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Video Games #4068
Video Games
Coinfess my child
Amazon has a lightning deal on this external hdd for 60 burgers
Thinking of buying this. Is it any good on switch, Sup Forums
"Nintendo Switch is only played by manchildre-"
Realistically, what would they have to do for Fire Emblem Warriors 2 to get you to buy it...
This wouldve been a 9/10 game if it weren't for
Wtf was his problem?
How was your valentine's day, Sup Forums?
Series starts on Nintendo
What games come with free wallpapers, screensavers or cursors?
Why did you fall for this?
What Pre-Service History and Psychological Profile did you go with Sup Forums?
I've been in a coma since 2007. What all has happened in gaming since then?
5 Capcom threads
So how long until Kid Icarus comes to Switch? Think we can expect a port or a sequel?
Anyone wants to help me recreate this epic anime scene in VRChat?
Final verdict?
Alright Sup Forums we're here. Choose one game along with one snack and a drink
ITT: Favourite Fighting Game Moves
Fire emblem Heroes thread
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: to Sup Forums, tumblr, and anyone else to whom it may concern
Get paid $400 a week
Alright I can't take it anymore. I'm finally buying a PS4. Do I go for the Pro or the slim...
Remember when Penny Arcade was kind of okay?
ITT: Pre-rendered backgrounds
Gaming is shit because of YOU
Will Mii Fighters be in the next Smash? Will they finally allow you to use them online with randoms...
SCP lab thread
The first 3 letters in your first, middle, and last name is now your gamertag for a year. How shit is it?
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Attention: Do not buy Kingdom: Come Deliverance. Refund it if you can. Warhorse has been compromised...
Filename Thread
Sea of thieves
V-vita thread?
So how are you going to die user?
SCP Lab thread
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Bayo comes out for Switch
Critics give this game 70%
Will this be the mmo to finally kill wow and ffxiv?
Short levels
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Monster Hunter World is a Monster Hunter game not for people who play Monster Hunter but for people who are new to...
Play my game
I like it because its fun
How were the kids supposed to know to enter this passsword?
Is the new hitman worth the gigantic download? also just a hitman thread :^)
Call of Cthulhu New Gameplay
This is the ideal weapon. You may not like it but this is what peak hunting performance looks like
When you'll see it
ITT: Underrated video game series
How would you feel if ConcernedApe stopped updating Stardew Valley after multiplayer is complete?
Kingdom: Come Deliverance
So there it is, there it FUCKING is...
Press F for Paradox Interactive
Who even has public steam profiles? Such a red flag if it isn’t friends only
Is this the holy trinity of talentless hacks?
Surely the outcome will be different this time, right?
Who was in the wrong here?
Sup Forums was wrong
What are some games that revolve around a central mystery?
ITT: Post your current favorite picture. Sup Forums recommends you a video game
ITT: post your perfect videogame
They're going to pull a Final Fantasy XII
Game setting has magic
Pics that give you nostalgia
Games about mutts?
Why is she so perfect, bros?
24 days since last vid
The true debate
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
What are some games where the MC is a father?
Hi! I'm the best console of all time!
Hey since mods are fags can we start up another SCP Lab thread?
Make a game that doesn't have humans or human likes as playable race
The shooter was a bing bing wahoo
This series hasn't had a good final boss/finale since Wind Waker. BotW's felt so unsatisfying...
Is this a good game?
Aww, even though you've settled down, you still want to hang out with your Fire Emblem thread
Spyro remastered
Post yfw
Kingdom Come: Delivrance
What's the first game that comes to your mind when you see this image? I'll start!
Should I get this?
So are we ready to admit this game was actually good?
A very small laptop with an xbox controller integrated into it
What's up with the hate of this series?
You’re insane if you think tifa is white. What you gonna do? Disregard canon movies and games made by the developers??
Oh, a hunter
Fuck healers. Fuck tanks. Without us rogues you won't even get to see these awesome loots
Damage numbers ruined monster hunter and only casuals turn it on
How do I get into the first 2 Fallout games
This game is better date sim than the actual date sims. It feels like having an actual girlfriend
It was the worst expansion
Blazblue Cross Battle Tag
Why are western devs so dedicated to making ugly female characters?
Moments in a game that left you feeling empty...
Be careful maggot! I've heard you've been fucking around a little too far into the Jians' affairs lately! I think...
Game has monstergirls
Labo gets interesting
Rip paradox
How much are you willing to pay for vidya figures?
Name a game with a more retarded plot
Why does nintendo insist on making garbage outdated hardware? Why didn't they drop the meme features like IR camera...
What is the greatest vidya WIN YOU have ever achieved, Sup Forums?
