You guys did preorder /ourgame/ right?
A perfect counter to this pathetic pandering trash.
Embrace your heritage with a historically accurate, thus black free, medieval game!
You guys did preorder /ourgame/ right?
When this game is released, the salt from both Sup Forums and tumblr will make the dead sea look like a fucking candy
gameplay matters to me not manufactured controversy. if the game turns out to be fun i'll be there.
It has already begun.
This. I don't give a shit about petty irrelevant twitter wars. If the game is good I'll get it, if not I'll pass.
Game has me intrigued but the toddlerlike way the developer is acting is turning me off from it.
>implying it isn't pandering but to a different audience
Nah, i'ma pirate the GoG version.
>using cancer to describe something as silly as the video game industry
>oops triggered
But it IS pathetic pandering, just to your group, so you don't find it wrong.
Stupid fucking retard.
>medieval life was a melting pot of different races
So yous sayin... we wasn't slaves n shit?
>Posts proven truths and makes fun of brain damaged tumblrites who can't decide their fucking gender
>Massive bigot
just stop.
>devs pandering to edgy 14-17 year-olds with anti-PC/ ess jay dubyuh
How is this better than games with overtly gay/PoC protags
>like a fucking candy
The state of banter...
what is this game about though
i've seen so much shitposting and shilling about it but i don't know what it plays like or what you do in the game
This person isn't even trying to hide their soy levels here
In case anyone is wondering, the source for that image at least is just emails from metro readers:
I thought it might have been an article on Polygon or something.
Fucking this, I don't give a fuck if the dev is literal Hitler or not
>*smackz lipz*
you don't have to look at annoying fag or baboon while you play
Apparently it's in the vein of 'realistic' First-Person medieval combat games like Chivalry. Apparently this one succeeds at that, if you're into clunky realism (not being cynical--there's a market for it). There's a story that I somehow doubt will be anything above mediocre
There isn't anything wrong with this nor is there anything wrong with having homosex or non-white protags.
The goal wasn't to pander or be anti-PC, it's just a game set in a specific historical time and place.
>everything about this looks boring as fuck
>Sup Forums pretends it's the greatest thing ever because it doesn't have black people
i'm pretty sure most of the shilling for this game is just shitposting
You know, there is an irony here, and I'm not sure if the writers realized it. Arthur got cucked BY Lancelot, and here they are making him black
Someone did a 2 hour livestream of the PS4 version
It looks clunky, janky and trash
Cities look completely lifeless
Damn can you imagine wanting to make a video game and having to worry about some fags like this? Every little thing that's not that bleach drinking PC hogshit could be bigotry to these people. For real mental illness type-shit. "hitler wanted everyone to be the same and thats bad, now be like ME and feel how I feel or ur bad"
kek, having a meltdown neofag? This isn't your safespace
>medieval life was a melting pot of different races
this smells like horseshit
Oh they knew.
He should put just one black guy in the game near a ship selling wares.
Ironic shilling is still shilling, user.
Then why's the dev tweeting this stuff, if not to garner attention and favor among your edgy anti-PC gamer teen
looks like a more generic elder scrolls somehow
>You guys did preorder /ourgame/ right?
Yes. Would be cool to have mod support. This game need magic.
nu Sup Forums is so pathetic.
That isn't the worst part. They also made King Arthur an evil bastard getting in the way of Dindulot's love.
Not realistic
Replying to trolling with further trolling is indeed a time honored tradition
I really liked this movie when I saw it way back
Better yet, put a bunch of niggers in chains. "Well you wanted representation, and this was the only historically accurate way to do it". It would be Bioshock 3 all over again
>using "safespace" unironically
grow up faggot
That's gotta be /ourguy/ trolling the shit out of that rag Metro.
game clearly panders, which a lot of modern games are also guilty of. instead of making a big deal about it, play it or don't play it.
U fuking wot m8?
The election and everyone it brought here was a mistake.
I cancelled it when I found out he was a dirty Jew.
Who ResetERA here? The discord was right about these people.
Is there a way to move faster?
>Then why's the dev tweeting this stuff
Because SJWs want to insert niggers everywhere.
