What an absolutely shit fucking game. Lmao I can't believe people will defend this autistic crock of shit...

What an absolutely shit fucking game. Lmao I can't believe people will defend this autistic crock of shit. I've spent 11 hours trying to get fucking material. I spent 6 trying to break Vaal head for fangs and 5 trying to get an urugaan gem

Did not get a single one of either. This is a broken piece of shit game that appeals to hikkimori Japanese losers that have nothing else to do. It's so shit that I'm actually going to trade it in so I can get some return for it. I've tried every little retard ""'guide""" on the internet trying to get tips but not a single one works,just like how broken this shit game is!

Genuinely feel sorry for retard losers who spent hundreds of hours into this broken shit game.

You gonna trigger the shills man.


>15 fps on OG PS4
So this is the power of For The Players

>phoneposters are shitters

favorite new monster
least favorite new monster
favorite weapon
least favorite weapon


Nooooo you are not allowed to say anything bad about the game, its absolutely literally perfect and if you disagree you are a drone sjw cuck soyboy


>all this autistic rage
It's just a game user.

Why not do the limited bounty that comes each week to get the gem you're after?

>favorite new monster
>least favorite new monster
>favorite weapon
>least favorite weapon
Light Bowgun

>Go up against a giant Garfield
>Slay him to get the Dark Lasagna Armor Set and the meatball hammer
Got it for PS4, but if MHW PC has mods, I'll
probably buy it again.

it'll have denuvo guaranteed

Is it better to kill or capture a monster to get it's gem?

capture and cut off tails, also investigations with silver and gold slots

Break all parts and kill

sauce me son


>we now have lock on and monster HP
>people still whine

>using personal anecdotes to criticize the game

There's Monster HP in MHW?

Aside from the skull icon we can't see monster HP
Do you mean damage numbers?

damage numbers combined with an advanced version of capture guru for free that shows high, mid, and low health, not very far off from showing an actual health bar

Lock on and monster HP don't fix the clunky gameplay and endless grind.

>Needed Legiana Gem and 2 Rath Gems
>Get 2 of both fighting each one time.
>Got 2 rath plates as well

Do you even desire sensor?

Are you talking about the EKG line thing? I always thought that was just relative to how angry the monster was at the time you fight it given it starts out low, goes to mid, then gets high when they roar and most times leave the fight right after.

Still cant figure out the difference between the red and grey squares down there either.

>play grindan game
>wtf why is there so much grind

it shows their health on top of if they're in rage mode or not by blinking orange

>favorite monster
lumu for sure, I want to cuddle and protect it
>least favorite monster
anja, hes not even hard he is just annoying with how much he clips into the environment and the camera gets stuck on him like crazy
>favorite weapon
Lance, second is tied for gunlance and SnS
>least favorite weapon
Chargeblade, the wide swings trip me up from behind my guard constantly

Stop giving a fuck about whatever stupid piece of gear you need Vaal fangs for.

b-but muh meme LBG

Stay mad that Sup Forums enjoys a game you don’t

>90% of b sets dont dye at all

I don't know what's worse, babbies making threads like these or the newfags that don't know how MH threads around here usually start with OPs bitching about the game.

I thought about getting it, it would be my first MH game and after reading that it's fun and easier than earlier titles I wanted to get it, but the opinions vary widely here (even though some of it is just shitposting) , it's still makes me uncertain whether to buy it or not.

It's fun. If you were a monster hunter fan you may have been disappointed but they will still play it for 100 hours. While claiming it's total shit.

Sup Forums and enjoying game don't go in the same sentence

This, but unironically.

It's still a good game. Performance and content are really the two biggest objective blemishes compared to older games but like the other guys said you still get a hundred hours out of it.

I'd recommend it user. It's a slow start with a few longish cut scenes and the game holds your hand for a short ways in but there are a ton of quality of life changes and the gameplay is solid, Its a great game to start with even though there isn't hundreds of hours of content or anything but the other games didn't really either until more stuff got added later. The combat might be weird to get used to at first but just try all the weapons (you get them all at the start for free) and use whatever one you like most, there's no real party roles in monster hunter other than ranged and melee. The biggest advice I can give is don't button mash buttons and remember direction inputs change your moves so train yourself to let off the joystick when attacking

Bazelgeuse just for the fact that I'm tired of seeing that faggot all the time
Still getting weps, so I can't say just yet