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Video Games #4066
Video Games
Ever feel like you you can't enjoy video games anymore?
My ancestors :)
Why aren’t you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Fuck you, it wasn't that bad
Why do SWITCHboys want Cuphead on their system so bad that they make cringey photoshops like this?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
They didn't specify which one. everyone is expecting the first three but it might be the sierra ones
I just finished this and I still don't know what ending was this supposed to be a sequel of...
You know I had to do it to em
Dragon Ball Fighter Z DLC
Why are older Pokemon games way more fun than the new ones in 3D?
Best asses in vidya
Why do people like this try hard trash?
No hat in time for switch
I've never played a single Kingdom Hearts game...
First minute and I am stuck, I cant swim, the guide died
Reminder that if you use goku black or vegeta ssj1, youre just a meta shitter and dont really have any actual skill
Which one was the better game?
ITT:Red flags
Download pirated game
Casino level
This guy air raids your hunt
This is the person whos cock is Sup Forums currently sucking
A black woman designed the best looking 2DS XL
Meet the PS5 CPU:
Post your daughterfu
Filename Thread
Digimon story thread
Smash 4 Switch/Smash 5 Roster thread
Is there a more forgettable party member in vidya?
Is he the most comfy long-form critic on youtube?
Appealing to outrage culture warriors will sell your ga-
Games where you can and sometimes will drink soy?
Radiant Historia
And you thought they couldn't get worse
Why are Slavs better than Westerners when it comes to making video games?
Luke was proven right!
Do rhythm games require skill?
Vermintide 2
Which game had the best health system?
Look how Samus's arse changed
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that it was much, much better than both DS1 and DS3, right?
10 fingers
Cold Steel 2 PC
What monsters you DON'T wanna see come to MH World in any way, shape or form?
200k streamers
Bowser's sub
The ESRB was created to deter government regulation of the video game industry
Metal Gear Survive thread
What games do girls love?
What game was it for you, Sup Forums?
The Witcher 3... What went so right?
I didn't care about this game...
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Switch regret
Dr Disrespect
Do developers have the right to criticize the critics?
MonolithSoft next game
Ywn force a big busty popular girl to live in the body of a flat chested short bratty childish midget girl
So... is this game any good?
Land with big ass monsters
ITT Games Only You Played
If they don't announce a new direct or some new games soon, I'm selling this fucking thing
99% of Sup Forums cannot execute this move
200 k viewers on twitch
He will literally die if you dont buy his new game
The asteroids were supposed to provide us with limitless resources, but their promise was stolen by a corrupt monopoly
What was the last pokemon game that you enjoyed playing?
You will never be bullied to death by Terminal Beta and Alpha
At what point did you realize Makoto was best girl
This is Vulcanos, Former Arch Angel of Celestia
Dating older women in games
Think we'll get a sequel
E3 2018 floor plan
I hate my life
THIS IS THE JUDGMENT OF THE Warhammer 40k thread, SCUM
Thoughts, Sup Forums?
Why haven't you played the God Hand of this generation?
Easy: For gamers who want to enjoy the story
Remember this?
6 > 4 > 7 > 5 > 1 > 10 > 9 > 15 > 8 > 3 > 12 > 2 > 13
Has sex ever sold you on a game?
Why has everyone abandoned couch co-op?
Why the fuck is this game so hard?
Steam friend finally played the gift you gave them only once with only 1h on record after over half a year
Spyro the Dragon remastered confirmed
Try to be a good police officer, instead of doing the right thing and kill everyone, just to fuck Snow White
This is Ubisoft's plan for the future of the video game industry
Second Floor Basement?
Tits thread
What was the best gamecube game?
What happened?
DOA fucking sucks, stop shilling this franchise because of >muh generic animu thrash girls, it fucking sucks Sup Forums...
ITT : Games we all love
Did games really use to be better than now, or is it all nostalgia?
If Blizzard announced that you must pay a monthly $15 subscription fee to play Classic WoW, would you still play it?
