Why is Doom Multiplayer dead ?

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Cause its garbage? The whole game sucked.

this. Even the most HC D4 shills admitted MP sucked ass. The whole game rightfully died mere couple months after its release, when the shill-force started dying down.

Because they tried to mix arena with cod when they should have gone full arena.

It isn't if you play it on Switch.


>with cod

>CoD-oriented babbies can't stand such speed and mechanics
>Too casualized to arena veterans (demons, loadouts)
>shitty game journalists didn't understand it because they simply sucked at it, killing the game in the eyes of the general public

It's like an hybrid between Quake and classic Halo.
If you aren't searching for some hardcore competitive experiences, it's still one of the funniest multiplayer shooters in recent memory

This, and let us not forget the squishing of the heart at the end of every fucking level that just turned in to a "kill all this shit in the room". It was so fucking boring, and felt like a flat note at the end of every stage.
Nothing about Doom4 was memorable or stood out. It was just a hohum.

Custom loadouts and perks, no weapons on the map, dedicated grenade & melee buttons.

you can get the stupid over powered weapons on the map my guy

And none of the normal guns.

>Custom loadouts and perks, no weapons on the map,
To be fair, that's most shooters in a decade or so.
>dedicated grenade & melee buttons.
And that's all shooters in a decade or so.

Pretty sure CoD didn't introduce (or even popularize) stuff like grenade and melee buttons

i ain't arguing that i'm arguing the fact you said no weapons on the map

Doom has multiplayer?

And none of that stuff is Doom. It even has a pseudo sprint; you move faster while walking forward.

It's still very alive on switch

>And none of that stuff is Doom
I can understand your position, but I never actually liked Doom myltipleyer that much.
I was much more into Quake as a kid, and Halo as a teen. And this new Doom multiplayer somehow has bits of both, I can't help but having fun every time I start a match

Single player was good. Multiplayer was bad.

Maybe you were good at singleplayer, but you were also bad at multiplayer.

Just download doomseeer man, plenty of people still playing

>Single player was good
seriously not.

Nothing to do with anything. The whole game was just a literal mess design-wise. Too much trying to appeal to console CoD kids and ensure 60fps on the underpowered toys too.

>Too much trying to appeal to console CoD kids

It plays nothing like CoD
But I stopped playing CoD with MW2, is current CoD really like Doom?

the current "Doom" is more like modern CoD than anything. All that perk / loadout / level-up tree shit, including melee finishers, are stale basic features of modern AAA console shooter shit.
As a Doom game, D4 is a goddamn embarrassing trash.

>playing doom for the multiplayer

>The current "Doom" is more like modern CoD than anything.
But Doom is nothing like the CoD I remember. Is new CoD like Doom? I might give the series another chance if that's the case

>the current doom is more like modern cod than anything

Imagine being so dumb you unironically believed this, lmao

too bad the port is terrible. i couldnt do it. had to return it after a week, the fps drops were too much. hell you lose fps just by spinning up the chain gun, you aren't even firing yet. just warming it up.

how fast can you get into a match nowadays? I want to reinstall but I want to make sure bore I take up all the remaining ssd space