Are we allowed to admit yet that this game is much easier and doesn't have shit for content compared to older Monster...

Are we allowed to admit yet that this game is much easier and doesn't have shit for content compared to older Monster Hunter games?


I've been saying it for about a week now.

soyboys who cant afford a ps4 im guessing?

This is the first current gen game where they could no longer recycle assets all the way back to the ps2 game so yeah with everything being made fresh and HD and pre-Grank it would be silly to expect a similar amount of content.

It's definitely easier. Figured that was inevitable if they were trying to attract newbies. I'll accept it if Grank and future games creep the difficulty back up, but if it regresses further its fucked.

I played around 60 hours and I'm done with the game.

If they ever want G rank to be difficult they have to lock people out of the tent during quests. The tent just makes it so any attack that isn't a one shot mechanic is completely irrelevant since they can just farcaster home once they are out of potions and anything that flies is just stunlocked with flashpods

Fuck off console war faggot.

The older games were only hard because of shitty controls / camera.

Also turn off fast travel.
Getting dropped in a random zone is pretty pointless when you can just fast travel to a camp.

Normalfag, please.

It's just another case of the player getting all the tools in the world while monsters get nothing new
Same reason why I gave up on X so quickly

They literally went on record saying this entry would be more accessible so I don't see why the ease is unexpected? Also the first game of it's gen so comparing it contentwise to 4U and XX is retarded

>not hitboxes

I have 120 hours logged and here's my criticisms

Yes, every monster has very low health compared to previous games. This holds true for high and low rank. Mind you, beginners to the series still somehow fucking manage to hunt for 30 minutes (see dunkey) but veterans will never go over 20 minutes for any hunt unless it's a multi monster. That being send, the games true endgame (fighting tempered elders) is hard. Nearly all of them can one shot you or bring you to near death with minimal effort. It's tense but this challenge comes late

>weapon design variety
They really blew it in this department. No Rath on a stick for a example. I could understand if weapons down the same tree remained the same but across multiple trees, very lazy

That's it. Those are pretty big issues in my book but despite that I still believe this is arguably the best mh game in terms of mechanics and the how it changed the core and environment. You can't expect huge monger variety/g rank from the first game, as a fan of mh how can anyone not know this by now?


pick one. This is capcom. Faggots.

It isn't pointless when you get dropped off literally on top of black Diablos and her husband.

He's really not wrong. I have played 4u, 3u and fu other than mhw. The controls and camera are garbage.

It has a lot of content, is next gen, and just came out. They will add more. Piss off

Wait till you fight a tempered teostra and be blows his load on you

Honestly I forgot I could retreat to tent and restock for a long time. Like I didnt even consider lowering myself to that. Not to mention the wasted time would be aggravating. Hope new players aren't crutching on that too much.

>doesn't have shit for content compared to older Monster Hunter games?
It has more than Tri. I'm 180 hours in and still have tons of shit left to do. I don't understand where this "no content" shit is coming from. Do you fags only acquire one armor set, upgrade one weapon, and play only story quests or something?

Between trying to get good arena times, completing all of the HR sets, Plat trophy, getting to's probably gonna take another 190 hours. Plus, we're getting more content down the road.

Definitely easier. That being said, the game keeps a decent learning curve and really hits its stride during the final elder dragons/tempered hunts. Having actual controls makes the game infinitely easier too.

Aside from muh graphix, we gotta realize that its all new assets and designs. This probably hasn't been done since FU. That being said, some of the weapons are pretty disappointing, at least until you hit rank 6-8 and get some nice designs.

Personally, i'm loving this game. The game being easier isn't hurting my experience and being able to hunt without the hand cramps is a godsend.

no shit it isn't going to have as much content as the older ones that have been reusing the same shit since psp. They had to rebuild everything from the ground up. it will have a shitload of things added by the end of the year. They always support every new MonHun monthly for at least 1 year.

If you do this you're a shitter anyway. Who the fuck actually goes into a tent mid-hunt?

I mean, even if you had to, which happens rarely ever because monsters either do no damage or 1-shot you, the simple fact that you can teleport around the map, see them on the map always (perma paintball) and they are on very specific set paths, the only thing you're wasting is time.

Bring back paintballs, and random monster locations, and we're golden.

me when I forget cool drinks when I am fighting tempered Teostra. That dude refuses to be led away from the lava areas.

>Bring back paintballs
why? there were so many ways to reveal monster locations in the older games that paintballs didn't even matter.

Look, I love MH as much as the next guy but he's not wrong. I was playing MHFU between MHW betas. Most of the difficulty came from operating the camera with my index finger, as well as bullshit hitboxes. At no point did the controls ever become comfortable and I put over 300 hours into that fucking game. Fuck.

Well maybe not paintballs, but don't give me psychic all day every day on the map. Ruins the fun of the hunt if you know where it's gonna be every time.

*waves to balloon*

whatever dude.

Not wrong. The difficulty of the game comes from the controls, the animation locks, and the slow movement of the character. Animation locks and slow movement can be circumvented with armor skills, shitty controls/camera cannot.