Lost my toddposting folder
Get shot literally anywhere by any caliber round
Life was good back then, wasn't it, Sup Forums?
Damn the Oblivion mods these days are crazy
What are some games (besides pic related) that let me play as a white american?
Shit you played with dumb family
ITT: Times when you were scammed by Sup Forums
Kingdom Come: Deliverance fanbois already in denial stage
Was his reaction justifiable?
Highest rank you've reached and what car your use in rocket league
Has matchmaking servers killed fun in vidya?
Let's have one of these
I'm honestly not sure whether to feel unease, cringe, or be impressed by this... whatever it is
ITT: Buyer's Remorse
Fire Emblem Heroes
Humble Bundle thread
Best GTA. prove me wrong
Which less offensive Tifa do you prefer?
Still remains the best Dragon Ball game to this day. How did they do it?
It's time for the recommended dose of nothing
What happened to this memelord? Is his career over?
So what is the Sup Forumserdict?
Monolith Soft interested in having its Kyoto studio work on original games
Insider here - Screen cap THIS fucking megaton going around ms this week. That lack of e3 showroom floor...
Meanwhile on extranet Sup Forums
Smash 4 has balanced characte-
Really makes you think
Honestly, this is a masterpiece. Know Im late but I just got my switch. Holy shit...
Kingdom Come: Deliverance performance
Why is it that with every fighting game released recently, the devs always go for the accessibility meme?
People don't even know why they still hate this game
What game is the most fun to watch people speedrun?
Need a new steam avatar post em' boys
Nintendo used to have good hardware
Did you help him, Sup Forums?
ITT: why don't they just make another one
Is Assains Creed Origins worth it? I haven't played a good AC game in a while
Which one was better?
Why's he always hanging out with underage girls?
Better than Mario Kart
What is a video game targeted at children you still can appreciate as an adult?
Do it faggot
Whoa.... so this is the power... of eurojank
Someone says it's one of their favorite games
Oh no no no
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Nothings fun anymore
Why is Click-cuck world everybody's favorite stage? Is it because they made it FOUR TIMES?
Features that always suck
Why are wrpgs so bad when compared to jrpgs?
H-hi, I'm the worst selling Zelda game
Give me one reason why this guy isn't one of your mains
ITT: Games that aged like milk
Draw a video game character using a maximum of 5 rectangles, others guess
What western game do nips love?
What sound does a computer lion make?
If you put stickers on your console or controllers, explain yourself ITT
Which vidya character would you ask to be your valentines?
To all of you who wasted their youth playing video games
The first 2 hours of this game's main story is unironically better than anything AAA has written in the last 5 years
Enemies can open doors
Sup Forums wins again
ITT: Steam hidden gems
Game of the year is an indie
Hi guys
Heres your controller bro
133 million views
The virgin nintendo booth
We could have had this, bros
Is player "toxicity" really the reason the devs are so slow at releasing content?
Was it really that bad?
This is Valkyria Chronicles now
So with KC bombing, when are we getting a good medieval game?
Can't play as fair sword maiden
Console-tan Tuesdays /ctt/
Proud American here. What the hell is Sup Forums's problem with this character...
Microsoft is turning things arou-
You fuck you gave me nostalgia
Why the fuck is there no virtual console on Switch yet?
Etrian Odyssey
Paolumu a cute
Exposition that gets in the way of gameplay mechanics is the worst trait a game can have...
What kind of chair do you use?
Switch Thread
You can actually pinpoint the moment Bioware died
"cinematic experience"
Left or right
GOG Chinese New Year Sale
HOWDY Y'ALL!!! My name is sheriff Tad Mc Becker and im the sheriff of this here thread...
Video games
Diablo 3 has shit mechanics but great gameplay
*bodyshots you*
This is turning out to be my 2017 GOTY somehow. what did vee think of it
So PCfags who are waiting for Monster Hunter World:
Say it
Appealing to outrage culture warriors will sell your ga-
Worth upgrading from a GTX 750 to?
