Put a 30 FPS lock on a PC """""""""""""""""remaster""""""""""""""""""""""

>Put a 30 FPS lock on a PC """""""""""""""""remaster""""""""""""""""""""""
>People complain on the steam forums
>Mods shove all criticism in a sub-forum marked "trolling threads"

Why the fuck do companies do this? Holy shit, are these people even adults?


No thanks, i dont want cocaine.


real men love coke

>pc master cucks reeing over nothing
>get coralled like the tards they are


>Don't eat up the 4th fucking re-release of a game that added fucking nothing

>the same question has been asked and the same answer has been given multiple times
>Majority of people still asking after a quick Google for why are only shitposting and wasn't gonna buy the game anyway
This reaction is based and I'd do the same exact thing in this instance
Sorry a dev team isn't willing to completely rebuild a game from the ground up for an FPS requirement that wouldn't even substantially improve the gameplay outside of menus which, wow, it already does

Why didn't the devs make it an an option to have either 30, 60 and unlocked? plenty of games I know do that now a days so everyone is happy.

He's referring to a bump of coke.

He's probably been dying to make that joke for years

>im forced to buy and play every release that comes out!


>The goalposts go where I want them!


Because that would literally require them to do way more than a simple HD port. The reason being most of the game's logic is tied to the 30 FPS. Setting it any higher than that just fucks everything up.

It is locked to 30fps, yes.

>no reset

>require them to do way more than a simple HD port.
Oh the horror!

>we can't make them work too hard!
The fuck is wrong with people these days?

>Setting it any higher than that just fucks everything up.
I don't believe that.

It's true, it has to do with the way it was made for the PS2. If they wanted to fix it they could, but it would require actual effort

look no one gives a shit about PC
certainly not japs
be glad you got a port at all
game's overrated as fuck btw

is correct, look at the dark souls port for example. older games tied logic and collision to the framerate, so when you applied a 60fps patch to DS it meant you couldn't climb ladders. i figure similar shit happened in okami too.

I mean if you don't want an official Okami port on PC then don't buy it or just emulate it.

see why pc gaming will never be socially acceptable? all you do is whine, look at benchmarks and mod dragon dildos and cp on games while everyone else is actually playing

Shit like this is why Sup Forums, as bad as it may be, its still the best vidya forum on the internet.

I'm only mad they didn't put Reset back into the American version

This. Even modern games will often tie things to frame rate, usually because of physics. It's difficult to separate some tasks from the frame buffer.

I see. that makes a lot more sense since OKAMI is old as fuck. Games that started out in current gen consoles seem to have a better chance of surpassing 30 FPS. To be clear, I don't care if a game like that has a framelock. but if it's possible a dev can unlock it, they should consider it.