2011 was only 7 years ago, standards weren’t that different than they are now.
If Skyrim Game = Shit
It was a pretty good game. Still is, honestly. The main reason for the hate it gets is that it could have been so much better had Bethesda actually cared.
Just hire a fucking writer and have them write a plot for you. This isn't brain surgery, Todd.
It's a great game by any standard. Nothing else comes close if you're in the mood for a wandering sandbox RPG. Yeah the writing and characters are shit but that's not why anyone plays it. Complex characters and intricate plotlines would just get in the way of the player's wanderlust.
Nah not really.
>PC is a supergod who can become the master of everything
>choices have no weight to them
>can't even be bothered to give more than 2 or 3 NPCs a unique voice
>combat is really, really, REALLY bad, somehow manages to be worse than oblivion
Skyrim is and always has been shit.
gunplay was decent for its time but the main problem was being large as an ocean but as deep as a puddle. Both the main and secondary questlines are dull, and your decisions hardly matter in the end. I hate to be that guy but new vegas came out a year earlier and it had more "RPG" in it than skyrim and fallout 4 put together.
List of the things skyrim did decently for its time
>landscaping and overall setting
It was shit then and shit now.
Bethesdas incompetence and casual pandering should not be ignored because it didnt happen yesterday.
In fact its still very prelevant with Fallou 4 being what it is and the fact their still putting Skyrim and only Skyrim on newer consoles.
no, apparently you just developed some taste in the past few years. to make sure that's the case here's a test.
did you enjoy botw more than your average open world game? if yes you're still just a homo who buys into hype. if no you have actually developed taste, congratulations
>It's obvious that Skyrim is shit by today's standards
No, It's still an enjoyable game, better than some of today's sacred cows
autists say it's a polished turd but it really is hashish