Did you know the first king of the danes was ugandan warlord?
This is some Elex-level garbage. Why is CDProjekt the only relevant euro dev?
well it kinda was but not on the specific region the game is on
Sup Forums was a mistake
>medieval life was a melting pot of races
Mods can be anything.
THIS is what these faggots have been hyping up for 3 years?
Horse-riding in the countryside looks like top-tier kino though.
I watched one 10 minute video about the game and it looks to be boring as fuck. I may buy it used since 1st person Melee games can sometimes be fun.
Also I doubt any big population really cares that a game taking place in Medieval Europe doesn't have brown people, other than the occasional moor.
>(((melting pot)))
What do you faggots see in this game apart from the fact that it triggers sjws?
Why do people care so much about races or ethnicities so much?
I still remember the Mexican Mario drama, I understand that Americans and Europeans hate Mexicans and get upset when they appear in vidya, but god, just chill out
It would be better for every nation to completely ban all media "imports" coming from the USA and distance itself from them. It's nothing but racial defilement and revisional history infecting every country. It's revolting
Because they express themselves through their work instead of wasting time arguing with irrelevant fartknockers on Twitter.
>"No black people in this game guys we are going for historial accuracy in medieval eastern europe"
>everyone in the game speaks with a modern english accent...
I like it. Except for ps4 visuals, but PC will be better.
Historical accuracy
I thought it was interesting having a historical RPG without magic and stuff, but I'm not 100% sold on it yet. Looks kinda slow to me.
Classic Communism. Conform or be purged.
what you read faggot
You didn't think the creators would make Lancelot a black man just for him to cuck a great guy and the hero of the story and cause an entire kingdom to fall apart on top of killing his friends just because he wanted to get his dick wet right?
Basically asking to be lynched on twitter.
I can understand if these different races were all people of light skin but I don`t believe medival ages was multicultural with niggers
cool so it's black free and also kusoge
>Bunch of self hating progressive SJW flips their shit over Mario with sombrero claiming its racist
>Mexicans don't care
>SJW's realize they looked like a bunch of idiots thus revise it to look like the whining came from typical standard Americans and Europeans who hate Mexico
Nice weaseling
I hope I'll be able to run it honestly. Are there confirmed system requirements out yet?
I think much of this drama is exaggerated, it's not that many people who actually care. For Mario in a sombrero, there were only a few people in the world complaining on twitter. It gets a bunch of attention because it's fun sometimes to find people complaining about stupid stuff, but for the most part people don't care.
Sup Forums in general was a mistake.
So should they also be eating cheeseburgers, using smartphones, and talking about current issues as well? What type of fucking stupid ass analogy is this?
Hell, the internet was a mistake.
>sjws harass dev about having all white people in his medieval european game
>he proceeds to troll them
>hurr durr by making a historically accurate game he's pandering to Sup Forums
That's the funny thing. Every instance of PC or anti-PC-ness mentioned on Sup Forums seems like it's the most important thing in the industry. This place is so out of the loop it's nuts
people make all mistakes
>((melting pot))
>doesn't deserve to succeed
I'm sold. First game I've bought since 2016.
its not even an analogy its pointing out the hypocrisy.
I dont care what culture is the game but dont pretend like you absolutely could not bend the rules because you are beholden to history and then just ignore it in other parts
I support Vavra and have preordered multiple copies of the game. I don't have anything against blacks, but leftists must be opposed. That is all.
nah i dont buy off of hype anymore im all for shitting on sjw but ill wait for some vids
>he doesn't know about The Moops
some guy posted a long clip. looks very okay
inb4 game successful and Varva hires Simon for game soundtrack in DLCs
Congrats on falling for another viral marketing campaign, you fucking troglodytes. This is Hatred all over again.
You need to leave and never come back.
Reading Wikipedia doesn't qualify you to talk about historical accuracy
Christ I'm thinking of all the dialects that I'm sure are ignored here. This is a pre-printing press world so there was no one centralized language per region/nation. Historical accuracy my ass
>riding horse through countryside
>jump fence