Io is cute!
Code Vein
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>it's not an anime game, we swear!
Instead of getting Vampire souls, we get this shit. The art direction is absolutely fucking terrible, environmental design makes me wanna puke. God Eater devs on top of that.
The game will probably still sell though because it has the le anime souls xd marketing going on.
if you're gonna shill for this game, at least post some gameplay
>caring about gameplay in video games
Go to bed, grandpa.
dumb brainlet poster
I just want to talk about cute girls, user, but if you insist.
It seems like the devs are trying to make the combat have more weight, but the non-heavy weapons still look rather weak. I do like the critical attack animations and how the different blood gift things or whatever they are called have different advantages and disadvantages. The edgy anime design also appeals to me, and not just because of the cute girls. However, it seems like there is either a very limited amount of environments or they just aren't showing off any location besides the cave and the city. The monster design also seems rather generic, but I am assuming that they are the game's version of Hollows. I do like the soundtrack, though.
I like this style, a mix of anime and realistic 3D is the future.
It's actually not the God Eater devs, they're currently making God Eater 3 if I'm not mistaken.