This is your writing team for tonight

This is your writing team for tonight

say something nice


Girl on the left has nice hair.

It's not like Max Payne games are getting made anymore so nothing of value is lost
It's a shame that almost all western studios are like this now though

hehe he said soy which is epic

lemme guess, their writing experience prior to this was
>blogging about SJW antics on tumblr
>slash fanfics
>unpaid rotten tomatoes reviews
oh and what kind of game are they making
>A cinematic third-person action game set in a new Remedy-created universe, P7 features an intriguing story with a cast of memorable characters. The game structure offers a long-lasting, story-driven gameplay experience and the deepest game mechanics yet in a Remedy game.

what a surprise, who would have thought, it's only the single most fucking generic game a bunch of obvious loons would make

lol u mad

They’re called Remedy because they remedy your toxic masculinity.

look at the terrible posture on that soyboy

It looks like after she finished her ridiculous dye job she stepped out into a hurricane.

Guy on the right looks like a cunt dstroyer

Good luck, also where is Sam Lake? It's a shame Remedy has had such a bad run. Shouldn't have thrown in with Microsoft.

You never said anything about timeline OP
So sweet! Mp1 era remedy.. Ill be fine.

Are writers supposed to be super attractive or something? I don't understand the point of this post.

Ugly's fine, but the general look of the individuals suggests a certain narrow mindset.


oh no women writers time to screech about this ad nauseum

when's the last time remedy put out something worth a shit?

lol I know but I still like it

Great, have them work on the story for gen 8 pokemon for switch.


Max Payne 2.

Alan Wake was an extremely average game. Quantum Break is a generic 3rd person shooter that for whatever reason Microsoft decided it needed a huge budget for live action cutscenes.

This is another level of retarded.

I'm glad Quantum Break failed, I hope they never ake another Xbox game again, I don't even want Alan Wake 2 now.


I understand how hard it can be to relate how a person presents themselves with their personal beliefs and standards, but I can promise you that they have maybe a single persons worth of self confidence between the 3 of them because they all dress intentionally like weirdos


I literally can't believe Sam Lake died for this


2 of those women look like they have regular brown hair, or am I blind?

>unironically being triggered

meant for

They do.

Childhood is idolising Remedy
Adulthood is realising Rockstar kept them on a leash for a reason

As long as the writing is good, I don't care.What games have these people written? What is their career background?

>stupid one side colour dye hair
What is wrong with these people. I mean seriously, if you're going to dye your hair a stupid colour you could at least not also have a retarded hairs style.
Pick one or the other (preferably neither), if you do both you've officially crossed the retarded hair singularity.

>Using Reddit memes.

Say it with me:

Adulthood is realizing there's probably none of the original people left from the days they were just demoscene guys who got together to make benchmarking programs and Death Rally and Max Payne

if a guy with long messy hair a metallica t-shirt and spiked bracelets would you assume he liked metal?

>shitty movie game
>now this
lmao remedy is dead

>Well there must be some sort of reason or merit going for the-
>Literally just ex-GW2, Bioware and indieshit (not the good kind, either) writers/devs that probably got hired because they have rich daddies and Remedy was forced to expand by its corporate overlords

Thank god I'm just leaving mainstream gaming behind at this point.


Why do looks matter in regard to writing?

Something nice.

How long can a studio coast on 1 good game. Just die already, Remedy. Nobody likes you anymore


These people would be a part of a slave class in any fair society. Democracy was a mistake.