Dynasty Warriors 9

Is it any good Sup Forums? The reviews have been pretty dismal but I quite like the idea of an open world three kingdoms game.

No. Runs and looks like ass. If you must have it, wait for it to get patvhed at least.

it's so-so. just like how 7 was shitty it won't be close to completion until 10. surprised this got better reviews than 8 and 8XL tho
patched today

Watch Jim Sterling's video. It's one of the worst games I've ever seen.

it's a dynasty warriors game, so no

Stop shilling that fat pretentious asshole.

I'm not defending the game by any means but he is full of shit.

scum that buy trash like dw are the reason the industry is fucking dead outside of dark souls

>Watch Jim Sterling's video
Jesus Christ, no thank you.

Oh look, the triggered kiddies at it again.
He's the only one worth listening to about DW.

good, suffer FAGGOT. it's never going away

>I've never played it but I eat up all the gaming media's opinions so it must be bad!
>See! My opinion is right because I like the one game that pretty much everyone on earth agrees is good!

>spot the underage
DW4 is a baller game

It takes a while to understand how the game works.

What you will never understand though is why they chose to make the game work that way.

It does everything in the weirdest way possible. Best examples is the crafting system. You can't craft by yourself you have to find a shopkeeper. Even though you have the scrolls.

>scum that buy trash like dark souls are the reason the industry is fucking dead.

Fixed for you user, don't worry I remember the first time I posted on Sup Forums its a big scary place and you're eager to fit in but Dark souls is terrible.

It got patched so it runs better. Story and combat are great but the open world is utter garbage.

Nobody is worth listening to when it comes to DW because everyone's opinions are so fucking different on the games.

Make up your own fucking mind on wether the game is good or not.

Or I can watch Jim Sterling's video and watch the footage as he makes it clear the game is absolute tripe?
The game is objective in how dogshit it is.

I'll just bluntly say it as a fan of Dynasty Warriors since 2, it's fucking suck.

Wait for 10.

At least play the game yourself before telling other people to watch some asshole on the YouTubes.

wow, he's never gonna fuck you. chill

Why? Sterling's video was self explanatory. I'm not going to buy shit just to see if this pile of shit really does taste and smell like a pile of shit.

>self explanatory
>this game is shit because well I don't really know now here's some commentary on me playing the game which is shit because whatever.

We refer to him as the "Eternal Cuck" around here, please correct your language.

I just watched the video and I honestly can't say it looks objectively dogshit. Riding around on a horse in pre-Jin dynasty china, scaling castles and beating up hordes of bad guys sounds and looks fun as fuck in my book.

I just can't tell from his few minutes of gameplay how soon it will get scale, especially since DW games have always placed a larger focus on spectacle than challenge. I feel like that could be this games downfall given the short mission based structure.

Meant "stale"

Maybe you're blind. Or just retarded. Maybe both.

You'd think by now we'd be immune to eceleb bait, but this One True Authority shit sure works.

You’re gonna have to stop samefagging and reposting this thread over and over again. Thanks in advance

well now I'm going to get it just to annoy you

Huh? This is the first time I've posted the thread and I honestly hadn't seen anyone discussing the game before posting it. Just genuinely curious if its good.

Uh huh

>A seperate story and ending for all characters in the game
>the cutscenes are pretty much just people standing around talking.

Why do games keep doing this

Glad I listened to Jimbo.

U seem upset

Na laughing at a shitty game lol

just because someone has a means to make their voice heard, doesn't mean you should listen to them.

He's proven time and time again he's the only voice worth listening to with DW. There's a reason nobody is listening to any other Youtube review; they're all paid off and Jim's is the only serious one.
You can't enjoy this trash.

Utter dogshit.
I don't play DW to run through a bland open world. Thanks for killing a guilty pleasure of mine. Can't wait to purchase all the interesting, unique weapons back as DLC. Fuck you.

Dynasty warriors has been the same fucking game since 3, yet people like to pretend that mixing up the formula has made it worse. It's alright. Not fantastic, not horseshit, it's dynasty warriors. If you like any of them and are interested in them doing something different you'll love it.

>38 posts
>16 Ips
Yup, it's the same guy samefagging here and in /eagg/ that has a massive hateboner for the game. That and Jimmycuck fans.

Just buy my fucking game.

My only problems with this game are that there's too few enemies, and they are stupid, more stupid than in any other DW. But imagine how good Empires will be.

Have you tried playing on Hard? For some reason the AI is the same for the first three difficulties but change radically for Hard and Chaos.

>he's proven time and time again he's the only voice worth listening to with DW
Holy shit it is fucking Dynasty Warriors. Who the fuck is going to reviewers to figure out if they should get the new Dynasty Warriors, let alone figuring out which reviewers are the authority on it? It's a button masher where you kill tons of dudes and do a whole lot of not much else. They're not very well made and the PC versions are usually badly optimised. You should never be spending full price on them, ever. This shit is not hard to figure out for yourself

All the more reason to listen to Jim. If a big fan like him is shitting on it then you know it's even more abysmal than the usual hobbled together literal garbage shovelware the series is.

Guy is a shitposter from /eagg/ that has been sucking Jim's balls from day1. I would not listen to anything he has to say.

Does anyone have any webms of the game?

There are plenty of videos showing how fucking trash it is, why do you need webms? Jimpressions, let's players that canceled it after the 1st video, plenty of videos

Just pirate it and see if you like it. If you do cool. If you don't the only thing you lost was time and if you're handwringing over whether or not to buy a fuckin musou game of all things you obviously have too much of that