How did we go from this
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy
to this?
milk grows bones
Or this
to this??
Looks like everyone is trying out the 2 vs 2 tag team hyper fighting. MvCI really is dead.
leona looking like an sfv character with those hands and feet
What the hell did they do to Leona? She's supposed to be badass, unlike Samus who has always been a shitty bikini slut since her debut.
This is a spinoff game, doesn't have to be canon if you don't want it to be. Leona IS badass, can't you see she's unaffected? She can be naked and still kick ass.
Glad they fixed her tits.
They all have their original outfits too.
If you watch the western trailer it compeltely lacks the cheese-cake.
It's just a dumb costume.
You will be ashamed of your words and your deeds.
Looks pretty cool, I'lll probably get it on Switch.
What did xe mean by this?
Mai needs fatter torpedo tits.
It's because of an important plot device which will make you regret those words.
If you watch the new footage , one of the victory quotes talks about a pervert who forced the girls into those embarassing clothes.
Wait til those critics find out, they'll be SO ashamed of their words and deeds.
Mai's breasts are only "big" in comparison to other female fighters in her series. Simply is that the shape of her uniform and fighting stance use gravity and material thickness to make them appear larger.
>How did we go from this
Because you stupid weeb idiots literally throw mommy's credit cards at furry semi naked drawings of non existent female pixels
they will be ashamed of their words and deeds
Wanting Shermie to appear in this game so they can rip the model and put her in XIV.
Oh god, if I could get a team of Angel/Shermie/Mary I'd jizz your pants for you.
Really trying to force that Yoda mean aren't we? I mean I'm not telling you to stop but still.
But she isn't popular or a heroine. Was only in the NGPC game because they needed a throw character.
Whatever new characters make it into this game will be ported to KOF14, Capcom did it before with SFxT.
And everyone should keep in mind that the graphics CAN be improved pre launch AND post launch. Even if it's just the shading that needs work, the models are just fine, even better than KOF14's.
they really really need to smooth out the neck to head connection
I doubt the Heroines tag will be literally just good female characters. You can't make a game like this and not throw in Vice or Mature.
I fell in love with XIV's system from the start but I will play plenty of games regardless of graphics. I think that i'm just too into fighters mechanically to give a shit about normie garbage like roster or shading.
I blame MSA
Will there be Metal Slut Attack's new characters, or just Eri and Fio?
Who knows MSA has too many sluts.
It will be great if Yoshino and Dragunov make it into the game but i doubt it.
>I think that i'm just too into fighters mechanically to give a shit about normie garbage like roster or shading
I mean that's great and all but if we want to have a company make more then we need to bring in the casuals too, sadly enough. SNK is struggling financially enough as it is.
>Game has two Sylvies
If Fio makes it into the game, I hope she gets this outfit. Or a mummy costume, or both.
Liking fighters is cursed existence.
If you want the games to reach more people, they have to be dumbed down. I was surprised at XIV's mechnical depth- I thought the game would go the way of SFV. But thankfully they kept the comboing tight and fun. Movement is fun too but can feel overwhelming to learn.
Like i said.
Too many sluts.
Do we still not know the button scheme for this game?
Is it standard ABCD snk fare? Game looks like it may go for simplified inputs too
It's simplified so that you can play with one hand.
Imagine a full-blown Metal Slug game with them all. Presumably would have alternate levels for the various factions.
I want to marry Leona.
Get in the line
Nope, sorry.
A Smash game from SNK, this can be fun.
I see
>Mechanics of game seem really interesting from footage
>See this
>Weak & Strong Attack
>"Okay, I guess they don't want too many normals confusing the people buying it for waifus"
>Special move button
>"If the movesets are diverse enough despite the one button it'll be fine"
>Guard Button
FUCK, I can't defend this. They better know what they're doing, the loose combo and tag system combined with the special meter that fills more the less health you have sounds really fun. It's not Cross Tag-tier nonsense but a fucking Block Button is where I start to worry.
Well you're certainly not wrong, there are items in the game. Hopefully you can turn them off, and add rounds.
>guard button
>can't defend it
Well the game looks chaotic and fun enough, it actually does feel like some kind of Smash Bros. game.
