This man stands between you and the control point. What do you do?

This man stands between you and the control point. What do you do?
Keep in mind that he does not have permission to die.

Other urls found in this thread:

>not holding weapons
>he does not have permission to die
Good, I can farm him for free (FREE) Ubercharge indefinitely with the most overpowered unlock in the game.

Give him permission to die

crit with holiday punch

>Seduce me

ragequit and swap to a sniper only server

soldier is a dumb easymode class for faggots, so there's nothing i can do its literally impossible to kill soldier as any class who's not soldier.
why do you think they have two soldiers in competitive play. cause he's so fucking easy, thats why.

>sits in a choke spamming rockets with black box and concheror

*blocks your path*
What do you do? Keep in mind he has two pocket medics on him at all times.

reflect a rocket back into his faggot face


>materializes from thin air and random crits you


I miss Lumberyard.

Use my Pyro buddie that is a trigger happy airblast spammer, with the vaccinator

Boom, problem solved


>with volcanic fragment

>let him deal damage
>sticky trap door
>mfw he falls for it 9/10 times

You just won't stop whining, will you?

>let's call him a whiner, that will make the ubersaw stop being overpowered

why do they have two scouts?

Friendly reminder that it has been over a year since the last issue.

>Medic charges you with an ubersaw pulled out
>Back-peddle and shoot at him until he dies
Wow, so hard.
And if he gets a taunt kill on you then you deserve it


>go into close range
>get pilled
>get rocketed
>get mown down
>get meatshotted
>get flamethrowered
>tab back to Sup Forums and make another post about the ubersaw while you respawn

That image always makes me laugh

>letting a enemy medic get near you in the first place
you just suck

>t. Spy main

i just want everyone to know that I'm having a lot of fun playing demo!

I will say this unironically, but I think MvM makes up for a good training for real matches
Despite being an Engineer/Pyro main, Demoman in MvM is super fun to play as, but at the same time kinda hard
I got better a lot with my pill aim, and I know it's not much since it's the predictable robot pathing, but it's better than nothing

TF2 thread are one of the only reasons I still come to Sup Forums, and I'm a fucking babby with only 350 hours.

>Medic charges you with an ubersaw pulled out
You're acting like Medic having Ubersaw in his inventory forces him to play like a retard.
Medic can literally just pull out Ubersaw in situations where hitting the enemy with his melee would be the best course of action anyway, and get FREE Uber for it.
The Soldier was out for his blood anyway, trying to run would have gotten him killed, trying to use Crossbow would have done less DPS (38/shot) than melee (65/shot), so melee was the best course of action, and the Medic got FREE Ubercharge for this.
Medic, again, wasn't going to be able to escape a Scout at close range (can't run+good luck dodging hitscan), and was separated from his team. Best course of action was to melee the Scout, and he got FREE Ubercharge just for defending himself.

Even if you're the most passive little bitch Medic in history who never takes a risky action, there will still be times when the safest course of action is to melee someone, and Ubersaw rewards you during those times for no relevant downside.
That's why EVERYONE uses it and why it makes all the other Medic melees useless.
See everything I wrote above.
>letting a enemy medic get near you in the first place
Even the best players in the game do this on a frequent basis you retard. Why do you think 99.99% of high-level Medics keep using Ubersaw? They'd use Amputator instead for the regen if nobody ever fucked up and got in their melee range.

you have to get into a range where anything can kill you easily. If the enemy team is competent enough, you'll be dead before that 25% uber boost can do anything worthwhile.
The only time it's "overpowered" is when random crits are enabled.

Demo is addictively fun

Play a jump map friend

What is your comp experience

>you have to get into a range
No you don't. You can literally just wait until the enemy team gets into YOUR range. You can never pull it out until the safest, most sensible course of action is to melee hit someone, and then in that situation you get free Uber.

Nothing is forcing you to run at the enemy team and attack them with Ubersaw. It doesn't have any passive downsides, like Vita-Saw, that punish you for keeping it in your loadout and never using it. It rewards aggressive and passive Medics equally because it has no relevant downside.
As a Medic player, this is a problem for me because I want to actually use other weapons without being at a direct disadvantage to the other team's Medic who can farm my retard allies (and occasionally my good ones too) for free Ubercharge. I'm sick of having only 1 choice of weapon. In a well-balanced game, you don't have to choose between having fun and being viable.

Lobbies and ingame comp as Medic, why? Are you going to resort to personal attacks?

Comp tf2 is a joke anyways, it’s also full of trannies

You wanna hear something funny?

Nah, relax man
Just curious why you'd consider ubersaw the "most overpowered unlock in the game"

Wait for him to get comfy, let him slowly walk around a corner after hes done massacring my team, and pop his head as Nu Zeeland man, and then watch his medic girlfriends run around like chickens with their head cutoff.

Or if he bombs alot, build a lvl 3 nest and corner one area of the map.

>sentries are still in the game

when will the government stop Valve's sinful hand?

Why the fuck is vow banned?

Second fastest class in the game, him coming in for an almost guaranteed crit hit with his saw is still kind of bs.