Secret Lab Thread
Perfect level of difficulty, separates casual from hardcore
Why is a year old "remaster" of a 4 year old game still cost almost $60?
It's mating season in hyrule
ITT: times video games gave you blue balls
Profile pic thread?
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle
Why did Automata make me care more about it's story than Soma?
Explain the Persona 5 Beach Scene to me
So, how is it?
People still make thread asking why Bayo 2 and 3 aren't multiplats
What went right?
What game has the best spear?
Expected a better skyrim
Here's your controller bro
*Kills u*
ITT: Sup Forums images that made you laugh
Purchased Overwatch a week ago
First professor layton gets a movie, now lady layton gets an anime. It seems like a sequel to the game?
Come up with an original (but not completely ridiculous) setting that has not been used by any video game
Is he right? Has vidya plateau'd?
Number of employees: ~360
This game is superior to New Vegas
Has Sup Forums played this game?
What did you and your gf play for valentines day?
Secret of Mana Remake
Wow this game really exemplifys the huge disconnect between what liberals want and what real human beings want
Can we at least agree the game was fun when he could decimate anyone out of position?
Tales of Berseria vs Persona 5
Steam Lunar Year Sale in approximately 6 or 7 hours. Post your wishlists and what you're looking to buy...
This is Cerys an Craite rightful queen of the Skellige Isles and best girl!
Should this kill you in a single hit?
Here's your protagonist, bro
How does Sup Forums justify paying for subscription based games?
Almost four years later. It's still three years now
Tfw I just hacked my Wii U
Why was she such a cunt?
Habe a normal black New 3DS XL
I'm currently 34 and I've been playing video games for over 25 years now. I've tried them all... Combat, Sport, FPS...
I miss d&d games
Are you enjoying your switch?
Play this game a while ago
Are we PC bros hype?
Alternative hip-hop
Asked my girlfriend for Bloodborne for Valentine's Day. $20 no big deal. Bitch brings me pic related
Defend this weebs
What went wrong?
ITT: games that flopped/were hated that you loved
Damn. Was Fallout always this edgy?
The most honest trailer in the history of the industry
Mere hours after Kingdom Come: Deliverance was released hordes of morons streamed to reddit wanting quicksaves and...
At what point did it die?
Is this the best game ever made?
There are currently more people in space than playing Lawbreakers. What went wrong and how could it be saved?
Why is the dialogue in Persona 5 so terrible?
100 word college essay due tomorrow
To those who play GTA Online...
Kirby Star Allies thread
Where do people download emulators nowadays?
Why are there no role-playing games set in the Middle East ?
Kingdom Come Deliverance is VERY Problematic
I wonder will it work
How do we save dragon age?
What if, Grand Theft Auto: India?
Only $5,000 to go
Developer claims game is an RPG
Secret of Mana remake comes out today
When was the last time you really enjoyed playing a video game and what game was it?
What are some game
How do videogames figure into your relationship (if you have/had one)?
What are some good kinos about female paedophilia?
So let me get this straight, Far Cry 5 is the only AAA game that has a release date on PC this year...
Just got a 4k monitor and curious how to set it up to start playing. Forgive my retardedness...
What do you think about Resident Evil Revelations 2? I've been enjoying it on the Switch mainly for the motion controls
So when are we getting a new cooking mama game again?
So uh, why is the Metal gear such a big deal again?
How does your mom react to video games?
Just post shitty drawings you've made for Sup Forums threads. Shit you've no reason to ever post again
Why do Amerimutts shove niggers into every game?
4craft thread
Have two tails
Decide to kill everyone in New Vegas because I'm curious what it feels like to actually live in a world where I'm the...
This man made all the leftists on this shit board shitting themseleves in anger. It's beautiful
Recommend me some games /v
Why does she dress like a slut?
Dynasty Warriors 9
Politics aside...
Worth $30?
What are some games where the MC is an older mature but still attractive woman?
Characters who are literally you
Are we ever in the near future gonna see another handheld Monster Hunter game for the west?
Alone on day after Valentine's Day? Come, grab a drink and tell Lucina all about it
ITT: Games that are the best in their series
The creators of Disgaea just released a new game, Makai Wars
The best advertisement for any game is fan art. And it always makes the real game disappointing
Lenny Lenny Lenny Lenny Lenny, Leeenny Lenny!
Games for calming your homicidal urges
Okay, so after 100h in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd I can finally admit that game is fucking trash
Let's have a comfy PS1 thread
Resident Evil
I played my first online match today and was matched with people who have 1000+ hours in this game...
Hey ben can i have it
How long have you been here?
