Play darkest dungeon

>play darkest dungeon
>decide to download knight only mod and do crusader only run for fun
>get to my first boss, apprentice necromancer
>doing good damage with crusaders but still only about 13 per hit
>then get gets to the fucking back row
>have 3 of the crusaders in the back equipped with holy lance so they can just harass back with great damage in rows
>is effective too because it moves the knight up which allows the next one to use it because you're required to be in the back for it
>Do insane amounts of damage
>4 hits and he's out
>tfw resolve tested
I'm so proud of my lads

Other urls found in this thread:

knight only mod?
im so stupid i cant play one class without modding

Dont get overconfident

Veteran and Champion Ruin dungeons has Bone Commanders and Bone Flag bearers, basically putting a wrench in my plans, so will do to yours.
If that wasnt enough, enemies also get stealthed really often, even the Necromancer will summon stealthed skeletons, virtually guaranteeing damage to your holybois, if you dont happen to have zealous accusation

With the mod it replaces all other characters and their class trinkets with crusaders.
Without it you're just hoping RNG gives you crusaders on the stage coach.

Nigger seriously? If I only wanna do crusader why would I not use it?
ah fug that sounds like a nightmare. What's your general strat for placement/abilites?

4 Crussaders
Smithe - Holy Lance - Inspiring Cry - Battle Cry

You go full Crussader on the ruins, shuffle crussaders are best crussaders
However, as much damage output they have, and very good stress heals, they lack a little in the healing appartment. So make sure to bring lots of food, holy waters, lock in good quirks, HP bonus or PROT bonus, or Speed or DODGE quirks are good. Ruins related quirks or straight melee/damaga quirks help too.

Keep in mind, you wont be able to out heal damage unlike with Vestal, Occulcunt or Fagelant. So remain in the offensive.
Lastly, due it being very common, farm 4 Knight crests and put them on all your holybois, +10% HP and its very to get them

Have all your Crussaders get Bandages, The party detress ability, the nightime ambush prevention one, and the other up to you; I took the one that removes mortality debuffs.

alright thanks for the advice, and yeah I've been packing double on bandages and food. I also have all my backliners have one healing ability, so even if shit hits the fan my party can last a fight or two.

Oh yeah also how the fuck am I supposed to plan for the other areas, I tried a short cove quest and all my lads almost got fucked to shit, should I wait for more trinkets that are good for that area and shit?

On a sidenote, given the very good stress healing nature of the Crussader, you can 'SOMEWHAT' stop prioritizing Bone Nobility, if you happen to have a minimum stress party. For Example, you should Holy Lance down the Bone Arbalests first, healing in holy team doesnt come by easy, and you should minimize damage.

Truth be told, Crussader only excells in the ruins. I'm not saying they are bad outside the ruins, they are just 'meh', average at best, while other heroes outperform them. Outside the ruins, consider the Crussader as a 'generalist', a jack of all trades, master of noone.

Also the Cove is naturally hard as shit, so dont go too hard on your holyboys.

A good Cove team would be Auntie - Plague Doctor - Occultcunt - Shieldbreaker
Thats the one I use at least

am I fucked

Did you lost a Crussader already?
My brother, Crussaders is not for killing the Prophet, abandon this Crussade before you lose all your Holybois

If you want to kill the Prophet, you need:
>Arbalest = Long range DPS
>Houndmaster = Marking for Arb, decent bleed
>Occultist = Spam damage debuff to make his rubble of ruin turn to styrofoam

You fill the rest, Man at arms or Bounty Hunter did fine as filler

But seriously, fuck off from that Boss, you will get destroyed

yes I lost him, he was a new one, had a whole career ahead of him. I'm gonna fuck off.
Rip sweet prince.
also why do you put two s for crusader

Because I'm dumb and I'm not a native english speaker
I must return to my planet now, my people need me

Holy lance is really good for dealing with flag bearers though. They usually sit in rank 3 or 4, and you can holy lance rail-gun them down pretty effectively. The stealth is a problem, though.

>not bringing the hellion for the Prophet

thank you friend I'm sure you'll help them just as much as you've helped me
also I can only bring crusaders because of a mod I got so yeh

>Man at arms or Bounty Hunter
>for the prophet
Man at arms I guess wouldn't be the worst since he has riposte and buff/debuffing. But bounty hunter can't hit rank 4 very well at all. Pretty sure you can't move the prophet, either. Crusader would be more effective against the Prophet the the bounty hunter.

essential mods? kinda new to dd

You should play the on normal first to see how much of a pussy you actually are, and then decide if you want to install mods to make it easier.