>he bought MHW without a PS4 just to shitpost
this is next level

I don't understand why people say there's no content. Do they think LR is end game? Does nobody collect armor sets anymore?

Yeah, it was so fun transitioning area to area for 10 minutes trying to find a monster. No. Fuck that. I like the scoutfly system especially considering the large, open nature of maps now.

Legitimately one of the dumbest complaints

>Bring back paintballs
Redpit should have just had a paint effect.
You can leave the scoutflies in but instead of them being psychic have them follow the residue from a redpit.

Even when you leave out 70% of content from MH's pool of content you're still left with 300x more content than most current games.

because there is no content. The amount of reskins puts the roster at tri levels. There's no reason to fight any tempered monsters other than the 4 elders because they have shit rewards. They couldn't be bothered to put in one super endgame monster like Alatreon from reaching a high HR. Combining Blademaster and gunner armor made almost every set in the game worthless so everyone runs some combination of eyepatch, nergi, and one or two random pieces. The entire structure of High Rank is awful.

If they had put in transmog fashion hunting would have added more shit to do but they scrapped that after XX because the B Team ideas aren't allowed to be considered good.

What a retarded argument, if other games let you fight the same boss over and over they'd have an equal amount of content.

Absolutely. Right after you admit that third gen pushed the series to the point of no return in regards to casualization and fourth gen, though it tried to undo some of that damage, didn't do nearly enough.

No. The fucking content is right there. Sorry you only wanna farm for one set, one weapon, and hunt one of each monster, but that doesn't mean there's no content. You're supposed to replay the content already there, multiple times. You know, like in every other MH game.

Also, Tri was great despite the small roster and I played the fucking shit out of that game. World is no different.

>no g rank
Game is shit

I did play the game for 130 hours and farmed sets for 7 different weapons. Almost every one of those sets involved swapping out one or two pieces of gear because almost all the armor is garbage. Farming it for cosmetic purposes is pointless when there's no fucking way to use it as a cosmetic. You're saying they could have put great jaggi as the sole monster in the game and it would have tons of content because you can kill him 500 times

I found out 40 hours in
and the endgame is literally run around collecting tracks to RNG an investigation to kill something to RNG stones of varying rarities to RNG some specific decoration that you want out of all the possible garbage

Dude, don't exaggerate what I'm saying. There's like 30 large monsters and plenty of gear to craft out of their parts. That amount of content for a first entry on a new engine is perfectly fine. Seeing as how you already put in 130+ hours, I'm sure you can also agree. Past a certain threshold, the content is what you make of it. Some people have higher goals than simply completing all quests or beating all tempered elders. But to say it isn't there is just retarded.

This is the problem. The endgame is doing expeditions which suck and give poor rewards to get a chance at doing an investigation featuring 3 or 4 elder dragons most of which suck and aren't fun to fight so you can blow literally 30 decorations on a ritual that gives you jack shit.

No shit the armor variety is going to be garbage when all you're looking for is Attack Up +7. Try other skills faggot.

where is the kushala daora sword and shield? is it gone?

As long as Nintendbros can admit they're mad this game didn't come to the Switch.

Weakness Exploit and Attack Up are the only skills worth having.

Did I hurt your feelings Destiny baby?

Not true and you fucking know it. Stop being retarded.

Oh boy, I sure was wrong about MHW. Guess I should just go back to playing an overly grindy PS2-level handheld game where the hardest part is dealing with how the I can't properly run and move the camera at the same time, or how I have to spend twenty minutes collecting herbs and mushrooms and honey every other quest. Oh boy it'll sure be fun fighting monsters on a sparse, mostly flat ground with little vegetation. Yes, surely the world where the only way to use the environment are the knee-high ledges is much better than the one that has actual living tools to utilize. God forbid the fact that I don't have to arbitrarily watch and do nothing as a monster teleports literally across the entire map through some massive tunnel that I'm not allowed to use, truly the necessity of a Paintball is so much better than actually chasing a monster as it flees.
Yes, I'm going back to my 3DS, where the monsters have virtually no interactions and might as well he two blocks slamming into one another as they try to hit me.
Things were soooo much better on the 3DS.

this but unironically.

It's the worst MH to date. It's even popular among the normies, which should give you an idea about how badly they casualized this garbage. Literally beyond recognition. Press F, because the MH series is officially dead.

I'm pressing F not to pay respects, but to call you a fag. Also, you play Overwatch, so by default your post is invalid.

The thought didn't even cross my mind until high rank, more because of being so used to not have access to the item box than pride.

I'm torn on the content debate because yeah, it only has 30 big monsters but I'm 150h in and I'm still having a blast, trying out new weapons and going for the gold crowns

The casualization isn't that big of an issue, I feel like letting people eat and switch gear at camp, gathering made easier, scoutflies and such do make the game easier but they also reduce the time spent between each big fight, which is the main meat of the game

I dunno, I'm having fun lol

Press F to spit on fag user