Ubersaw being overpowered applies to the entirety of tf2, not just competitive.
60% of pub players use it; it's the most used unlock in the game.

25% of Ubercharge on hit for no relevant downside. How can anyone not see that as a problem?
In the original launch of Team Fortress they didn't have Sentries. Sentries were added because people would just rush the flag as scouts/medics without fighting each other, and games would be over in mere minutes. The addition of sentries forced people to stop and fight each other before pushing on to the objective.
Sentries in TF2 aren't perfect but do exist for an important reason (countering cap rushing).

>In a well-balanced game, you don't have to choose between having fun and being viable.
shouldn't be playing comp then kek

Official reason: Can see enemy Ubercharge percentage, taking the skill of Uber counting out of the game, and removing uncertainty.
Real reason: They aren't sure what effect it will have on the meta.

Situationally game changing without good alternative unlocks, sure
Most overpowered unlock in the game, perhaps not

what if you changed the -10% swing speed on the Ubersaw to a -10% uber charge rate?

Ubersaw being broken applies to all formats of tf2. I feel just as forced to use it in a pub (especially when my team is bad) as i do in lobbies. When I'm not using it, I know every time I melee someone I could have gotten 25% Uber.
It's just objectively better than most other melee options, and it buffs the best class, and it helps the enemy Medic snowball when my team are retarded and give him free Uber.

Then it would never be used

the other alternative unlocks ARE good, yet Ubersaw still gets used more than them.
Even when Amputator was a literal straight upgrade from stock, and it gave you free bonus regen and a heal taunt for no downside, people still used Ubersaw over it.
-10% is a little bit too harsh, but I do like this idea. Make it -5%.

you're also forced to use sniper over spy and literally anyone over pyro because if you didn't then you'd be at a disadvantage
get over yourself

Those players are fucking retarded

In your opinion would amputator get more usage if it's negative stat were swapped with the ubersaws?

Wrangler faggotry has been nerfed so you can deal with them pretty well now. Still literally zero counterplay to engie stacking on defense in pubs where the average IQ is single digits. Not a class problem, a player problem.

>other balance problems exist so you're not allowed to talk about balance problems
fallacy of relative privation
Potentially, but that wouldn't fix the fact Ubersaw would still be the most used melee by far, and that vita-saw and stock/reskins would still pale in comparison unfortunately

Engies arent the problem in a pub stack, I've cleared plenty of nests with 3,4,5 engies
The issue is a team around those engies, same applies to heavy stacking on the payload

the Amputator could be more useful if that -3 regen was removed and the HP per second from taunting got a buff.

Is that very much different from the stickybomb launcher, gunboats or scattergun?
Widespread use doesn't mean a weapon is overpowered
Just from my own experience in 6s medics don't tend to get saws off, and when they do they tend to die anyway, so it's strange that you'd suggest it's so overpowered

How easy and silly is to socialize in this game
>Call a teammate a spy
>Crouch and start smacking him with my melee
>He calls me a spy in return
>Starts doing the same
>Permanely make a friend in the battlefield

So simple, yet so joyful

Play as any of the other 8 useless classes in the game and die repeatedly as he sits in one spot with a Black Box Concheror combo firing aimlessly and racking up 25-30 points a minute, then have a mental breakdown.

Because competitive TF2 is a fucking joke.

>t. doesnt play
It's okay to not understand

>Black Box Concheror combo
It sucks.

I don't main Soldier or Demo so I've got no real reason to play comp.

>Is that very much different from the stickybomb launcher, gunboats or scattergun?
Stickybomb launcher and scattergun are stock options which are meant to be the best by at least a small margin to ensure the game isn't P2W.
Gunboats is used almost 50/50 with the stock Shotgun in competitive play (double gunboats is occasionally a thing but winning teams tend to run stock pocket and gunboats roamer), and in pub play, 60% of players use Shotgun while only 20% use Gunboats.

None of these things you listed are comparable to the Ubersaw, which is the single most used unlock in the game at all levels of play, with 99% usage in comp and 60% usage in pubs.
>Just from my own experience in 6s medics don't tend to get saws off, and when they do they tend to die anyway
Please refer to >so it's strange that you'd suggest it's so overpowered
It's not strange at all, it's simple logic. It's a weapon almost universally used over stock and other choices, on the best class in the game, which has a large upside and small downside.

So you main an offclass
It's okay man, it took me 2.5k hours to find out how fun 6s is, I even tried to start a hl team in my naivety


>dragon's fury
>rewards you with crits for firing in the general direction of an enemy
>viable against other pyros as well
>no reload
>two or three times the range of normal flamethrower
who thought this was a good idea? I was blasting shitters left and right almost immediately after figuring out how it works. I love it though

>half the roster is considered off class

How come no one can get a balanced competitive meta correct where each class is at least viable?