Buy PS+ for MHW
Who was he?
What are some good games to play with my gf for tommorow's Valentine's Day?
This will come to US/Europe after the huge success of MHW, right? Right?
Azur Lane or Kancolle?
How long till they remaster this gem?
Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
No character customization
So was blowing cartridges to make them work again actually a bad thing to do or was that just a meme?
Damn...Skyrim looks like THAT?!
Do it faggot
Resident Evil
Is this accurate ?
What went so right with the video game industry that it is the most profitable form of entertainment in our day and age?
Any vidya you're gonna play with your sweetheart on V day?
Soulmaid has arrived
With the mountain of indie shit coming out on the Switch, are there any indie games that are actually worth it?
When did you realize that the story is messed up, stupid and doesn't make sense?
ITT: When best Final Fantasy girl isn't even from the main games
Casual Filter
Why are we more attracted to Eastern female design than to the Western one?
Why are developers so ignorant and stupid?
Dragon ball fighter z
Team starts to lose
What is your opinion on nuLara?
What the fuck is the point of
We had a nice DA thread going on but mods decided to delete it so lets try it again
Tfw it's already collecting dust because it has no content
1 day
What went wrong?
Murders 6 children
Love Baldurs Gate, Icewind dale and co
Monster Hunter World
Are there any decent MMO's left around? I know, I know
Why isn't it coming to Switch? Wasn't this gen supposed to better than last one for Nintendo third-party?
Makes new engine
It runs okay for me but I have a pretty beefy rig...
Now that the dust has settled and most have played this game...
He quicksaves after every fight
What went wrong
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
I just don't understand how normies can enjoy a game with 0 plot and character development
Looks like cliff bazinga is going to put down his billion dollar franchise
Memes you fell for
Do people that prefer Virtue's Last Reward to 999 actually exist?
Holy fuck Subnautica was good, if a little wonky in some parts
Nintendo: All third parties are "satisfied" with Switch software sales
Boss has a second phase
Devil May Cry Thread: I Can't Believe it's Actually Video Games Edition
He killed millions
Post games for intelligent gamers. You are only allowed to post if you have an IQ higher than 105
Why is PC gaming such a fucking meme?
Why don't you just pirate vidya like every other sane person, Sup Forums?
Rainbow Six
It's another Sup Forums shits on a game it's not played episode
ITT: Eurojank
Is this the spookiest moment in gaming history?
So how is it? Worth buying?
Post your most unpopular Sup Forums opinion
I need a new game to play, is Horizon any good?
Why the fuck does this antisocial cow think it's acceptable to go places in her fucking pyjamas?
So, the Nintendo Direct will be announced soon, r-right?
Holy fuck I'll just leave this here
Well Sup Forums do you think they should get to together?
It doesn't even have a general anymore
PC master race
Dynasty Warriors 9
Monster Hunter was always a respected franchise in the hardcore community. Old Sup Forums would never...
Here's hoping the Switch pokemon title can live up to the standard set by this
Why is this still the best in the series?
Bayonetta 2 and 3 are NEVER going to be ported on PS4
Jap games are popular now
The great debate
The End Of Lootboxes
Handheld monster hunter is dead
What's the Sup Forumserdict now that some time has passed
What has happened to gootecks?
"It was too big, too thick, too heavy, and too long. It was more like a slab of iron"
This is what happens if you aren't on the right side of history
"No...don't leave me."
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Tfw I just remembered im going to die eventually
I got drawn in by a friend and hype but wasn't worth it. A few missions in and I am already sick of the formula
It's 4 o'clock in the morning, why on earth are you shitposting?
Why does everyone bully her over a non-canon ending?
ITT: Ugly women in videogames
Great DLCs
Is it too late to get into Dota 2? I heard some new patch came out that fucked everything up
Low Preorders for Pillars of Eternity 2
4 hours I'm never getting back
What went right?
