Big Hero 6.
Nicholas Johnson
It will sell a lot but not crazy numbers, probably round 3-4M
Christian Nelson
Cameron Campbell
Is this game the best thing came out of nomura?
Colton Wright
user they're going to be in the Big Hero 6 world. Shibuya is part of Tokyo, BH6 takes place in Tokyo/San Francisco blended.
Brody Rodriguez
You haven't been watching the trailers, have you? Young Xehanort is the main baddie of that world.
It's also canon to the Toy Story movie canon
Tyler Edwards
KH 2 Final Mix then TWEWY then Dissidia
Nathaniel Cox
Yeah, fucking npcs is what we wanted.
I have high hopes for the game and I will buy it day one, but the trailer looks like theres alot of scripted stuff going on and personally I don't like it. Flowmotion looks cool but in some places it actually limits the gameplay.
Else it really looks good, seems like its going to be alot of fun.
The new song is alright, but nothings going to beat simple and clean.
Matthew Hall
Can we please get a character from ff6 already? Seltzer is the only reference in Kingdom hearts.
Asher Flores
Setzer was there because Nomura helped make him. Nomura generally doesn't want to use creations he didn't make, because he doesn't want to portray them in a way, the original creators may not approve of. Using his own creations, he doesn't have as much of an issue.
Isaiah Miller
No but prepare for alot of Noctis and Lightning
Asher Perez
>Series is dated and old You know this series went to the PSP and the 3DS and still survived right?
Jonathan White
>millions of people not buying a game that will symbolize the conclusion of their childhoods
Most of Samurai Jack season 5 was pretty bad, but it was still well received, and i'm still really fucking glad it happened.
Kingdom hearts 3 could be a 7/10 and I would at least be happy that I got to see the end of something that played a good part in my life, sentimentality is real.
And here's Nomura's reaction to that: >5. As for guest characters that fans would like to see the most, I'm a little worried. In the current state of the main story, it would be difficult to incorporate these characters. However, even in the responses regarding what fans are looking forward to most in the future of the series, numerous voices are heard expecting these guest characters to appear. I'll consider the voices of these fans very carefully and do my very best to meet the expectations of all other fans. As for the final messages received by fans, I can feel the same feelings and fond memories of the series that sprout forth from our overseas fans in our Japanese fans, however they are also patient. I could really feel the fire burning inside them. >khinsider.com/news/Nomura-s-comments-on-Famitsu-KH15-anniversary-survey-results-9059
Robert Harris
>Riku says he's leaving his keyblade for the other him >Marluxia, Vanatis are both totally fine Please give me a quick rundown I have no idea what's happening here.
Grayson Gutierrez
I wouldn't care if its just in there for a split second, just something you know? Like Locke and Celes in the background sharing a Parfait. They don't even have to speak.
Jaxson Hall
CoM has replica Riku 3DS has established that if your nobody and heartless are destroyed, the somebody can come back. Why Marluxia is specifically back? No idea. KH3 will be the MGS4 of KH where Nomura brings back everyone and tries to tie it all up.
Elijah Perry
Well we don't really know about the "other me" shit or how Riku's keyblade even got broke thought there are theories.
Marluxia was speculated to come back as a couple of years ago there were Nobodies that fit his theme in one of the trailers and KHUx reveals that his Somebody was alive during the Keyblade War.
Vanitas has been speculated to be a Nort for years now and technically he appeared in Dream Drop Distance.
Charles Cox
That's false.
He said 9 worlds comprise the main story *so far*, and that there could be more. He also said they're doing something unprecidented and surprising for the endgame and postgame. Also KH games are very well known for their post-game and optional mid-game content, so anything's possible.
Jason Taylor
>Riku says he's leaving his keyblade for the other him Riku Replica in Re:COM. He returned to darkness after losing, so it can be assumed he didn't actually die but go to the Realm of Darkness. >Marluxia, Vanatis are both totally fine Either time travel or Xehanort shenanigans. Marluxia's real self should be back since his nobody and heartless are back, but if he's Lariam, or whatever his name is, then I don't know why he's still calling himself Marluxia, probably because he works for Org 13. As for Vanitas, who knows.
Lincoln Collins
Who else here bracing for the inevitable announcement that it'll be "PS4 Pro Enhanced", meaning it'll only look the way it does on a PS4 Pro and it'll be severely downgraded for the Vanilla?
Blake Murphy
>Tfw we literally grew up with Sora and crew >That new theme Fuck ALL the heaters. Hold me bros. It's finally coming.
