Welcome to The Circus of Values!

lets cut to the chase and post the big daddy porn already


cock goes where?

>Bioshock 2

Let's be honest, bioshock1 is a masterpiece

I'm surprised that sjws haven't retconned the Mexican vendor as being racist

>Bioshock 2
>Not your favorite of the trilogy

I hear more about SJW's from Sup Forums than I do anywhere else. literally obsessed and afraid

Man this vending machine was so fucking freaky.

bioshock is a poor man's systemshock, but yeah, i had fun with bioshock 1&2.
The "would you kindly" reveal was nice too.

Just got the trilogy for PS4 for $11 at Best Buy, only played the first one back when it first came out for 360.
What am I in for?

Prey improves on Bioshock in literally every single way

You must not be in college. On the day that Trump's victory was announced my university had posters up everywhere advertising a "safe space for coping students" with coloring books and puppies. There's also a bunch of posters up right now for a student screening of "Dear White People".

why are these vending machines available to the general public

>considering anything but og BioShock good

Two really good games and one mediocre game.

Is the third one really that bad?

I am no longer in college, once I entered the real world and interacting with people with more to do in their time, I stopped hearing about it. Aside from Sup Forums.

Because this shithole didn't drink the kool-aid.

The current majority/societal leaning is SJW in nature.

You're a fool if you don't see that.

BS2 improved upon the gameplay in every aspect.

Yup, loved the shit out of it

no one played BioShock for the gameplay lmao

What was the point you were trying to make? Please use your brain next time.

It's not an awful game, but it isn't a very good game. Very linear, has only one ending, no real boss fights, mostly set pieces, no way to turn off vita chambers unlike the first two, reuses plasmids and just renames them vigors despite being in a very different setting.

fuck off todd

Biggest disappointment ever. Fuck that game

Infinite was a fucking huge let down. Only good thing to come from it was a waifu.

Try looking at a college campus.

Is it still worth the play through if it came with the trilogy?

Its a bad game despite its name.
Its your standard soulless, cinematic, 2 weapon, health regenerating, cover based shooter.
AND it has real big problems around balancing, specially the late game, in which everything becomes a fucking bullet sponge

If you have nothing better to do, play it just so you have a proper opinion on it and experience the problems first hand

No. user also forgot to mention that the AI is practically non-existent. It's not an engaging game in the slightest.

No, unless you really wanna judge it for yourself, but it's pretty fucking shit.

play the fucking game and form your own opinion faggot

I don't understand how people can waifu Elizabeth. She's the most shallow, artificial character meant to make teenage guys cream themselves I've ever seen. I understand that basically all waifus are meant to do that, but Elizabeth is the most obvious example where it just feels fake as fuck, and it's trying way too hard

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