The same thing happened with overwatch when character stacking was a thing. most heroes never saw the light of day

>gunboats are 50/50 with stock
hard disagree, especially at higher levels of play
Also pub usage should be ignored imo, balance isnt really a concept in pubs
But again, usage doesn't mean something is overpowered, look at examples like the short circuit and sydney sleeper for overpowered weapons that aren't widely used and iron bomber, escape plan, and in my opinion ubersaw for weapons that are balanced yet widely used

Because it's much harder than it looks

No shit buddy

the only class that isn't considered viable is spy, since his entire usage in comp is to check what enemy uber is. everyone else is viable with pyro recently picking up more steam


The thing is, making every class viable full time is an entirely arbitrary goal
Each class (except pyro) has a defined time and sees usage in 6s
The simple fact is that no matter how strong of a spy a player is, they're just too slow and brittle to to better than a scout
Only sniper really gets seen full time (albeit rarely) and even then it's very exploitable by the enemy team
Plus, spy plays are so much more exciting because it's a class in a high risk, high reward role

dear god

Reflect his rockets while I close him down. Pyro can take on pocket soldiers with ease now.

>>viable against other pyros as well
No it's not lmao. Stock is ten times more effective against Dragon's Fury since they can just fucking asperger's seizure all over the place and kill you before you get your second shot off.

Quick Fix was legit fucking cancer, but I've seen Vacc used in ETF2L last season. Does ESEA still have it banned?

Wasted slot detected.

more often than not you can use the range of the DF to crit them down before they reach you, especially if you're above/below them

The only way other classes could become equally as viable as the normal 6s classes would be to make them extremely mobile (Scout and Soldier) or outright essential 100% of the time (Medic and Demoman). Imagine a Pyro who could get to the opposite site of a midpoint as quickly as a Soldier or an Engineer taking control of high ground to stop jumpers as quickly and effectively as Scout. You'd turn situational classes into broken messes.

>hard disagree, especially at higher levels of play
I'm not sure exactly what grounds you have for disagreeing. I already addressed higher level of play when I pointed out that pockets normally use shotgun and roamers normally use gunboats. If you look at the HIGHEST level of play to teams who win LANs, they run that strategy.
>But again, usage doesn't mean something is overpowered, look at examples like the short circuit and sydney sleeper for overpowered weapons that aren't widely used
They aren't widely used because in comp they're banned and in pubs they require teamwork for full effectiveness. I do agree there is a difference between pub/comp usage and that the game should generally be balanced around a high level but that's irrelevant since Ubersaw is overpowered in ALL formats.
The main reason I'm mentioning pub equip rates is that some people here are telling me that competitive doesn't matter, so that's why I'm pointing out Ubersaw's usage both in comp and pubs.
As an aside, all my Engineer loadouts use either Short Circuit or Wrangler.
>and iron bomber, escape plan, and in my opinion ubersaw for weapons that are balanced yet widely used
Escape Plan is not balanced regardless of your opinion user. It's way better than all the other options (except Disciplinary Action, also OP) on a class who is already very good and does not need buffing.
Iron Bomber is very very slightly op relative to stock and if they did a tiny nerf like making the fuse time reduction -25% instead of -30% (which would be also good since then I could count my pill jumping times manually again) then that would be good.

I mean you can hold an opinion on whether a weapon is balanced, but at the end of the day the point of game balance is ensuring that weapons get used and people can make choices, and that is very obviously not happening in the case of Escape Plan and Ubersaw.

Because they can't have any more Soldiers by rule.

Use literally any overwatch hero. It's even in the name "class" vs "hero".

>is an entirely arbitrary goal
It's not an arbitrary goal, it's a very clear goal.
>People like using these 5/9 classes in the game
>however they only get used for extremely brief periods of time
>If we get Valve to make them more viable then comp would be an attractive option to more people and we wouldn't need shitty highlander to exist and split up the playerbase

Stop being autistic.

Vaccinator was only banned recently, whitelists are global.
Quick-Fix is indeed cancer I think it needs a rework. The point of my image is mainly just to point out that Medic has basically ZERO choice in his loadouts.
The only choice he can make without putting himself at a clear disadvantage is quick-fix or kritz, and even then there's large parts of the comp game where running kritz is not a good idea.

I hate getting guys like you on my team. But I'm glad you have a game like tf2 that's a designated fucking around game.

i use my scattergun and kill him obviously? no soldier is ever good in pubs

If you want to see real autism start killing them. They get fucking incensed real quick, like they've got a right to not play the game or something.

>dominate the local pubstomping soldier
>switches to demo
Every time.

you must be retarded to think that soldier is op lol, literally just keep ur distance and surf his rockets. unless he's got a shotgun, then ur kinda fucked.

When will they change the vaccinator so it isnt a fun killer? Will the TF2 comic be stuck in limbo like HL3?

Go to control point B instead

No one is there anyways.

>play first person shooter
>do equivalent of going AFK on purpose
>people tell you to fuck off
if irony had a physical weight to it, you could package this post into a bag and bludgeon people to death with it.

Having classes like heavy and engie active all the time ruins the entire point of the classes themselves. Heavy to a lesser extent but still, he's definitely a defensive class so he's best defending when they get pushed to last. Same with engie. Soldier, scout, medic, demo and pyro are more for using all the time, the other's aren't and shouldn't be made to be that way.