

Whiter than you Hernandez

And here, the mutt demonstrates the lack of abstract thinking which is common among his African ancestors. Given years of Jewish propaganda, a diet high in fructose sugar and completely lacking in proper nutrition and civic nationalism, he is unable to think for himself and chooses to simply paste together ideas people have already made and present them as 'original' thoughts to his fellow mutts.

As a result, the mutt is a being that is entirely incapable of understanding abstract concepts such as time, mathematics and memes.

Sup Forums was a mistake.

>subnautica is better than cuckdum cum deliverance and a third the price
>b-but the devs are sjws so it's the worst game ever based eurojank

>no u


This is all Sup Forums's fault though you American

>says the nationalist european
do yourselves a favor and get of the EU or move to switzerland. You should know how bad that is for your sovereignty.



now are fats,dumb,uglys and shitskins

Since Sup Forums is here, what kind of games are Sup Forums approved?

switzerland is the biggest shithole on earth desu

steel battalion

Mountain Blade
Grand Strategy

thats the ugly part

Something with interracial relationships.

why tho



have you heard how retarded they talk? besides it's overrun by blacks and kebabs

This is a typical American

Say something nice about him

>make yuro friends
>literally every conversation somehow circles back to complaining about Americans
Neither Mexico nor Canada is like this so why are you?

Can someone post the picture with american spurdos shooting each other but they take a break to shit talk muslims in europe?

Amerimutts plz go

The creature...

could have fooled me I thought he was European white and based.

The OBSESSED meme has truth to it.
They can't help it.

Is that my boy Sminem cool?

Who /BLACKED/ here?


America is progressive, unlike yuro cavemen


man I sure do love this video game discussion

That can't be right. They voted drumpf

I love videogame discussions too, specially the e-celeb circlejerks

Where are my fellow white Americans?

Better mock it while you can. Merkel is doing her best to get you caught up.

is this a good murrican pizza?

Things that never happened

Chicago deep dish > New York style trash

> dr. oetker
good german pizza maybe
I prefer cheese crust though

Isn't there a difference between favor and accepting? I don't think the majority actually favors finding a black partner, but most of them like myself are accepting to the few cases.

The biggest problem for America is rooting out and crushing black racists and bigots.

Blacks aren't racist

What about BMWF, whiteboi?

Civilization IV
Assassin's Creed Revelations
The Saboteur
Tropico 4

Take a look at the picture again and rethink your life.


are americans being humiliated like this on Sup Forums too?

o huj, ale bestia...

why do nazis always live in pig styes? Clean your fucking room you gross burger.

No. Pol bans that

No, posting la 56% face is an instant ban because Sup Forumstards need their safe space

La creatura...

can someone explain to me what caused the "eurojank" meme to emerge?
it seems like a sort of thing that should've been around forever, but clearly was triggered by some particular game being shit

Not video games.

It's okay too Jamal, even for rare cases.

No one in the western hemisphere cares as much about America as the average European.

>Sup Forums cries about censorship and libs being safe space snowflakes
>Sup Forumslike bans things hurt their feelings

Do they not see the irony?

Fake news

Silly user, this isn't the video games board, this is the board to prove your racial purity to random fucks on the internet!

Now this is some ironic pasta

>pol causes shitty meme
>we have to deal with it being spammed on every other board
Everyone says we can't remove Sup Forums because it's a containment board, but the shit is already falling out of the toilet.

Thing about blacks is that they're the first ones to pull the race card if they get rejected by a white girl.
I can at least take the fact that I'm ugly, but most niggers instantly assume it's race related.

Switzerland > Slavic part of europe > Rest of europe > USA > France = England > Germany

la creatura...

No they don't, but the average Sup Forums goer isn't the modstaff. the mods are just too lazy to police a thread once a mutt gets posted so they just delete it as a preventative measure.

Amerimutts are an Sup Forums meme. Please place blame responsibly.

The reason for that is because you always drag us along with you into whatever shit you and your Jew masters stir up.

you = idiot

reminder a lot of american Sup Forumstards got so mad about El Goblino they started screeching it was a CIA operation to divide and conquer them rather than just another retarded Sup Forums meme

Sup Forums didn't cause this meme you brainlet. It's an Sup Forums meme

>America is infested by niggers
>Europe is infested by muslims
>Japan is infested by chinese immigrants
>Russia is filled with gypsies
>Australia is still fighting animals
Where do I go?


It is a raid from 8lefty

Pick a gated community and be rich enough to never leave.


kingdom "based" come

If you live in Finland just stay where you are.


Don't bother, anti-Sup Forums will find a reason to bitch about Sup Forums no matter what, when a game they like flops? FUCKING Sup Forums!!!!
Some SJW retard gets BTFO? FUCKING Sup Forums
Guy who runs an SJW gaming forum turns out to be a pedophile? N-NOT VIDYA, FUCKING Sup Forums!!!!!!

Come to Brazil :^)

Best Korea
>no sjws
>no Muslims
>no immigration
>strong values
>healthy nationalism is encouraged


the moon at this point, humanity is fucked

If you're falling for it, then they're your masters too.

Wherever you want to go, really, as long as its affordable, because none of these things you listed are going to affect you aside from the great Emu War


>getting triggered over the term Eurojank

Why are Euros such faggots? We have something called Ameritrash (board game type) and you don't hear us crying about it.

>no food either

When did American """"""""men""""""""" lose their balls?



It's no longer a containment board, it's just attracting more retards who feel so insecure about their lack of any redeeming features they have to constantly tell people who don't give a shit about how they are "superior".

will he save europe from mutt hordes?

>strong values
If I wanted plastic I'd marry a realdoll.

Sup Forums made it specifically to piss off Sup Forums, retards.

Man, the 56% meme seems to have really back fired on tumblr, I have no idea what they could of been expecting. I also wonder why the want humans to be some retarded shitty mess and not genetically viable. Maybe they had a hard life.

Difference is that the black population in America is declining while Europe is on track to replace themselves in a single generation