Nintendo has made it possible to ride your anime figures
Please tell my i'm not the only one autistic enough to make these kind of lists
Where in the world is it??
What dobyou think about this game?
Leave leftism to me
Rune Factory 4's shitty RNG
If you haven't bought this game than you are actively supporting the death of video games
Technically, he was a nu male
What happen to good character design in AAA western game
Have you given another boyfriend as a valentine's day gift to your gf?
Give me the comfiest game you know that I can get lost in for hours and hours all through the night
This is your writing team for tonight
This is such an awesome game holy shit cant stop playing it...
He thinks Classic WoW will be the same as retail WoW back in 2004 and won't be ruined by the min maxxing community of...
Is eastern europe the future of WRPGs?
Tip of my tongue thread
Sell me a good Incredibles game NOW
Kingdom Come thread
Say something nice about this game
Isn’t this suppose to be the magnum opus of Visual Novels...
How do gamers make friends these days?
What games have the most kino romances?
Having fun?
What a crybaby bitch
I think we can finally accept it was better than Legion
Play videogame
How does this game make you feel?
That night you spent watching minecraft letsplays on youtube was 7 years ago
Bullshit in games that keeps you from replaying them? i cheesed these bitches on 1999 mode
As far as games are concerned, what romantic pairing is your favorite?
Thoughts on the PS5 controller?
When will these DoA girls settle down, get boyfriends, and get married?
Why is it considered childish for a man to spend his free time and money on video games...
Filename thread
Have you heard anything about the Cumans in Sigismund's army?
Nonshitposting opnions
Webm Thread
Oh no no no no no
We didn't listen
Which video games did you play on Valentine's Day?
Leftypol here
Kawacummy best mommy
Cold steel 2 pc
Its down?
Meanwhile, at the BLACKED mansion
What went so fucking wrong?
This fucking board has 2 threads per minute 24/7
ITT: Video game fan-"art"
Choosing and playing the opposite gender in certain games
Fire Emblem: Nostalgia Edition
UNIST Thread
What kind of games let me run a store and sell things to NPCs?
Party member betrays you
Why did the game flop so hard? Even the box art looks embarrassed
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Enemy can trick you into voting for him
My gf just broke up with me, post 10/10 games
Why does this game trigger liberals so much? look at the state of this board right now
Wow, surprised to see you guys are not already shitting yourselves over Nintendo tape
SCP Secret Lab
You people need a new hobby. Can't you see that video games are evil? Columbine, Sandy Hook...
Choose, you stupid niggers
Post your favourite vidya intro/openings
2.5 million
Dead MMO feelios
/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #485
The "bug theory" wins again
What did Sup Forums think of this one?
Fire Emblem Warriors
I'm looking to scratch the Gran Turismo car autism itch...
Enemies can open doors
Happy Valentine's day from yo/u/r neighbor
Mario kart is the best racing ga-
Tfw you'll never have a cute hobbit gf like dodger
Games only you played
ITT: Completely lovable characters
No matter what you feel about Assassins Creed Origins...
Your king is here
How come support players are more whiny and attention seeking compared to others like DPS and Tank?
Koikatsu thread?
Vidya Valentines!
Pandering doesn't work
Kingdom Come Deliverance is about to beat Wolfenstein The New Colossus
Reminder that Sup Forums is the only place where this game invokes a political reaction in people
Kirby Star Allies Thread
Why can't even have an actual school shooting video game?
Can any game deny RDR2 GotY?
God of War WARNING
Expansion literally does everything the main game did but better (Czechia)
Post your main
The last video game character you played as must now face the 2 MOST POWERFUL ROBOTS EVER CREATED
About to force myself to play this before I go through the rest of the kingdom hearts games that I missed
Giving money to Nazis
It's 2018 and there is still not one video game song better than Megalovania
Thoughts on this Sup Forums?
3x3 thread
Talk to everyone until you can progress
Hey Sup Forums what is in the box?
What game announcement would make you lose your mind?
I want to suggest to my dad who never played vidya before a game to play, what game should it be?
Will we have another November 2007 ever again?
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
Why cant you slaughter livestock for food in harvest moon/SoS?
Spics trolling a spic-looking video game character
MGSV thread
Post games that will be considered absolute classics in 20 years
Who would win?
Sup Forums-/fa/ hybrid thread
I'm comfy and tired and just want to talk about speculation for future Switch games...
Any games with similar gameplay to this?
Subnautica thread
Doesn't talk to people unless she has to
In multiplayer games...
What's your favorite video game sound effect?
ITT: Worst JRPG Romance
How is his liver not dead?
