>24 days since last vid
>can't even talk over a simple playthrough of Overblood
Are they done?
>24 days since last vid
>can't even talk over a simple playthrough of Overblood
Are they done?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares. They've been shit for seven years.
>Implying "Law & Order: Special Druids Unit" wasn't great
>implying Orlando Five-O wasn't great
They burnt themselves out trying to play it safe and be some kind of paragons of the internet.
>Make their name being bullies
>Act like they are the high ground now
Why is this such a common sentiment?
Rise of SJW-left means that anyone gets bullied into submission. Nyanners made her name as a lolicon anime fan and now she's vehemently against all that.
>Start off as god tier bullies
>Content was genuinely hilarious
>Turn into some uppity SJW anti-bullying faggots
>Remove over half the videos that made you popular
>Chastise everyone who acts like you used to
>Tardbeef is a macfag
>Pretend your old content never existed and act like massive cunts who have the moral high ground
I unsubbed and never looked back
Betus can't be assed to do anything, and slowbeef just is a streamer. Yeah, they're done.
I think that kickstarter series was the final nail in the coffin
any time they had a guest on it was a complete write off too
it's a shame that beef and betus used to have good solo channels too, now both trash
I still go back to Darkseed 2, Cobra and other classic wrongpraes once a year though
there was a golden period between them bullying BillyMC and phoning it in completely
it's good to know Proteus hasn't changed a bit
also the first 20-odd episodes of their podcast was pretty decent
Whenever I see Proteus I'm immediately reminded that he stopped being a guest almost immediately after he called out voidburger on her shit in the SA forums for blatantly breaking the rules and getting away with it all because she's a girl. That man has no chill and he had to have really busted her feminist balls by calling her out like he did.
Who's the chick in some of their vids?
Darkseed 2 is the closest I've seen a Let's Play approach an art form. You can tell that they're legitimately miserable throughout a lot of it but they keep pushing on.
> That uncontrollable laughter near the end
>> That uncontrollable laughter near the end
For the exploding head?
Yeah. I never heard Betus laugh like that and it came across as so genuine. He was just so sick of this shit.
It's either Cherrydoom or voidburger to my knowledge.
Both are extremely hit or miss, with voidburger always being a miss by just being a proto-tumblrina.
She basically accused Sup Forums of digitally raping her.
Wait, there's TWO chicks? I've only ever noticed one. The girl I'm talking about is the one who's in the Druids series and in the current Overblood one.
VoidBurger is a genuinely vile and abusive person who uses her own history of abuse as a shield against criticism. It reminds me of that story from Man's Search for Meaning where a Holocaust survivor kicks the shit out of some poor woman's flower garden, claiming that it's totally fine for him to do it because of everything he suffered through. Just an overall shitty human being whose ego is lifted up by her gutless boyfriend.
Voidburger is such an insufferable cunt. She absolutely ruined chips LPs also
This is the thing that gets me. You can't act like a moral grandstander when you built your name on making fun of 13 year olds doing camcorder LPs
voidburger is a genuinely awful person, and that's not something I say lightly.
Are they even still living together? Last I heard chip was jobless and struggling since he JUST got that apartment and has been having to put off getting another job becuase he's one of 2 moderating Voids personal SA-ripoff
>Chip and Void was confirmed
>Not Chip and Snarkcookie
Voidburger is a fucking leech and Chip is a retard for not trying to connect with Snark more. The Peacewalker LP was funny at the end with the two of them just dicking around at the end.
Found the passage
> They justified their behavior by their own terrible experiences. This was often revealed in apparently insignificant events. A friend was walking across a field with me toward the camp when suddenly we came to a field of green crops. Automatically, I avoided it, but he drew his arm through mine and dragged me through it. I stammered something about not treading down the young crops. He became annoyed, gave me an angry look and shouted "You don't say! And hasn't enough been taken from us? My wife and child have been gassed - not to mention everything else - and you would forbid me to tread on a few stalks of oats?"
> Only slowly could these men be guided back to the commonplace truth that no one has the right to do wrong, not even if wrong has been done to them.
You see this kind of personality all the time.
Oh Jesus how I missed Proteus.