This game is pisses me off so much. I just played through the first two, and they're awesome shooters with a great noir feel. But this fucking shit is just a fucking movie, you shoot two guys you get a cutscene, after that, an other cutscene. half of the game is just cutscenes about Max's self-pity and drinking problem. It's a real shame because the shooting is SO satisfying. There's some games out there that gives me a similar feel to the old max paynes other than stranglehold?
This game is pisses me off so much. I just played through the first two...
shit wrong picture. i'm talking about max payne 3
>is pisses
what's up with threads being riddled with bad english?
Just played through Max Payne 1 and you're full of shit, there's a graphic novel cutscene every 2 or 3 rooms. You can skip them though, so there's that
Phoneposters, it's all auto-correct and auto-fill.
They also have infinitely more style, contain dialogue and add to the atmosphere. The MP3 cutscenes just show that more enemies are spawning and waste your time.
BRs and mexicans. It's the same shit on Sup Forums.
you what, matey?
Max Payne 1
>He was trying to buy more sand for his hourglass...
>I wasn't selling any.
Max Payne 3
>It felt like I'd missed out on the joke; and it was a real good one.
How would you guys rate the series? For me it's:
1 > 3 >= 2
2 > 1 >>>> 3
Writing wise
Gameplay wise
Music wise
Third games gameplay is far too improved to be looked over. I also like bald swole bearded Max a lot.
No there isn't, they generally happen at the start and end of a level and occasionally when introducing boss fights. The others are completely optional ones you have to seek out and activate manually. And yes theyre immediately skippable.
both shit. hourglass line was one of the worst in MP1, you don't buy hourglass sand what the fuck
3 has fucked up pacing, sluggish controls and clumsy movement mechanics. 2 has stylish but still skippable cutscenes and snappy controls. It's objectively superior.
yeah agreed
1 > 2 > 3 pretty much. Would place 3 right behind 1 if not for the fucking cutscenes.
Too bad that gameplay is interrupted every 10 seconds by an unskippable cutscene.
Burning building levels in 1 and 2
>Hurry to get out to survive the destruction
>Fight off enemies while doing so
>The environment feels like a threat
Burning building level in 3
>Hold forward to slowly walk through the building
>Cutscenes every 10 seconds
>Everything feels like an interactive cutscene
That's the point you fuckin dipshit
>the point is to be a shitty metaphor that doesn't make sense