Tip of my tongue thread

Describe a video game you played and anons help you remember what it's called
>moving around on a grid-based maze in real time
>collecting objectives or something in individual matches against a CPU, unsure if multiplayer was involved. Might have been CTF.
>level 4 or 5 had a pic related type of dinosaur as an opponent
>probably played it on the PS1

you played as a girl in some fantasy setting and you would turn into monster to complete the levels.
the only one I remember was like abunch of spinning swords?
another one of the monsters may have been a minotaur i dunno

Was it Kameo? Only tried it briefly myself

nah Kameo is way too new. it had to be a gamecube game i think

Nintendo DS game. You got a mecha from your dad and fought other mechs in a 1v1 over-the-shoulder battle.

console game
you fight the jewish media that controls the government

>PSP Puzzle game(?)
>Play as a guy in these small grid-like mazes trying to get to the phonebooth avoiding police officers

Custom Robo?

Sounds like a concept for a Metabots game. I doubt that helps. Maybe Customrobo?

>Early 2000's PC game
>Big map with stops where you could talk to people
>Robed guys with glowing eyes on aforementioned map that looked scary but were actually called "scholars" and did stuff to help you out.

Fucking hell yes. It was Custom Robo.
Thank you comrades.

custom robo?

Some PS1 game. 2D side-scroller of some sort. Something to do with aliens and I think the title started with 'a'.

Only played it once 20+ years ago at my cousins house, it's been bothering me on and off ever since. There used to be a taxi place with the same name as the game near where I live but it closed down about 15 years ago and I've long forgotten what its name was.

There were two worlds you alternated between, the normal world and some fantasy one, every time you lost consciousness; the game's ending is you killing yourself to live in the other one, and you succeed.

>obscure apple II edutainment game I played at school
>most of Sup Forums is too young to even know what a floppy disk is

This never works but ill give it a try
>crashed on an orange planet
>need to get your ship fixed
>crash bandicoot tier pirana plants
>poisonus water
>on pc

>you was some kind of alien

Do you remember the skill it taught?

Exotic Matter?
Planet Base?
New Dawn?
Lift Off?

>Exotic Matter?
>Planet Base?
>New Dawn?
>Lift Off?

None user, sorry i should have also said it was about 16 years ago

We mostly played math circus at my elementary school's computer lab, that and Sammy Science or whatever which had a cartoon snake mascot, and I think there were other similar games. Probably doesn't help since you gave no details.

Alien Soldier?

Well it's weird since I never played it, they only had 2 copies and they were always the first to get grabbed during lab hour, with everyone else having to settle for either Odell Lake or Oregon Trail

Based on what I saw it was probably an adventure game, and I'm pretty sure at least the first part involved exploring someone's house or farm, looking for something, probably items to use. Incredibly vague, I know

It was basically a status symbol if you'd played it. One of these days I'll figure out what it was and finally get to play it

>first half of 00's
>isometric with dialogues and occasional simplistic combat, but more of a point and click than anything
>you are sent into a remote village to investigate a murder using your ability to talk to ghosts
>somewhat low medieval fantasy, I kinda remember fighting imps

obviously pillars of eternity cmon where's my reward

I have a couple and they may possibly be incredibly vague but it's been bothering me for so long I have to know
First one was a top down, rpg where you are a mental patient or something traveling through surreal and crazy mindscapes and I remember some parts being spooky
Second was a diablo like clone. I remember it being dark and in space or a cyberpunk themed future, I also think it came on a demo disk for other games or something. For gameplay it was similar other arpgs but had ammo management I think and I distinctly remember a really satisfying sounding shotgun, if that's any help. For time reference I remember playing this one and alien shooter around the same time

>First one
Sanitarium, great game.

Holy shit thank you, I'm gonna go down load it now, what scare level am I in for or is it more unsettling?

It's on the creepy side.