It's obvious that Skyrim is shit by today's standards but I did enjoy it for a full playthrough in 2011. Was Skyrim a good game by 2011s standards?
If Skyrim Game = Shit
No. I completed it within 2 weeks of buying it, and shortly after realized it was a gold dusted turd.
Yes and it still is. Fuck contrarian Sup Forums
There isn't a single Bethesda game that's good by its time's standards. They're only good by the standards of seven years before them.
Normies still consider it to be the greatest RPG ever made alongside with Witcher 3.
what am I looking at?
it was good enough to play, like all bethesda games(besides FO4) it had more than enough quests to get lost in but barely any good writing. but after TW3 its hard to go back to games like this that are just as big but feel horribly shallow (in terms of production value, cos obv TES has more character building stuff) and lifeless.
A power orb. Eating it will grant you unimaginable powers.
Quite literally a polished turd.
It's a polished turd