Connor Rogers
Here's your (You) sweetie ;)
Angel Reyes
That didnt stop him from ruining clouds character
Nicholas Garcia
How can people actually be hyped for this when Kh1 was the only good game in the series?
Brandon Perez
>Will there be any Final Fantasy Worlds? No but The World Ends With You has a world. Make of that what you will.
Leo Mitchell
It is still Feb. Can't fuck the heaters yet. I will die of cold.
Matthew Howard
>Either time travel or Xehanort shenanigans.
Worse. Multiple universes.
They're going to pull a Nier: Automata and state that every copy of the game is a distinct universe of its own, and the big finale will be hundreds of player-controlled Soras in a single arena fighting a Xeonort who's assumed direct control of himself in all universes
Chase Bailey
>Based Riku Replica coming back Man I loved that motherfucker, pushed my shit in so much, what a good fight. But I guess I should probably play DDD, BBS, and figure out what the deal with the phone game is
Colton Hernandez
Henry Hughes
Yikes. This looks terrible.
Carson James
Fucking Nomura does it again.
Brody Nelson
KH2FM Birth By Sleep KH1
In that order.
All else is negotiable
Elijah Russell
BBS is one of the best KH. DDD is iffy. Just read up on the phone game.
Landon Anderson
Ehh, as someone who plays KHUx, there's a tone of filler and it's story won't be wrapped up in 3. So only get into if you really want to be into and need something to kill time.
Aiden Cox
Excuse me, (raughs). So what is left is Sora and co regaining their memories of that shitty place.
Christian Cook
forced drama
Jeremiah Howard
That is oddly specific.
Hudson Walker
Kingdom hearts brings me joy like few other things in life do and I don't know why.
DDD is much better than BBS solely because of the small core gameplay fixes. BBS's gameplay was pretty shit and shallow, even by KH standards. Fuck the pockemons though. They both had equally mediocre stories.
Austin Diaz
Leo Scott
>implying it's repliku Did you guys just forget that one of the Xehanort clones is KH1 Riku possessed by Ansem SoD?
Owen Jenkins
crazy as fuck soap opera plot attached to a semi-crazy battle system
David Ross
I thought Aqua, Ven and Terra's stories was neat even though it was really predictable.
Christian Nguyen
People are going off of a leak that has multiple holes in it. The funny thing is that the guys doing the "leaks" changes them every so often and this last one just happened to pick up steam. And a lot shit is stuff that has been known for years and I guess people just forgot.
Jaxson Young
Are you retarded?
Kayden Price
They had good moments in them, like Terra's final boss and the cum guardian showing up again, but they were pretty bad or meh for most of it.
Adrian Robinson
Pavlovian conditioning, leveraging both your childhood and some of the most pervasive and effective merchandising campaigns in history.
If you're anything like me, you were 13 when you played the first game, and you've watched Disney movies your whole life. When you really get down to it, the entire series is DISGUSTINGLY cynical about its pandering. And I love it so
Henry Johnson
>lazy static models >implying They've given them more expressions this time, shitposter-kun. I prefer the drawn portraits myself, but I don't mind it if it means we get more stuff like Woody leaning on the HP bar when he's at low health.
Dominic Jenkins
I literally bought KH 1.5+2.5 on PS4 last Wednesday. I beat KH 1 FM Friday night. And I just beat KH 2 FM a hour ago. KH 1 FM did not age well. It's not bad but KH 2 FM is a far superior game.
Kayden Hill
>That one world only you want Danville, with Phineas & Ferb as your team against Doof's Heartless-inator. Agent P is rewarded as a summon.
Eli Myers
So how old is Sora in the game? 16?
Jace Flores
>See you in Shibuya If Nomura decides that means it exists in the Shibuya of an already established world, then yes, Shibuya itself is its own world.
Justin Jones
Unknown exactly. Either late 15 or early 16. With like 2 exceptions the games are pretty much back to back.
Charles Fisher
>Bet for the last two are Jungle Book and Frozen. You're forgetting Agrabah. There's ALWAYS Agrabah.
William Robinson
Grayson Adams
pobably, but he's still a super manlet.
Sebastian Ross
Are worlds actually interesting like KH1 or are they still just hallways like KH2?
Aaron Hill
Toy story 3 surely sold like shit right
Ayden Walker
Wasn't he already 16 in kh 2? I thought sora was 16 and riku 17 in 2.
Ryan Harris
Agrabah and Nightmare Before Christmas were confirmed not returning back when Olympus was announced.