Check out this thread for an analysis, the game looks super fun. But again this is a spinoff game, not the next KOF entry. So don't take it too seriously.
nip magic
and a healthy appreciation of the human form
>fighting games are never allowed to be fun party games again because of tourneyfags and esports shitters
Please just fuck off. I'm so sick of this shit.
i get the feeling leona isn't a charge character in this game
Huh, this looks way better than I expected
I'm totally fine with party fighters, it's why I'm excited for this game (outside of it being SNK). I even play Smash which itself is somewhat built around a block button. I just think they suck for 2D traditional fighters; they can work in Smash and 3D games like SC and VF, but they're almost never a good thing in 2D. It's half the reason I'm not into MKX, although it's compounded by every character having high-low mixups and strings built into Target Combos.
Heroines could prove me wrong, and I want it to, but I just prefer back to block in a 2D fighter.
Some gameplay
I'm just glad they don't have a JUMP button, everyone would jump off the bus if that was the case.
Yuri not wearing a bra. This is so wrong.
>PS4 Gameplay (Switch)
SNK has some prime waifu material. Is this a switch exclusive? I kind of want it but I don't wanna buy a switch.
Do the different costumes just change the art-work or also their moves?
>Leona and her evil twin
I wish to snort heroin from atop the bellies of these heroines.
PS4 too.
Both for Switch and PS4
what the fuck is this horse shit? Gimme the tank top and jeans.
If you look at dualshockers' other videos, the system or systems in brackets are the other ones where the game is going to be available.
God that looks terrible
>This is so wrong
Uh, yeah, sure
Excellent. It makes me happy games like this are still being made in 2018.
PS4 too but that one's digital-only.
I thought the Orochi team are popular? They're just not in most games due to being dead n shieaat!
>Game where Leona and Mai are the big characters
This is a strange feeling
The physical edition I see up for preorder is a digital copy?
I didn't say that I don't like it user.
The only physical release on PS4 is within the limited edition, I guess you're talking about that.
Their default outfits are there too you mongrel.
Yuri has a long tradition of wearing a bra so her top can be ripped off to expose it.
Going braless means we won't be seeing that happen.
Well it's a single round and there aren't any Climax Supers sooo there wouldn't be a point. Clothing destruction would be great and should be on every character though.
They need to put Betty in this game.
no angel no buy
I hope Kula has a thong
NO fuck you guys I was claiming Leona for years before KOFXII and XIII came along and now you're all trying to take her from me
it is all smash-style input apparently
>no Climax Supers
Only way you can see now is to win with her as support or the diorama mode right here So no, she doesn't have a thong here.
>the embarrassed looks on their faces
>heart shaped character select screen
game looks good
So, for someone who likes SNK fighters, would this be a good purchase?
It seems to be a simpler form of KoF, with tons of fanservice, which honestly sounds pretty fun.
This comes dangerously close to my ENF fetish.
>who likes SNK fighters
If you do you would support SNK by getting this game. It's going to be fun, when has SNK done you wrong?
>Athena's default costume is the same as KoF XIV
I am somehow triggered by this
She's in, right?
>everyone but Leona is blushing
...You're right, she even has the damn bloomers on too. Well again, this is a spinoff. She got kidnapped right after the tournament in KOF14 so I'll allow it.
I mean, do you want to support it though? What message are you sending SNK by buying this game?
Maybe they're thinking ''Hey, our mainline series is too difficult for people. We need to dumb it down and focus more on the waifu aspect for KoFXV''
I don't know. Game looks alright for an entry-level, fun fighting game, but it might not be worth buying.
After 2003 and up until last year
Sorry user she´s my waifu now
They're still making new characters for KOF14, one of them being female. And they're making characters not from KOF14 into this game. This is basically a cash grab but also some fanservice for fans and themselves. They need the money so they can continue making games for us. I for one will totally buy this.
i don't think that they'd get that message at all, the people who develop the games play games themselves and prefer to have games be games
stop being paranoid and thinking they're like capcom or arcsys
It is very clear from the preorder bonus pins, and the shadowed promotional art that Shermie is in the roster. She was also in the original Gals Fighters.
>Oda: First off, we’d like to state that we are working hard to make sure that there is no difference between the two platforms the game will be released on. We will say that there are growing pains while developing on the Switch because it’s our first time working with the hardware. That being said, everything we encountered we’ve anticipated beforehand because of those growing pains.