So how are you going to die user?

So how are you going to die user?

You can die in a video game?

Either old as fuck in the arms of my loving wife, or slipping on a banana peel and falling down a ravine in a cartoonish fashion, I guess.

>mfw I die to a fucking basic ass Springboard anomaly I got too cocky around

I don't remember when the last time I played anything.

>fell into a hole and got killed by a flying fireball

My name will be Henry, the son of a blacksmith and I'll be stabbed like a voodoo doll and butched by a few rapist that I punched as I panic and run like a bitch wondering how the controls work.

I get brained by an angry spirit with a blacksmith's hammer.

>killed by machine gun fire in WW1
Depressingly realistic

Shot by a hellriegel. Highly unlikely.

>die by Frieza
at least it’ll be painless

After a 5 minute lightsaber duel with a skilled opponent who flying kicks me down a generator shaft.

Guess I'll die while not paying attention in a jungle. Remember kids, never go AFK in STV. Especially on a server where you drop gear on death.

I make a wrong choice then get summoned to a time travel world to redo things

I will be shot, blown up or take enough fall damage to pass out and wake up at the nearest hospital with a slightly lighter wallet. Then my fat cousin or some irish guy I don't even know why I even have his number will call and ask me if I want to go bowling and I'll initially say yes but then I'll check the map and see that he's on the other side of the map and fuck you, that's too long to drive so I'll call back and cancel.

Blue rot is probably the worst.

>stabbed in the back by a trap
Shit man

Chester will strike me down in our second and last fight.

Adol canonically wins that though, you just need to git gud

Can you even die in monster hunter?

>Asura's Wrath

>taken by scp-106


Stunlocked to death by a Rathian's charge on rage mode, I'm fucking mad

I'll die in Spratly Islands in South China Sea, I think I was shot from chopper the last time.

At least I get to see the world a little

>Dead Cells

I get blown up by a black box reaction.


COH2, so being a Soviet conscript being told to run to the frontlines without any weapons and then get shot to death by Nazi.

*teleports behind you*

Gordon Freeman never dies so I win soyboys.

A ~215 year old parked car will suddenly and violently flip and ragdoll me several meters then explode much like a nuclear bomb.

I am okay with this.

i get flanked by an ayy lmao then get banished to the fucking shadow realm

Raped I guess

>still playing hl

let it go

>crashed into asteroid to let my clone continue the mission with proper loadout
Not bad.