Games where the main villain is on the protagonist's side

Pic related. Any other games that do this?

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That eventually betrays you? I don't think they are considered a villain if they are on the hero's side.


Jade never said he was a good person. He actually says that he would have abandoned everyone first thing at the end, because he's not like Luke.

Luke is a person who did something horrible and learned from it. Jade is a person who did something horrible and didn't really care.

>Luke is a person who did something horrible and learned from it
re fresh my brain what did he do ? i konw jake killed tons of peeps at war and junk and more


>Luke is a person who did something horrible and learned from it.
You mean get manipulated by the only guy who wasn't constantly treating him like shit? Yeah, how horrible, the consequences were, not the act.

Jade is pretty based.

I love Jade, but images like this make me unreasonably angry.

Luke was not mentally culpable for his actions. He was literally a retarded man-baby.

>main villain is the protagonist
Though technically number 9 was another person but they still share base personality and 9S goes turbonuclear as well.

I get that. But Jade is basically responsible for 80% of the game's events thanks to his decisions in his youth and he is sort of a slowly recovering low-key prick anyway.

Excellent example actually. She manipulates everything behind the scenes just to add more bodies to your progression through the story.


>main villain is your buddy

>Luke is a person who did something horrible and learned from it.

He was fucking tricked by his mentor, he cannot be blamed for what happened at Akzeriuth, and the fact the party did is absolutely stupid.

"Do the things you've done ever just come from behind and hit you, sometimes?"

An ape with a grenade may have no understanding for its own actions but it's a still an ape with a grenade.

Jade as a young man is responsible for the creation of the science that the entire game's plot hinges on to supplant the natural order of things according to Lorelai's score that dictates the passage of life. Van simply perverts Jade's teachings as Jade used them originally being a necromancer.

Agreed with OP, Jade is basically responsible for the vast majority of the bad things that happen in Abyss and it always comes off like Jade is just making up for the shit he did as a youth/former villain of the story.

When enemies are using an ultra-rare artefact that costs like a budget for the entire country to seal off one of your party members you know that messing up with this guy is dangerous.


There's still a difference, that ape only held that grenade because someone he had complete faith in told him to.

He followed his idol blindly and was used as a walking bomb despite everyone else warning him about his master's actions. Shit hits fan, people dead and his master's plan take another step forward. Character development ensues etc.

what game is this i'm interested.

>Those lips
>Those hips

I'm pretty sure that every female android in Automata setting has the same reaction about him.


Tales of the Abyss, it's on PS2 and has a 3DS port.

>Tales will never be good again


>you are the main villain

>Everyone in the party is just okay with Velvet just fucking the world over

Stella Glow was fantastic.

1 is another demon
1 just there to record history
1 kidnapped and then in love with her
1 Just want his friend back, and doesnt give a shit about the world

Not really that weird no.

What about Elanor?

What game?

She just kind of ends up sticking around to find out what is actually going on. She is not exactly OK with most of what they do, but doesnt' have a say.

Was initially forced into it, then ordered to follow and spy on the villain by her superior, then she realized that her her superior was crazy and found the villain to be the lesser of two evils.

That isn't completely correct.

He creates the Deus Ex Machina technology that gave Van a way to overturn the world, yes, but he is not the reason Van is a villain.

He's not the reason the entire world of TOTA is unnatural and fucked up beyond belief chasing after the Score like madmen.

Hes not the reason three fucking nations intentionally murdered thousands of innocent civilians at Eldrant just to follow the Score. Nor was he the reason Akzeriuth was intentionally sacrified.

He's PROBABLY not the cause of whatever mysterious future apocalypse that causes the world to end in the future, the primary actual reason why Van and his party feels justified in replacing the entire world with clones just to avoid the Score's prediction.

If Jade is a villain, then who knows what the fuck the Kings and Lorelei popes are.

>Guy who joins your party against the final boss was actually the mastermind behind everything
>Had good intentions but the protag is pissed about being tricked
>Optional fight against him right before the credits
>He uses all the same powers you do, also the soundtrack goes absolutely nuts

still gives me chills

When you put it like that Elanor is kinda shit

it was more a matter of this

I do not care but you guys probably know how it feels like to get into tales of series through abyss, follow it up with vesperia, and then just play Graces f, Xillia, Xillia 2, Zestiria and berseria.

Now all my friends play berseria and like it and it is OK but where is all this shit that was in Abyss and Vesperia to extent.

