You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing Dragon Ball FighterZ right now.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing Dragon Ball FighterZ right now
pretty tempted to get it on PC but I am kinda shit at fighting games
My scene died with SF4 and I don't feel like being a netplay warrior anymore
dragonball is fuckin gay
Don't own it, don't have a system for it.
Dragon ball z is garbage and needs to die
Same here boyo. I dont feel like spending 50 on it.
It's on PC, are you telling you don't have a PC? How are you posting on Sup Forums then?
I'm shit at fighting games and I don't want to put in days worth of practice to get good.
Because I'm playing the unironically better game
I know people will think I'm baiting but mvci has way more mechanical depth than dbfz. dbfz is just flashy and appeals to weeb fantasy but if you want a good GAME with superior GAMEPLAY you should give infinite a try. don't let the memes fool you, give it a try. if I can change the mind of just one person then my mission has been accomplished
I don't like fighting games and don't like DBZ
Too busy raping elves
I’m trying to sleep
I unironically like both
I don't play fighting "games"
1. I suck at traditional fighting games nor do I even care about them to learn them.
2. Too poor to afford it right now.
3. Too poor to also afford an arcade stick.
Infinite is so fucking boring and unironically more braindead than DBFZ
I'm too tired, I'll play some more tomorrow.
Don't have a ps4 and not buying it when the only game that I want madly is a multiplat
Airdasher anime fighters are complete trash.
Gave it a try. Wasn't feeling it.
What modern fighting game isn't braindead desu
If you say SF5 or Xrd I will laugh at you
My GPU died a week ago and no way i am going to replace it with those current prices.
Thanks buttcoiners.
What are you meant to do about the Zamasu grab?
You can buy it used, I wouldn't buy an used GPU normally but considering the situation I think it's probably the best thing you can do, at least while the prices are like this.
you mean the kamehameha grab? jump, dash, etc.
just don't block it since it's an unblockable
>buying used
>especially now with all those retards mining shitcoins
Used GPUs probably won't last you a week.
Those retards cook them after they break for them to give you the illusion that they work and shortly after they die again and you can't even get a refund.
Don't buy from a miner obviously, they're not the only ones selling used GPUs online.
Its easier than most serious fighters.
If you like Marvel you'll like this.
I finally got a yellow square, managed to beat a pink as well. Best to quit while Im ahead, I gotta beat SOTC too
Superdash is basically always the answer against anything done with the ki button. You can even cancel out of the blockstun of ki attacks with superdash to punish beams.
>lose two characters
>but it doesn't matter because I can unga my way to victory with A. Gohan
I'm watching dragon ball super and playing monster hunter.
Shit at it and don't have the motivation to git gud
muh hentai vidyas
I'm at school
I agree with you but I'm playing Dragon Ball anyways cus I'd rather play with thousands of people instead of 20
Im a phone poster.
I play a lot of mobile games like clash and vainglory so I'm still a gamer though.
>don't have a PS4, Xbox One, or PC
what the fuck are you doing here then
Too expensive, I want it for 40, but I'll secretly settle for 50.
I am, trying to unlock SSGSS Goku and Vegeta is hell. Pretty sure Arcade mode is cheating by changing the amount of damage done.
change the currency to euro
I haven't played SFV in a month so I'm hesitant to buy a game I might not play
>trying to unlock SSGSS Goku and Vegeta is hell
are you serious m8? I'm the biggest fucking casual ever and got them on my first try, CPU does more damage yeah but most of the time they're just sitting on their asses waiting for you to attack
out of curiosity how many fighting games have you played before?
Just do story bro. You will get enough currency to unlock both of them and get 21 at the same time.
Didn't buy it.
Cooler might convince me though.
Thanks, but I've always tried to avoid keys sites, so I'll just wait for a sale. I never did any research on any keys website other than gmg so I don't really trust any of them.
I'm playing DBZBT3.
because its midnight and im in a dorm and my fightstick is loud as fuck without silence sanwa buttons
I can't vouch for other key sites but cdkeys is legit, bought 20 or so games from them and never had any issues, you just need to check the region of the game in case it's region lock, DBFZ is region free so you're good.
I'll give it some thought. Thanks.