Is turtling the only consistently good strategy in this game?
I'm making a note here
All of genji's hitboxes still broken since beta
I will buy darks souls for nintendo switch
Why's there no public archive of Miyamoto interviews?
Anyone out there enjoying the Steam release of Puyo Puyo Tetris?
Played ranked for the past two days, 76% wr over roughly 30 games...
Is this officially the worst Snow World ever made?
How do we fix Kushala Daora?
Could it release today?
Yume Nikki
See that...uh... tree? You can... you can um... OPEN WORLD!
ANOTHER medieval Europe RPG
Who else here has never built a PC before?
Does anybody have the pic of the Gamecube controller that looks like this...
ITT: Post your 3DS/2DS
Dota 2 or League of Legends. Which one is better worth my time?
What is the appeal of splatoon?
Give me one good reason you aren't emulating the best Pokémon games on your phone right now
Lunar New Year sale is tomorrow Sup Forums, are your wallets ready to be offered to Lord Gabe...
What are your expectations for the Switch Smash game?
Games can't be artisti-
This is the best horror game ever made, prove me wrong
What are some fun GTAV mods?
SMT Demons
What games let me have fun being the bad guy?
Who is the Yamcha of videogames?
GOTY 2018
Dragonball Video games time!
Hi! I'm the best console ever made!
Mods are sleeping
Make a shitty video sucking vr's greasy cock
Best girl isn't romanceable
WoW Spoilers
Leave Resetera, Reddit, Tumblr and Leftypol to me
Monster Hunter World
Bought this a couple weeks ago to check out the series
100% Orange Juice
ITT: Completely unlikeable characters
Well, how do we save it?
ITT: Describe your love life with a video game title
Are they really gonna have people waiting until E3 for this shit? How are Switch owners OK with this?
Open world game
Remember this shitty show? I had a friend that hated JRPGs because of this dude's shitty opinion
Let's be honest, fellas
Metal Gear Survive
Yennifer or Triss, Sup Forums?
Jet Set Radio
Did he do what was right?
Rec me a sick gamertag for SFV
K:CD Sales
When will GPU prices go down? I want to build a gaming PC
You fags would have killed for an action-based remake back in 2007...
They're all clones
Just tried this for an hour, not even shitposting - Can someone PLEASE explain the appeal in this?
Wish me luck, im gonna propose tonight
I have simple job plan for this evening. Break into Sup Forums, start another Thief thread and leave quietly...
Is there any hope for God of War?
Look out, the gully-gullys are bringing crawlie-crawls that will smashy washy your toosh!
Alone on Valentine's Day? Come, grab a drink and let us bond over our failure to S-rank before today
Tfw no good open-world cyberpunk games
Play darkest dungeon
Ror - Risk of Rain
Built with the latest cry engine
It's time, Dr. Freeman
Post your fightstick
It's Flonne's birthday. How is Sup Forums celebrating the best Disgaea girl?
I wish the franchise ended here
What games have aged like fine wine?
Perfect Dark is the best FPS of all time
Just started Secret of Mana Remake
Greatest story ever told in a video game
Got a vita. Why does Sup Forums want me to play this weeb shit?
What went wrong?
Well? What was your choice?
We're Team Fortress
10/10 music from otherwise mediocre or bad games
Fallout 4
What makes it so good?
The heroes from a different game come to help you
Why isn't pic related a bundle yet, Sup Forums?
This is going to be fucking awful, isn't it?
ITT: games only (you) played
Zone: Pro
Since we're alone on Valentine's day
Witcher 4
[Blocks your remaster]
Best weapon skins in vidya thread
Here's one problem with porting Bayonetta 2 to PS4/XBone...
Which Switch games are significantly harder to play in portable mode?
Literally nobody bought this game in japan
Let us get this show on the road
I am very very tempted to subscribe again to this shit
Stop killing games
Thoughts on video game analysts?
Im finally playing Final Fantasy 12 and its really good so far. Vaan and his english voice is really shit...
JRPGS on the Switch?
Getting into retro gaming in 2015:
Oh wow, cool, an actual good game landing on Ste-
Switch update tonight
Reminder Kalimdor is the superior continent to EK
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a fallout game outside of America?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
SNK Heroines
Character design in Valkyria Chronicles has really gone downhill
Kirby hype thread, 30 days until release
What are some video games that allow me to make a heroic sacrifice?
Instances of video game characters canonically wishing you a Happy Valentines Day
Enemy is immune to all status effects
IT'S NOT FAIR! Port Bayo 2 and 3 to a real console, not a soyboy fisher price etch-a-sketch...
