What's the verdict on this shit ending to the trilogy?
What's the verdict on this shit ending to the trilogy?
Best combat in series. Best suit ever. Worst story in series, wasted potential.
The game would have been fine if the batmobile wasn't so crammed down our throats.
I think you faggots are way too harsh on it. Yeah, it wasn't perfect, still it was fucking good,and as shoehorned as it was, they absolutely nailed the design of the batmobile. That shit controls like a dream.
Gotham was beautiful and in general the game looked and sounded great. Solid ass game.
I actually gave a little cheer when it got crushed; then I got pissed when he just called in another one.
That was so dumb considering that when you first call in the Batmobile Lucius asks you to take good care of her because "she's one of a kind".
John Noble's Scarecrow was magnificent. I couldn't get enough of him. I would always pause what I was doing when he came over the PA system.
Will the hate for Origins ever cease?
they perfected everything, even actually catching the criminals and seeing them in the cells was kino, but the forced batmobile and pretty shitty story killed it
>whoa check out out this new map!
>look at these tall towers you can glide from!
>with glide boosts you fly father than ever before!
>now you can throw gadgets while you're gliding!
>batman games are more vertical than ever!
>now get in the fucking tank and dont come out for 40 hours.
Really good, 8/10, best game in the series
fucking plebs seriously over-exaggerate the use of the batmobile. It made for some fun combat and puzzles. Batmobile is staple to batmat, and using it was not bad at all. I hate this argument.
hunting Pig and Manbat was some of the most fun I've had in the series. but everything awful about the game outweighs those two points
I've only watched the cutscenes on Youtube but the quality seemed to have gone downhill in that department. Even City started fraying at the edges a bit when Ras started getting involved. The payoff of the Joker sequence at the end of Knight is pretty good, but it feels too crowded with that plotline taking up so much room.
good game. batmobile was good but used too much. bosses were bad. good apart from that though
it is the best game in the series, you fucking pleb
This isn't an exaggeration. Even the ending battle forced you to use the fucking batmobile.
Eh the bat tank is over done and the inclusion the batmobile really ruins some of the puzzles. Feels inorganic. Otherwise gameplay is perfect.
This is such a stupid meme. Idk what shit you were doing, but the batmobile wasn't even in the game THAT much. It wasn't even as bad as everyone is bitching about. It controlled fine and I got through everything 1st try. It broke up the nonstop fistfighting.
>Someone who never played the game, only spewing his shitty opinion after reading the "verdict" from an ign review: the post
Too many gadgets and they all HAD to work because muh "play your way" meme made the game too easy.
Batmobile could have been great but they fucked it up.Should have been like 5-10% of missions require the batmobile and 5-10% missions are on foot only and the rest of the missions you could choose either. Instead almost every single mission was batmobile or no bat mobile which made the batmobile feel like a glorified QTE.
The true ending was kind of cool, it tied together the series in a neat stand alone package instead of being "Just another day in the life of batman", but getting to the true ending was way more of a grind than it was in previous games.
Also.... riddler races. Really? If thy wanted to have races in the game why didn't they just say it was some underground VR training program batman setup. so dumb. I know it's kind of redundant to call something in capeshit dumb, but the riddler races were really REALLY dumb.
wasted story potential
good everything else