Shitty lobby system
It starts fine, then on the final 3th/4th they counter everything done. Keep getting B and C ranks on those fights and beyond
>fighting games have you played before
Play some street fighter and KoF before, but playing seriously, nothing.
>Just do story bro
May have to do that at this rate
np man
Haven't picked it up yet.
Why did people reply to this post?
The servers are shit.
I would but i keep getting kicked out of lobbies before I find a match, and 90% of matches disconnected before the game finished.
I suffered through the first arc of story and realized it wasn't for me, it's so fucking boring and cringe it literally causes me physical pain, glad I got the Season Pass so I don't need to beat story mode to unlock 21.
my boyfriend bought it and i tried it and its mechanically terrible. its stupidly flashy. to the point that nothing makes any sense. underneath is 3 auto-combos and some easy to execute supers and thats it.
They literally took Persona 4 Arena and made it even more simple. Clearly to match the IQ of the average Dragonball fan.
Never watched Dragon Ball and I don't like fighting games.
haven't won a match for like 10 matches now so I'm taking a break cause I suck
This, i love dbzf but it isnt as good as infinite, shame it died but capcom deserved it.
I am scared to be buttfucked by the devs in the moment they will announce a new version with all dlc characters included.
I get disconnects too but it's not as bad for me, maybe 1 or 2 disconnects for every 10 games or so, I think the online servers in this game are just total trash.
Because I get matched against the same two players and every third game I get booted from the lobby.
I’m not sure yet. I don’t wanna buy another fighting game that'll die out quickly
Because I'm watching Dragon Ball > DBZ > Super so I can understand the universe before I start playing. I'm only on ep 30 of DB fuck me
I hate tag fighters. Should of made it like KOF instead or just 1v1.
Skip the commander blue arc, shit is awful. Everything else is good.
Just read the manga and watch any fights you really liked on youtube or something. You'll catch up really quick, the manga doesn't have the shows shitty pacing.
Because I'm watching combo vids on my phone and not willing to interrupt my wife from learning how to play it now, even if she sucks at controlling Nappa.
No, seriously, I'm getting embarrased at how little she bothers to use assists or plant saibamen. All she does is tag in when health gets low and Spams Vegeta/Goku black projectiles at fullscreen. She loves Nappa to death, but can't perform for squat.
I'm waiting the switch port
Fuck off I'm modding my fight stick.
So in my opinion there are three factors at play when choosing your team: your opinion of the character that you had before ever even laying hands on the game, how much fun you have playing the character, and finally, how well you actually perform with that character.
Which factor is most important to you Sup Forums?
is that real Sanwa? how much did you pay for it?
You are going to have niggers running into beams with that mindset. The true answer is to jump and then dash or super dash.
Yes it's real sanwa and buttons. Paid around 25 bucks.
where did you get it from?
Since it's a 3 character team, my picks can sort of be generalized into your three factors.
1. Character I like as a character (Nappa)
2. Character that's fun to play (Yamcha, Ginyu)
3. Character that can perform (Teen Gohan)
Ah ok, I'll have a look, thanks m8.
Yeah I didn't get from Focus attack because I have amazon prime and I want to mod my stick ASAP. Amazon has a couple Sanwa sticks for around the $25 range. This is my first mod honestly and im doing it to a mayflash F500. Should work out I think.
Not too sure I did need another cable like pick related or the one in stick should be good enough. I don't know.
1. fun to play
2. can perform
3. i like as a character
I like almost every character in this game so it is hard to choose just 3 at a time.
Can't help you there since I never had that stick but you should be fine, I modded my old TE in the past and it was fairly easy.
I'm at work
No TV to play it and I have a lot of classes and stuff to do...I miss video games.
How do you expect to win without hands, pizza?
Why isn’t ur game in the main stage of Evo then with it only coming out months ago :)
Waiting for a sale. I can't justify spending $90 after taxes on a genre of games I inherently suck at. The open beta was a wakeup call for me.
Who's better, Yamcha or Beerus?
I have a rather violent case of sickness and diarrhea.
I only play anime fighters with fappable little girls.
Waiting for controller to arrive, it been over week now so I should prob check tracking
I'm not autistic enough to play fighting games.