Fuck it, I guess symphonia. I should play symphonia right? That will be what I want right?


Fuck it, actually just replay Abyss - seems like I already forgot everything about it aside the the church guy from fate betraying you like in fate.

Soul Nomad I guess? Gig is the main villain of the game at least for the most of it anyway as far as the main protags know. Only reason Gig doesn't outright hate you and you can't kill him outright is because you are his body and he kinda just waiting for you to fade out.

It's been a long time since I've played that, but that one was exceptionally good from what I remember.

>Won't it be cool to be knights?
>What the fuck, this isn't fair, why are YOU the chosen one

Final Fantasy 13, all three of them

>1 kidnapped and then in love with her

Berseria is good compared to the one that came before it but it doesn't hold a candle to other Tales games.


Maybe I'm just a brainlet but that game rubbed it in your face so much it just kind of washed over me.

>You're a NIGGER
>You belong here NIGGER
>You're a BAD MAN
>You killed HOJILLIONS
>oh fuck they were right

It's all just a set for kicking everyone and everythings ass anyways, not very important. Felt bad for the gril at the end though.

Yeah Furi was a fucking riot, I got it for free on PS+ and felt so guilty I got such a fucking kick ass video game ass video game for free I triple dipped on PC and Switch

Tokyo Xanadu unless you count the afterstory from Ex+

SaGa does a good job in giving you playable "villains", there's quite a few characters you can recruit that are extremely morally questionable and often have a hidden agenda.

>Excellence is not an art, it's pure habit. We are what we repeatedly do.
BEST boss

Pure kino


Then you realize he never was a villain.

It was Philippa [/spolier] all along.

dagran and the mc becoming knights was just dagrans way of getting closers to the people who hurt him so he could get his revenge. he never wanted to become a knight and instead tricked the MC into making that his dream so he could use him for his revenge plot.

still dagran was a bro and would have let everyone join him if they just asked.

>created a a clone of his teacher that turned into a killing machine that needed a hole army battalion just to seal her away.
>at the age of 12

if jade had the seventh fonon, he would have been a god.

Like I said it's been a while, I played it at launch and never replayed it

I just remember him getting increasingly bitter

Dagran best boy

>the big bad becomes your BFF and a pretty cool guy by the end

the power of friendship.

thats beacuse his best friend chose the girl over him. that pissed him off and hurt his ego.

I think the only thing that really made Abyss stick out was that it was an RPG where the whole party are all horrible people. They don't even pretend to talk the power of friendship. They only really tolerate each other up until the very end, and even then.

The story also plays out nicely because first playthrough is sympathetic to Luke: game hits you hard and fast with jargon, and you're kind of confused as to what the fuck is going on and why these people suck.

Second playthrough, the others being so rude makes a little more sense, but their execution is still pretty flawed.

Not saying it's brilliant writing, but it's a nice touch.


well sort of


Worldbuilding is pretty good in Abyss if nothing else.

Doesn’t Jade say flat out if he were given the chance to snuff himself out as a kid he would’ve taken it?

he says it, the group thinks its a joke, but he does say to himself that he wasn't joking.

I read that as being more out of self-loathing then for the greater good. Like he'd rather say fuck it and throw everything away instead of actively work to fix the problems at hand.

I hate that this game made all the cliches entirely predictable by simply filtering characters based on their weapons of choice so that, much like in Arc Rise Fantasia, you know who is and isn't sticking around by virtue of them having a "duped" weapon set and pulling the "mysteriously offscreen"-kun 9999999 times.

Can't really fault him for that since he was indirectly responsible for a lot of the shit that was happening in Abyss, what with his research being used and all.

It's a japanesse game. It does not have such depth. He meant it as it comes off.

Berseria reception is such a mixed bag because it is good in its own right, but it also came after Zesteria, which can make anything marginally better than it look like the second coming of Christ.

It is a solid action rpg experience with good characters and scenario, but it ultimately doesn't do anything to further the series.

Not exactly on the protagonist side

Honestly the party giving him shit was pretty unreasonable. They're asking him to go against the dude that took care of him when he was growing up and the one person he truly idolized and loved. Luke already feels like shit for blowing up the place, they just twist the knife.

>expected some grand orchestral music for the final fight
>it's basically a flamenco song

>Glasses act as a power limiter after he mutilated his eyes and gave himself Fonic Sight
>Glasses come off in the final battle