I'm a huge faggot, I just want what ever is fun
been playing on hard mostly

I've modded I don't know how many games but I can never bring myself to touch DD, and I'm really not sure why. While I may not use them I am glad the community around the game is so lively. I can't think of the last game where almost all the OC I've seen from it makes me smile so much.
This one desu. Rest is preference.
Some people use inventory stack mods of varying degrees, some like using the no dungeon level restriction mod, there's a UI enhancement and dungeon background variation mod for visuals, some mods that alter the stage coach upgrades, quirks/diseases, and stress relief buildings. I use a mod that makes dungeons 50% larger, just because I often found them to be too short for my liking. There's class mods, but only a few of them are good. A handful of dark souls skins if you're into that.

Under no circumstance should you ever use the three trinket slot and expanded inventory mods, nor shit that stacks items as high as 20 or beyond. Stuff that makes firewood and quest items stack is fine desu.

why that one?

>mfw leper after 3 casks in the warrens
>tfw leper obliterating the enemy and critting as high as 78



there he is

oh shit what up

>focus ring, sun ring
Indirectly speeds up combat pacing, and looks a bit better desu.

>enough accuracy to counter his lack of accuracy, but not enough to counter the enemy's dodge
1 step forward, 1 step back

>running acc on leper
>not dismas' head, legendary bracer and rabies for MAX POWER
get a hellion to yawp and people, they can't dodge if they're stunned

Hey, you know as well as we do it is illegal to make a black character white.

>hey can't dodge if they're stunned
>lying to newcomers


god damn adorable
what is this? bounty hunter and hellion is cute!
>limited time mod
Modders are the dumbest people. I saved a backup for when it gets hidden.

They can't though.

>all those wojaks
>limited time for a fucking mod

You can. Being stunned has no effect at all on whether or not something can be hit.

>GR not with PD


It's the most pure form of love.

Never brought a Hellion to the Prophet fight
I will make sure to bring her then

I'm somewhat okay with this

>MaA x Auntie
What the fuck?

Maybe the forced guard skill so that MaA can keep up riposte while stunning, buffing, and debuffing shit while still protecting her. Maybe because they're both support characters.

You're wrong. Stunned enemies can't dodge. You can still miss though.

It's because Auntie treasures old things.

No, I'm not. There have been considerably complaints about the fact that you can miss stunned opponents because it is silly. You shouldn't be able to, but you can. Unless you can prove otherwise this conversation is over.

Prove it, mate.




I just told you that you can still miss, they can't dodge.
Literally just try it out for yourself.

How do i start NG+?

you cant

OP here, are there any good mod made classes that you guys like?

NG+ was turned into Stygian / Bloodmoon.

Why not?


Fuck youuuuuu it's too hard i can't into time limits.

Okay that was actually very sweet

get gud

Send this one to journey elsewhere, for we have need of sterner stock.

When is the general coming back in /vg/? I’m new and need a place to cry over my terrible stress management.

>Wow Ancestor was a big cunt but at least he changed he's helping us stop this evil

why is he a nigger?

I've been trying the lamia, thrall, librarian, and omen seeker. Not too terribly impressed desu. They're not bad, but I often can't find a good reason to actually take them along over the other heroes. Lamia seemed like a good idea for another healer in the roster, but if no one needs healing or stress healing, and there's no one in the back ranks to pull closer, she's useless unless you want to inflict horror on your entire party and shuffle them about every turn. Thrall can hit hard, and riposte with bleed seems pretty good, but he's so slow that he will always go last, and his accuracy is shit too. Librarian is pretty situational and another zero-offense class unless you want to stress her out. Omen seeker is fine, but aside from her rank 2+3 stun, she offers nothing particularly new to the roster. Maybe her chakram which deals good damage to the back row and de-stealths is helpful. Expunge seems dumb, and some of her trinkets are kinda fucky (increased damage in rank 1, but she only has three skills she can use there while having no shuffle skills). She's fast as fuck though.

Haven't tried cataphract, but I guess a front rank healer might be cool. Seraph's mark-consuming gimmick sounds so dumb to me that I don't even want to try it.

Post more OC
I really enjoy Darkest Dungeon content and art

Someone please post the picture relating the past of the Leper, and it's deathwish as he was fighting in the background

just run Jester, Jester is real good

95% sure that's just the leather part of his armor and it looks really dark but whatever
only have this is an info guide saved


I would expect it back with the new expansion.

Till then, focus on beating bloodmoon first and diving into the lore.

This game is so simplistic, but so fucking good. I haven't liked a game this much in a long, long time--and its been like two years.

I want to bury my face in that butt.


>man at arms + ablast
lol what?
>not hooking up the abomination and the Houndmaster
missed chance

>A mountainous, twitching mass of misshapen flesh, fusing itself together in the darkness.

Antiquarians: what do they do that other's can't do better?

make money
throw fights
waste turns
and potentially evade attacks though that's largely inefficient due to the cap on evasion

also please stop making me want to replay this game i've beaten it 4 times and will do so again every time a dlc comes out

Earn money
Meme the siren
Give dodge and prot to other guys