Hentai on Steam
Non-political thread about Kingdom Come: Deliverance, in which we don't talk about politics
Keep It Vidya
ITT: Steam hidden gems
*blocks your spawn*
20GB day one patch
This is revenge for drumpf trying to sabotage black panther
6 years ago
There's been 10 alchemists since Totori and she's still the sexiest. Will Gust ever top her?
You are put in charge of TESVI development
Royal rat authority
Here's your controller, bro
Are you ready for Sora's game?
He doesn't play fighting games
This boss is pretty cool, friends
Which makes the most sense?
Add a patch that fixes the human characters faces
Is this one of the best games ever made?
What is the best laptop for gaming under $1500? I really want to get back into PC gaming again
TF2 has gotten boring
She is a big, strong warrior, who kicks ass and takes names
Another speedrunning great EXPOSED
Are we allowed to admit yet that this game is much easier and doesn't have shit for content compared to older Monster...
Game turns into a horror game halfway through
Why was Ultimecia limited to reaching the protagonists present day with the machine...
Are Sup Forums's mods better than Sup Forums's...
*fucks up your 1cc*
Lol u mad?
We won, behold the best controller
Itt video games that were too advanced for it's time
Autistic Vidya Stories
Is this game proof that diversity wins
This board is:
That health meter
What went right?
She killed billions
Flash Games
What are some of the most kino romances Sup Forums?
Kingdom Hearts 3
Who's the greatest videogame concept artist and why it's Yoji Shinkawa
"Dark Souls 2 is the best one!"
Damn Imperials look like THAT!?
Who would you main in a Nintendo girls fighting game?
Resident Evil
What are some recent CRPGs that are worth looking into...
It's a girl
Galaxy is dark and full of terrors!
Hey this game was pretty good. Why didn't anyone talk about it?
I wonder who won
When you realize that Vanilla WoW and modern Retail WoW are both boring as shit
What games that would improve if the main character had a gun
People actually defend this game
Are you enjoying the new Dark Souls so far, Sup Forums?
We did it Sup Forumsro's!
Kid Buu got in
Post video game "jokes" that physically hurt your brain
Has BotW and Odyssey made devs at Nintendo afraid of releasing Switch games?
ITT we pretend it's 2013 again
Name a attack that demoralizes the opponent more than this
Who else here agrees that Kingdom Hearts is too white?
ITT: Companies destroyed by Microsoft
3.0.1 is out now. Why aren't you playing Star Citizen yet?
Sequel's protagonist is descendant from first game's protagonist
Because i'm a terrorist
Name a harder boss You cant
Why is there so little to explore for? The world feels so empty at times and feels lifeless in some places...
Sup Forums drawthread
Rolling a female character
So xbox won?
Under Night Thread
Where did Diablo 3 go wrong?
What games have the most retarded plot twists?
Who is your favorite video game streamer? Pic related is mine
Is there a more enjoyable enhancement to your gaming experience than sipping on an ice-cold Coca-Cola®?
GAMES intro music is rap
How did we go from this
What does Sup Forums think of Twilight Princess?
Valve make Black Mesa to test waters of creating Half-Life content as 'fan-made' games
So this is finally available to download? But can I pass the first level, is the real question
ITT visual, non-gameplay shit in vidya that triggers your autism
Why hunters don’t just raising livestock instead of challenge tougher monsters everyday
Game is mean spirited
*remains airborne*
Draw best looking girl
Can become a Pirate Legend, giving access to a hidden hideout with its own legendary quests and rewards
Fuck bros...we can't let Nintendo get away with this...Bayonetta needs to come home to the PS4, not that shitty tablet
Lollipop Chainsaw
Sly Games
Do you guys think making low-poly low-rez games in this day and age is still viable? Like...
Cum on my face if I'm wrong, but are souls games the deepest action videogames from the last 10 years?
Old multiplayer game
Name a combat system that more perfectly blends together fast pace, fluidity and variety
How am I supposed to do the first dungeon with nobody around
Are there regulations against having children visibly die in video games...
