Why is she in this game?
>boring dialogue
>zero development
Why is she in this game?
>boring dialogue
>zero development
it's sad how Hollywood culture has brainwashed people into thinking plastic man faces are attractive
Should have been a customisable character with different personality presets.
>literally defending this goblin of a handler
the state of Sup Forums
raise your standards, man. jesus
Handler is cute! CUTE!
I want to cuddle with Handler!
>PLaying games with ugly sjw pandering western girls
your fault
it's almost like I can be an A list Hunter too if she can make it
She is shit tier and hollow.
Like shes 14 with no developed personality. No wonder i cant stand her. If i could turn off any point where she talks i would like that option.
why does she keep calling me "partner?" Me and my cat are the ones doing all the work. she just sits at camp and stuffs her homely face.
Just because she looks like Sarah Ryder doesn't mean Japs didn't make her.
Why dont you create your main character a hottie
La creatura....
>almost gets you killed several times acting like a 12 year old in a candy shop
>muh maddee for japs
Yeah obviously the westernised mosnter hunter has a ugly sjw pandering tranny as a sidecick.
>plump cheeks
>big eyes
>good bone structure
>good hair
not a 10/10 but she is objectively cute and you are objectively a faggot
Now that's a smile worth cherishing.
El duende...
>unskippable cutscenes
Good to see Ryder found work after Andromeda bombed.
her face looks tired
Not him but am I objectively a faggot, user?
Honestly this make a going around on a second character just feel terrible
Can I romance this qt?
toss her to the jaggis
Tired of your shit
>Smiling casually makes you ugly
The absolute
Why would you ever make a second character? Fuck it takes probably 200 hours now to get HR 100.
Why the fuck would you do that, you can do anything as one character
What, you don't enjoy hearing her shrill annoying voice every time you return from a quest?
el goblino..........
I've read the Tale of the Five a bazillion of times since I was a whelp!
>tfw no 4/10 bulking handler GF
>you will never mount this THICC handler while screaming I GOT A BIG MUSHROOM FOR YOU RIGHT HERE POOGIE
Guess what Americuck, im politically left-leaning and believe myself intellectually superior to anyone foolish enough to identify as conservative. I also sometimes eat soylent foods. Suck it, fag.
I am at the bottom of the poison vale now so I imagine not that far into the game, can anyone tell me if the handler dies a painful death sometime soon?
Literally the character of a random 14 year old girl.
>omg guys I love food so much
>nothing better than eating xd
>not meant for combat but jumps into danger every fucking cutscene
>either has to get saved or it epicly works out and she saved the day due to some miracle
fem hunter x handler
yuri love is pure
hello whale enabler
el manejador...
hello beta orbiter
wonder what girl is cute for you
I think it's when she tries to smile she looks weird.
>remove freckles and add good lighting
>remove freckles
spot the faggot
whoa......... freckles......... she's ugly now......
>finally find a character cute in a video game for once
>the one time Sup Forums shits on it rather then waifu posting it
So this is how waifufags fell huh......
she looks like an irl woman
get that shit out of my vidya you fucking normalfaggots
"cute girls" by Sup Forums standards are porcelain dolls with skimpy clothing, big eyes and absolutely no facial expressions of any sort.
Gen/XX question.
What is the most fun weapon to use with aerial style solo? Im thinking about HH or Hammer.
Like, when the kind of girl Sup Forums likes smiles, she does not deform her cheeks or anything, nly her mouth changes shape and then she gets some blushing added to her face.
This is literally the only acceptable form of facial expression for the losers/NEET/otakus/creeps without social lives that post here.
When their whole face reacts to her mouth moving like this she is a disgusting goblin.
She's your handler. The hunter is a high functioning autistic that needs direction on how to do anything but hunt monsters.
Western audience.
She's not a very responsible chaperone since she's always the one diving head first into danger. I think you have to save her 5 or 6 times over the course of the story.
Third Fleet Master should have been our handler.
She's been out of work since Mass Effect Andromeda and needed to pay the bills.
I want to handle her ears while she handles my raw meat.
t. roastie
La creatura de la manipulación...
So y'all niggas just forgot about the guildmarm?
She is 10x better than basic bitch handler.
Thats all i got for now.
>Handler is cute! CUTE!
>obese NEETs thinking the handler isnt cute
You can rest assured she won't be getting any fanart/porn, it'll all be of hunters in Kirin slut armor as usual.
>dressing your Palico like a slut
who would do such a thing
El monstro cazadora...
>Liking that four eyed furry cunt
Doesn't the deluxe edition have a guildmarm costume for her?
Welcome to every Horizon: Zero Dawn thread.
She's not traditionally beautiful but I wouldn't say she's ugly at all.
Where's the porn?
doesn't change her face.
Apparently there is a lot of buerocratic paper work in the Monster Hunter universe given the lines the commander said after the final Zorah Magdaros fight.
so yeah I'll kill the monsters and she can fill out the paper work.
I think my job is easier than her's.
>liking a bestiality lover
Looks retarded.
she looks the the ME:A team designed her
She's there to remind you what your actual future wife might look like
La atrocidad de guildmadre
Male and Female armors, nigga.
I'd imagine most people would be pretty okay with that.
wait, that's a girl? i played like 7 hours thinking it was a dude.
Thought she was pretty inoffensive and might as well not be in the game at all after a certain point. I think Sup Forums talks more about her than any other individual part of the game and I'm not sure how you guys manage to do it.
This. Aisha best girl.
This is fucking monster hunter, no one cares about waifus. Aisha was shit guildmarm was shit etc etc. You should be mashing through dialogue.
I didn't care for Generations at all, but Bherna Gal was maximum qt. That "Seeeeeee yaaaa"
Take that back you fucking nigger.
No fuck off. Literally been mashing through dialogue since the ps2. Learn from my example you shitter.
>remove freckles
I’ll remove you.
Example of what, being an ignorant asshole?
Is there a mod or something to make her not ugly?
Of playing monhun as intended doodle.
It's baffling how much of a butterface she is. How was it greenlit? Even the gathering hub handlers look better and they're nameless NPCs.