The sad state of Dragonball FighterZ


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Whats the problem here
Using a keyboard would be like using a hitbox??

Refunded this shit after an hour.

As someone who played fighting games for years and someone who participated in Local MvC2 tournaments where everyone just does Magneto infinites, this game is shit.

Not because of auto combos, or broken characters, or hitboxes.

its the fact that every 3rd hit automatically launches someone across the screen.

that and theres only 3 types of attacks with no directional input influence. Forward Heavy is the same as nwutral heavy.

>He still thinks L > M > H is the correct way to combo


YOu sound fukin retarded mate

>its the fact that every 3rd hit automatically launches someone across the screen.
But that's simply not true.

It was a Rock Band piano keyboard. Not quite the same thing.

Refund your life while you’re at it

ive watched combos and setups on YT before even buying it.

>3 hits into jump cancel into 3 hits
>3 hits into launch followed by a delayed rush attack
>3 hits into launch into vegeta assist into 3 hits into super

>no counter argument

The truth comes out about the game finally.

This guy does this in every game he plays and he's really good. I'm not sure why people think input devices still matter when if you have everything for the context of the game it's whatever in the end.

So even in your incredibly reductive disingenuous reply, you still agree that the original statement of "every 3rd hit automatically launches someone across the screen" is bullshit and a lie.

nigga its 4 am speak with small words you nerd

every 3rd hit is a auto launch

>Not quite the same thing.
Its a fucking keyboard, the fuck you mean not the same thing

I care more about educating people than defending a product. You are way too retarded tomecen get educated, and refuting your claims would be a waste of time. Feel free to play something else.

I mean a piano and a Hit Box aren't the same thing.

Meant to type "to even"

>only 3 types of attacks with no directional input influence
See, the fact that you didn't just say "command normals" makes me think you're just a poseur or a weirdo that doesn't use real words. There is a universal overhead of 6M, did you forget? Does the lack of command normals bother you that much, though?

>a pro is so pro he uses unconventional, unorthodox controls and still manages to win
this aint sad, this is exciting. i mean, the game is all fun and games untill someone busts out the Guitar hero and styles on their asses while playing "Eye of the Tiger"

aesthetically, yes, they're different. but at the end of the day, both are just keyboards with the keys in different places. not that much difference there.

They are buttons

Also that's not even true as some characters like Adult Gohan and Cell absolutely do have command normals.

>DBFZ is the next big fighter


>Complain about SuperDash
>Don't know how to properly 2H
>Can't block for shit


What, playing with a piano keyboard sounds cool. I've done stupid shit in the past like using my arcade stick to play Future Tones. Hitbox and Mixbox already peaked controversy what is considered questionable controllers so using a keyboard doesn't really make it any more interesting.

Remember that Luffy player who won SFIV at EVO with just a PS1 pad? I don't think anyone called SFIV in a 'sad state' afterwards. Though that game is fucking ugly as sin.

Here's your controller bro

>someone who participated in Local MvC2 tournaments

People won EVOs and big tournaments with PS1 pads and regular keyboards. What you use to play doesn't determine the quality of the game
Only a scrub would use it as an argument


This is what they refer to as bait,right?

>use numpad as the direction inputs
>+, -, *, /, and memory buttons as attacks
>% and sqareroot as start and select
now all we gotta do is fix the wiring and we're good to go.

If those buttons were more spread out and had a USB connection, that would be fine. What's your point?

>DBFZ is even less competitive than Xenoverse
Thank fuck I didn't buy this shit

Genuinely cringeworthy my dude

I must have missed all of those Xenoverse majors, please direct me to them.

Its a casual masher. Everybody knows that.

t. hasn't learned his lesson

t., dude who thinks "muh fgc" is even a thing.

Thanks for the in game name btw, gonna go ahead and report your account because I can

>Report user for destroying scrubs

>stop winning wahhh!!!!

Cherry picked video clips with 2edgy4u text to speech while spouting "XD dbfz players can't into fgc" isn't going to earn my praise any time soon.

He could be the best at the game, it doesn't matter, he's still a faggot

SPBP, this shit is fucking garbage.

And? We had a nigga win big MvC2 tournaments with a fucking PS1 controller. We have BrolyLegs beating ass with his mouth. He literally eats you out in SF.

L -> cM -> M

Bam, 3 hit combo that will never launch someone across the screen. You lose.

are normies still this surprised by gono

On PC you need a Razer ™ keyboard and a Mad Catz Rat Pro X mouse to even get a 50% winrate!


what is the problem with this game, is it Smash-tier of accessible?

>Cherry picked
>Players literally ragequitting on user

No matter how hard you try you will not win this argument.

Yep but don't tell people that. It's a secret.

My hairy ass. I play with 360 pad and my winrate is >90% for now

The fact that you take an Akihafag's video seriously and you are getting triggered by it makes it even funnier. Like nigga how to you get offended by someone who jerks off to Melty Blood.

You didn't look very hard.

And yet we know nothing about these players. It's completely insignificant video footage. They could be fighting game veterans or people who have never even heard of DBZ. People rage quit sometimes, regardless of anything. Even pros do it. Could even be connection drops. It happens.

Either way, I don't give a fuck about the quitting or if the guy is even good at the game. If you really side with this "I am the fgc master, welcome to my secret club you pathetic children hahah lol" stuff you really need to reevaluate your priorities.

They're probably mismatched because people won't stop ragequitting on them

I wasn't even talking about the "secret club" stuff. You literally said in this post that you are going to report someone for... not cheating, but.... actually winning the game fairly. You are fighting a losing battle here. Stay mad. You're probably so mad because it's you ragequitting in that webm.

I'm not siding with him, I'm just not encouraging "haha I don't like you so I'm going to report you even though you didn't do a damn thing wrong in game"

>piano is allowed as controler

Sure thing

>banning shit just to save face


Why is it the game's fault that other players can't beat someone using a god damn piano for a controller?

What kind of keyboard was it?

This is actually important.