ITT: Overhyped games people completly forgot about
ITT: Series that will NEVER come back
It's time to discuss the indie game of the year
(You) general
Why did Prey get so overlooked?
ITT: Scary/creepy enemies in non-horror games
Choose your favorite fightfu
Hello, Sup Forums, I am in need of some help, possibly a medical diagnosis. You see...
/cgl/ is making fun of again
Conan Exiles
Shin megami tensei
Did you ever steal a video game as a kid?
Will gaming cafes ever be a thing again?
Smash Switch Roster and Stage Thread
He murdered children
What went so right?
Game is poorly designed and has a broken, overpowered feature that makes the game too easy
Thoughts on this Sup Forums?
Shameless youtube thread
Sup Forums is making fun of us again
It's been 5 years Sup Forums, can we admit this was actually good?
So why is he designed as noctis 2.0 again?
Well, /L/?
ITT: Poorly optimized PC games
Steam Avatar Rate Thread
Dude hollow knight and cuphead are GOATTTT
Be male
Why did Blu Ray players never take off in PC Gaming?
Games that make your friends question your mental stability
Did you ever read Game Informer as a kid?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Alright Sup Forums who did it?
Is this thing a piece of shit? I can't even do basic moves I can do with an Xbox dpad with it
What do you listen to Sup Forums? Dont tell me you listen to the ingame boring sounds and music
I finally bought Resident evil HD remaster a few days ago. I already finished it with Chris. Overall I liked it...
Quick! we need a new girl character
Sup Forums Plays Fire Emblem 3 Book 2
N2 will never bully you
Sup Forums. Home
Hyper Universe
Mom said it's my turn on the xbox
Is there a good modern JRPG to play after a lengthy break from the genre?
Collector’s edition thread
BioWare is about to release its last game before being shut down by EA
Why is this game a meme on Sup Forums?
Will there ever be a game to come close to the sheer perfection (and I do not use that word loosely) that is Terraria?
How would you measure this programs affect on gaming?
What went wrong?
Why haven't you bought the best game of the decade?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekday
Brb smoke break
If you could change metacritic scores, what score would you give to Bloodborne?
RPG Genre
Who the fuck is he?
Final verdict?
Monster Hunter World is Capcom fastest selling game
ITT: remakes that genuinely look worse than the original
Predict the sales
If you were raising a kid, what games would you have them play? What games would you refuse to buy them?
Useless party members
Just finished Dead Rising
I’ve never played a Kingdom Hearts game before but I think that 3 looks fucking amazing...
In what order will they inevitably fall Sup Forums?
Predict the Metacritic score
Mfw I own an almost $1000 game
What are some good video games where you can go fishing?
23gb download
So Sup Forums ive never played any metal gear solid games and im wondering if i wanted to play some but not be...
XX_KrazyKushBoi_420blazupfagitXx has entered the game
Redpill me on Tokyo Xanadu
Did you forget about me already Sup Forums?
What the hell is this bullshit
Post no fun allowed bosses
What game are you playing?
Ugh. It seems as though men have always been pigs :(
Game has a small community
What are your honest opinions of Lammy?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Sae Niijima!
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
It's not just a blade made to look like a key. It's a 'blade made of someone's ki'...
What are your honest to God thoughts on this game?
Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there, just the best C&C coming through, make way, make way
What are some games that let me play as a rat or a rodent race?
Would you Sup Forums?
Aside from graphics why would anyone spend £600 to make a gaming when you could get a console for a third of that price?
He's fucking easy god this game brought in so much casuals
What is a game series where the devs decided to go in a new direction and ruined it?
Face it Sup Forums: The only reason you keep bitching about us and hating on us is because we introduced new different...
Rate my setup boys
What are some other animes you'd like to see get the DB Fighterz treatment?
