I'd rather die, lord knows I Saints Row Thread and I love it

I'd rather die, lord knows I Saints Row Thread and I love it

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I've been trying for days and none of these fucking faggots will bite. I'm trying to replay it on PC right now, but crashes sting every time. I need a fucking remaster with a not busted PC port.

i played it on win10 last summer with gotr mod and it worked fine. i mean the framerate was a bit janky (nothing can fix that) but it never crashed on me once.

Download Gentlemen of the Row mod, if you haven't already. Makes the game 100 times more stable.

Why do I love going through Stilwater, in both SR1 and 2 alike, way more than the GTAV Los Santos?

Blood in, blood out! You ready for this, playa?

Yeah, I've got the mod installed and while it improves the game a bunch nothing can change the fact it's duct tape on a busted hunk of shit.

Because Stilwater has more variety than Los Santos, Stilwater has an entire mall, a pirate ship, a Roman area, a casino, a mountainous region, trailer park with trash sculptures, China town, Japan town, it has fucking everything.

Which gang arc is the best? It's really hard to pick because they all have fucking sweet moments. All I can say for certain is that Samedi is the weakest.

>tfw replaying SR1 and realising the entire epilogue was you repaying your dept to Julius and then the devs completely dropped the ball by making him the killer due to laziness

The Brotherhood is really strong, it feels like a transition between SR1's completely grounded style and the more straight up wackiness that SR2 starting putting into the stories

Because Stilwater gets the fuck out of its own way to let you explore. All the burbs and hoods have their character, the city is still full of things to do and places to go, but it doesn't force it all down your throat. No matter whatever you might think of Volition's ability to tell a story, they are master sandbox builders.
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I always likened it to taking the ends justifying the means that one step too far. He killed the thing he loved in his mad attempt to save it. But yeah, they could have told this story without turning Julius into a shitheel.

Is the first one still worth playing at all?