Evil Within 2 FPS mode
Kills you in one hit
Fuck Riot/League of Legends
Name a company that makes better women
Name ONE time where she actually says "bloody hell"
Why are women in western games so ugly?
Open world games are shit
Armor vs Bikini
Defeat final boss
Graphics should've stopped "advancing" at the PS2/GameCube era...
Sony ports old games to PS4
What do you think about the recent south park games? I heard the new one wasn't as good
Huniepop 2 new outfit revealed by Koons
*singlehandedly saves western game development*
Make this Sup Forums related
Reminder that the 2017 Vidya Gaem Awards will be airing on Saturday, February 17th...
You will die irl the same way you died in the last game you played and died in
Do you ever upload pics of your trophys as soon as you get em ? or anything when you are gamin vee?
It's Valentine's Day
Has there been a game this powerful since then?
"You were the lightning in that rain. You can still shine through the darkness."
Did pic related bring the casualization of western RPG's? Do you think crpg's will ever come back...
Hanzo's Scatter Arrow is finally gone
3x3 Thread
Achievement thread?
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
No games where you commit suicide
Post games people only like because of nostalgia
You won't see her at EVO
It was such a fun game, what happened?
Fuck Valentine's Day
Hi! I'm the best console ever made!
Backwards compatibility
Breaking news: Kingdom come sold 500,000 copies so far, game is in profit adter 2 days
How the fuck do you kill a franchise with a single game. I didn’t think it was possible
Why were the PS1 resident evil games so embarrassing in terms of visuals and audio (all audio) compared to Silent Hill...
Real talk. So is this thing dead already? I don't think even the Wii U made me hate it this fast
Can we have a /vegetation/ thread??
Can we have one thread that discusses the game without Sup Forums shitposting and politics?
Unlocks negotiation in Persona 5
Koikatsu thread?
Is pic related worth playing? If so, do I have to play them in order?
Blue Reflection
Bayonetta vs Dante
Are we in for a shift in the video game industry?
Skyrim soon to be one of the top 10 best selling vidya of all time
So why the fuck did SEGA not port these to PS4 again? It makes absolutely no sense...
SCP videogame thread
Name a worse fanbase
Front mission
Game features """dragons"""
Sup Forums reaction images thread
Life: two choices
Puyo Puyo Tetris is coming out on steam within two weeks
Redpill me on Samus Returns
Persona 4 thread
Last thread deleted
A Dark Spirit has inva-
What games you playing for Valentine's Day
Guys I can't stop playing this game
The great debate
I bought it to spite the SJWs
Rise and Fall
Post Vidya couples for today's special day!
Who else bored with DBFZ already?
You all know what to do
His name has numbers in it
With Bayo 1&2 this week, Tropical Freeze, Hyrule Warriors and the inevitable W101 port this year...
Your thoughts on him?
Let's play together, user! I brought my own controller this time
Are crafting systems EVER fun?
Is this game complete garbage or am I just bad at it?
SMW > SMB2 > SML2 = SMB3 > SML > SMB > Lost Levels
Name a game with worse combat
Lara Croft was born 2/14/1968. Today is her birthday. Say something nice to her
Game makes you pick your class before you know any of the game mechanics
Is this game just Space Engineers in the ocean, or is there more to it?
Rule of Rose
Radiant Historia
Dokkan Battle
Thanks for betatesting
User, your mother found this magazine in your bedroom. Is there something you'd like to tell us?
Why was Sora so willing to help some puppet he just met over his BEST FRIEND?!
Roger Craig Smith has been Sonic for longer than Jason Griffith (including his run on Sonic X, starting in '03)
There is no good mobile ga-
Are you ready for the Spyro remaster?
If there isnt one this week then there wont be one until E3...
I need a game to get addicted to
[BREAKING] Obsidian Endorses Kingdom Come Deliverance
Why is this game so SOULLESS?
What graphics card do you have Sup Forums?
AI companion
What went wrong?
What am I in for?
Why was it such a blunder?
Admit it. You guys summoned. Theres no way you can beat this solo without looking at a guide
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
The prince (female) got stolen by the goddamn king of dragons. Save him using your vidya knowledge!
IIT: Characters you wish to God were you
Just contacted the Nintendo Support
When will Nintendo apologize?
Why do so many games have a
How much RAM is "enough" now acts Sup Forums?
How does this compare to Stellaris?
He payed full price for THIS
I fucking love new border system in stellaris
Is pic related true?
Can someone explain me why KH3 is so downgraded in the trailer?
It's amazing how they can get away with releasing two halves of the same character
A fucking KEYblade
What are some games where I can play as a cute girl?
Are you prepared?
Game ideas
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...