Xenoblade 2
RIP EA, Treyarch, Nintendo and Square Enix
Sprint Vector
Mario has the deepest lore
Who else getting the best game of February 13th?
I have never played videogames
Rolling a female character
Anyone play vidya w/friends that smoke indoors?
What was his fucking problem?
I wanna make a dungeon crawler like Wizardry early games. Any ideas for it? Just figured out how to add stat rolls
Why didn't you romance Jack Sup Forums?
4 days 'till this happens. You gonna watch it?
Lets learn something about Sup Forums
What the fuck kind of partner hasn't even announced a game in the first year of a console?
What went so right?
Extremely talented musician
I just looked at footage of this shit and I want to fucking off myself. Another soulless skyrim clone...
If you're under 23 there's an extremely low chance you'd call this game enjoyable and a negligible...
Cool game related art (including promotional art and fan art)
What did they mean by this?
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree it was a masterpiece, right bros?
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Cold Steel 2 / kiseki
What are some Japanese games that are influenced by Western culture?
Yfw Kingdom come has been confirmed as blunder of the year
PS1/PS2 Horror Games
Classic vidyas are too outdated to enjoy now
Buy MGS Survive
ITT: trailers that made you drop a game
Why do people like this piece of shit so much? does Sup Forums enjoy pre-rendered slideshows more than actual games...
Objective: die
What's your favorite game on steam?
Best girl
Xenogears' 20th anniversary
Touch the cow?
TMNT comes out tomorrow
There are people on Sup Forums right now who killed Mr House
Times u hid ur vidya power level user?
One year ago today, Sup Forums was seething over this skin, thiccfags were btfo'd and Overwatch was still alive
E3 Gamer Pass Goes On Sale at 12 PM ET, First 1,000 Receive $100 Discount
Sheep boss
Choose your favorite fighting game character
How do you feel, when a person who does literally everything wrong can score and you can't?
GameStop fires COO and EVP without cause
Halo Thread
Thank God for Jim Sterling
It's no masterpiece
Players started the event by speaking to Gilbert, a leprechaun found in the Lumbridge Castle courtyard...
My... My deepest truest wish?
ITT : Characters that sold a game for you
This is canon Persona 5 pair
How true is this of video games?
Why the hell does her english VA sound like a fucking valley girl?
This song is unironically terrible
There's lots of really cool and interesting doom mods, what are your favorites Sup Forums? This one is really cool...
You are now mad, all it took was a picture
Sister buys switch for mario
When is it too much to keep asking for ports? How are we supposed to know?
What the fuck?
10/10 games that never had a sequel and never will
Do you ever get the itch to engineer
Let's talk about FFXIV. New players and veteran players are welcome. Patch 4.25 is shaping up to be FF11 the patch
Worst girl steals best girl
Yes, and you call these Switch games despite the fact that they were obviously on the Wii U
Would you play a game of Xtreme Beach Volleyball, but with Nintendo characters? Who do you think should be in it?
This is Sora, say something nice about him
Never got into minecraft
Vidya enemies that gave you nightmares as a kid
Don't forget that there's still time to get your 6000 Dusty Tokens!
Name a better bossfight
How are you enjoying Hatsune Miku Future Tone? Have you managed to perfect any songs, or break any personal records?
Game gets casualized
What's more important in the "story" of a game, the characters, the world, or the narrative?
Defend this arcsysfags
Turn the game console off right now
ITT: The First Game You Ever Played
What is your honest opinion on ds2 Sup Forums?
What an absolutely shit fucking game. Lmao I can't believe people will defend this autistic crock of shit...
Remake video games in 32x32 pixels and others guess, pic related should be easy
Sup Forums WAS BTFO
What was the most "ok" game you've ever played
ITT: Games only you have played
Nomura approaches you one day in a business meeting and utters a blessing
Webm thread
Why have you still not embraced S/M & US/UM and Gen 7 as the best Pokémon games and generation to date so far Sup...
What's the best controller, Sup Forums? Is it 360? What do you have?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...