Why the fuck is there no virtual console on Switch yet?

Why the fuck is there no virtual console on Switch yet?

They're waiting on the online so they can advertise NES games having online play for subscribers.

Why did you edit an AJJ album to make fun of switch owners? They're punk rock bro

Dunno but I really hope we get at least something about it soon

I have a feeling it might be something different if it's been this long, but whatever it is, they should do it as soon as possible

I don't even buy into the soy meme at all but if a person or group were to represent soy in this world then it would be goddamn Andrew Jackson Jihad.

I am so sick of that stupid liberal soyboy look you see everywehre.
Anyone who looks like that I want to punch in their fucking face.

Nintendo hates money.

I just want to lay in bed and listen to do do do do do do BAH music in Mario Sunshine.

The console is to weak to run them on its emulator.

They're also huge faggots

What are you guys talking about? They write songs about killing people. They're real

"I am white
And I've got everything I need
No one clutches their purses when they're in a room alone with me
And I can drive through any neighborhood I please
At any hour, and the police don't do a thing

So if I see a penny on the ground
I leave it alone or fucking flip it
I'm a straight white male in America
I've got all the luck I need

I'm a guy getting paid more than a girl with a degree
And I can walk down the streets after dark
No one wants to rape me
And I can get a girl pregnant
And just as easily flee
Just like my straight white male dad did to me"

I assumed that whole picture was done just for the switch picture. Apparently someone actually did a Neutral Milk Hotel cover with themselves painted in doing the soy boy face, and some faggot in this thread is defending it. Fucking wew.


That's a good cover.
The Mountain Goats did an OK version too.

Never says he doesn't like it. Or that he doesn't take advantage these things. Or that he wants justice for all.

It's kind of a stretch to say some of this isn't true.

Needs Jamal in the background.

They're making a Netflix style subscription services where you subscribe to particular retro consoles

So on top of your standard online fee you will pay an extra $20 a year for NES games, $30 fro SNEs games etc

Probably more expensive that that because Nintendo, but that's what's happening

That's pretty much a cuck song

Go prep the bull you spastic.

IAOTS is punk, right?

why the fuck is that woman's head a potato

It's kind of funny how delusional you shitters are, why does everything have to be on one end of the spectrum with you people?

You'll be able to rent games with the paid online service. But so many people complained about paid online that they let people play online for free for a year and a half.
>So on top of your standard online fee you will pay an extra $20 a year for NES games, $30 fro SNEs games etc
Where did you get that information? Oh right, you pulled it out of your anus.

didn't they change their name from Andrew Jackson Jihad to AJJ because it could offend people?
What was the point on naming the band Andrew Jackson Jihad in the first place?

It's a tambourine ya fucking idiot

Dude Anne Frank lmao

Found the soyboi

indie folk or something

Just get a Wii U and hack it. It can literally play GBA, N64, GCN, Wii, DS, etc. It became the perfect Nintendo emulator machine.

But how can I give money to Nintendo if I do that

>rebuying games you already own for every new fucking console they shit out

no it's a potato

Because they are on the autism spectrum.
Case in point.

Make up your fucking mind Sup Forums
Do you want ports or not?

They changed it to AJJ because Muslims are a genuinely oppressed people, oppressed by Sup Forums's most hated group of people, Israeli Jews.

Islam was legit a religion of peace until Israel started stealing from them and killing them.

Why would they drown out all the 3rd party support on the E-shop by flooding a bunch of old games people already own on Wii or Wii U.

But what was the point in naming it Andrew Jackson Jihad in the first place? Israel has been stealing from muds way before the band members were born.

It must burn you up inside that, despite your best efforts on Sup Forums, the switch is still doing gangbusters

They're overpriced, the library is horribly tiny, and they always find a way to mess it up. The Wii U is backwards compatible with Wii games, but disc games disable Gamepad functionality, even though it's perfectly usable. The Wii U VC enables this but the pitiful library meant only Xenoblade gets to use it unless you hack in your own games. There's a whole bunch of input delay for most games, the DS has no layout where the top and bottom screen are shown at the same size, the "bottom gamepad top TV" layout results in warped pixels, and most VC titles have a significant amount of input delay, with the exception being Wii and GC (also hack only, thanks Nintendo) due to it being played natively.

They were dumb kids unaware of Israels crimes against humanity.

Seems to me they're still dumb and jumping on trends.

They were angry kids being punks?
Saw them live in december, their suffering is palpable


Fuck no.
I just want all the kddie shit consoles to die.

Shut the fuck up ninteniggerfaggotcuckdicksucjerbabyfag

AJJ is literally the most embarrassing band I can think of.

lol I'd like to see you try pasty fuckboi

i actually eat a lot of soy as a meat substitute. i'm more concerned with longterm medical problems from red meat, but it's obvious animals are semi-intelligent. i'm not some screaming faggot about it but that means factory farming is unethical, especially when human being could live totally sufficient lives on all kinds of diets. i eat some meat at restuarants because i don't want to be difficult. i don't really care about the switch, it seems like a fun console with some neat exclusives. i don't play enough games that i feel the need to buy one of these consoles (i came to this topic just to see if the switch was going to have a decent virtual console library). i don't even care about labo, most children's toys are overpriced. i had a vasectomy because i have a history of ms in my family, and honestly having to take care of someone pregnant for 9 months sounds like bullshit, especially when adoption/fostering is clearly the "right" thing to do, you don't have to be fucking sherlock holmes to figure that out. and islam is a religion, happens to be the dominant religion in a part of the world that is being radicalized. i generally think the israeli state was a mistake, but i'm not enough of a moron to just think that it can be returned to palestine at this point.

but whoever this fucking user is, you are exactly the kind of person that ruins my life on a daily basis, completely uninformed and pissing your pants with your great opinions. it's incredible you're even able to form words with that follow-the-leader microbrain of yours, spitting and stuttering in everyone's ears like a fucking mongoloid. i am honestly embarrassed that random chance would push you into my corner of the world, but do us both a favor and kys in a hospital so someone can also least make use of your bloated pathetic body

shut up ACFag

>fingered a girl for the first time to this album
man I miss highschool

I like that band for reasons unrelated to video games, meat substitutes, or least of all opinions of angry people here!

Absolutely ridiculous gif. Everyone know that the real thirst people quenched isn't for Likes, it's for (you)'s

Sean Bonnette looks (or looked) exactly like the Soy meme guy, only dirtier.

sean is a literal a soyboy white guilt cuck tho

as for why the switch has no VC it takes time to modify open source emulators into real nintendo closed source ones and sheet downloading all those roms off emuparadise takes forever