So what is the Sup Forumserdict?

so what is the Sup Forumserdict?

seems decent

Mechanically a great game, which is all that should really matter

from videos of it, it looks like it has some kindy of janky frame loss thing going on, and that would ruion the mechanics for me

You are all cancer.

it does incredible things. GOTY


the game is actually really fun and the story is touching for like the first 3/4 until it goes full sjw/retard

Devs praise Anita so it's shit.

I'm still trying to figure out how the abortion shitposting came up?
There is nothing that even symbolically represents abortion

le aborshun

Generic Super Meat Boy clone
Average soundtrack
Shit art style
Pixilated """"retro"""""" graphics
No 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratio support
1,2 GB for no fucking reason(Like this is how big a 10 hour game should be)
Useless Strawberry side quest that gives no sense of accomplishment
8-10 hours of gameplay
Overpriced - 20$
Dogshit ending

AND I REALLY WANTED THIS GAME TO BE GOOD AND I WAS HEAVILY DISAPPOINTED BYT THIS GAME, It's made by Matt Thorson which previously made a lot of great and underrated games like Jumper, Anuntitledstory, FLaiL, Towerfall and Dim.


>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>Generic Super Meat Boy clone
The dev made the game Super Meat Boy was originally based off of

play Super Meat Boy instead

Oh yeah, and i forgot to mention its dogshit optimisation, that fucking retarded 10% CPU usage - because this is how much CPU a game that works and looks like a SNES game should use

SJW Agenda

Meat Boy was shit.
SUPER Meat Boy however, is great.
Theres a reason why Edmund worked on the basis of the original and made it a GREAT game, instead of just releasing the shitty prototype he had, like Celeste devs did.

Unironically a new low for indie games.

Shit quality.
brainwashed players.
The worst graphics of the 2010s.
A huge issues for the future of indie games.

are people really just going to be contrarian? the game is good

Who gives a fuck what the devs think.
Even if Anita is a shit.

No, it's not good. You simply have awful taste. It doesn't matter what anybody thinks about the shit game.

He was not referring to the original Meatboy, you wank.

he's talking about jumper and it doesn't matter

the gameplay is fun, the mechanics are tight, the story is touching, the graphics are good. what exactly are you mad about again?

People are literally unable to let a random innocuous thought any developer has from forcing them to have to hate something. Twitter was a mistake. Sup Forums was a mistake.
The game plays alright I guess, was never much into meatboy style games.

no and stop promoting it
you missed the boat on this game by half a decade

sorry for your depression man, hope you feel better soon


>mechanics are tight
Don't you have a job to do? Don't you have somewhere... to shill?

damn dude you really proved my statement wrong xd

WTF I suddenly want Taco Bell.

can't keep up much of a payroll with these sales


>from videos

I'm enjoying it. The vector art mixed into a pixel game is the only off-putting part so far

Last I checked, in order to be a shill, you have to suggest BUYING a game.

story is absolute shit but other than that the game is fun. strawberry sidequest is pointless and the harder versions of the levels are usually more fun than the level.

just press "skip cutscene" everytime you can and youre fine

>strawberry sidequest is pointless
Remember when things in video games could just be fun instead of having to be tied to steam achievements?