>PUBG but good
PUBG but good
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the crafting ruins it
at least everything can be destroyed
in pubg houses are undestructable
>PUBG but bare bones and no content making every match the same
Looks like a childs game.
I want my eastern europe depression feels.
you grind more than in Warframe
still better than pubg i guess
Why does everyone in your picture have this face?
>pubg with cartoon graphics and it is also free
Wow I never would have guessed that this game would be more popular!
Came here to post this. It's obvious left overs from the original mode no one played or ever cared about. Should have been removed entirely the building on the battle royale mode.
>grinding in a battle royale
what. everyone starts with 0 items and the loot is randomized every match. you can't grind for items in this game.
>butthurt incoming
>playing eSports cancer
>randomized loot
now there is your problem right there
then play the day z mod you fucking casual
Not playing it because of that garbage mechanics.
what fucking crafting?
do you mean the thing where you can build walls and shit? that's the thing that makes the game actually good. it's not like PUBG where a bad circle RNG fucks you up completely. in Fortnite you can always make some cover for yourself and have a fighting chance no matter what
is this game overtaking pubg in viewers/playerbase?
if the loot was set, everyone would know where the best guns are. every match would be the same.
>why do two of the three visible people have similar faces
>two people build a fort
>one ends up in the circle, one doesn't
If anything, the circle RNG is worse in Fortnite.
>the crafting ruins it
The crafting allows the devs to have largely empty space between points of interest without players getting sniped to death on their way to the new safe-zone with no hope of surviving.
Early game it's not really a problem, since it makes up for the lack of equipment you'll have, and improves traversal options during the period where you really need to get places fast. Late game does tend to devolve into a tower siege-fest though. A better way to handle it might be to equip every player with a finite amount of materials initially, and limit the amount that they can harvest, while keeping the destructible environments. This would end the "farming phase" early in the game, getting people into the action more quickly, still allow easy traversal early on, mitigate the luck factor in finding guns early on, and prevent the end-game turning into rocket-spam vs wall-spam in most cases.
Normally I'd agree but the two keys are right next to each other, it's an understandable typo.
>bare bones and no content
>every match the same
As opposed to PUBG, where players find incredibly varied ways to wander the map for 5 minutes looking for guns before bumping into someone and having a shoot-out. Sure.
>run out of your fort while building walls to cover you
>build a new fort in the circle
you have to be absolutely retarded to think that the circle RNG is worse in Fortnite. this isn't even up to discussion
they should just put a limit of how much you can carry around.
This. The duels are shit because of the building. Spam walls and third person peek around them. Close range battles end up being who can spam walls and stairs fastest to build a tower.
I'd take the retarded shit in PUBG over the mechanics in Fortnite any day.
there is a limit. 999.
It's absurdly high, you'll never even need more than 300.
If they have a tower, shoot the bottom out. Buildings collapse if they are not attached to the floor. People building tall towers are idiots, especially tall towers with wooden bases.
Even normies at my Uni play this game
A girl I work with that knows nothing about video games said she downloaded Fornite to her Mac
It's funny because, gameplay wise, that promo image makes no sense:
>surrounded by everyone, but still smug
>just jumped off the craft and have no weapon, better charge into this fire fight
doors and fences are though, if someone doesn't want to move just nade them a few times.
>now there is your problem right there
It's not really an eSports thing, every round is supposed to be unpredictable on some level, rather than a well-balanced test of skill. It's designed to rope in casuals who don't want to grind, or start playing late and find themselves at a disadvantage not knowing every nook and cranny of the game-world.
If anything, the circle RNG is worse in Fortnite.
The thing is, the guy who isn't in the new circle has time to build additional fortifications on his way into, and inside the new circle. It's not perfect, but if you picked up a lot of crafting materials, then you should never have to cross open ground without protection.
>have no weapon
what is the pickaxe?
It is counter-intuitive to jump in a firefight (where most likely no one in the fight is your squad mate) with a pick-axe.
yes, like how League overthrew Dota even though League is garbage game
It's not up to debate Fortnite is horribly balanced and some guns shoot like fucking garbage but it's free and fun which doesn't matter to 90% of the players except for 10% of the tryhards
literally the same reason how League won
>People who build
I play solo and just hide behind natural terrain like hills, trees and rocks. Building gives away your position, sneaking is safer.
Plenty of top 5 finishes and a few wins.
>how League overthrew Dota
No public numbers available. They can tell you whatever they want.
This thread really shows how retarded the average Sup Forums poster is when it comes to game design. I would be laffin if it weren't so cringey.
Public numbers availabe in NA/China/Korea/SEA (no one cares about EU), Dota has been doing decent until CSGO but after that League has far surpassed Dota's playerbase
The amount of gooks that play League everyday JUST IN INTERNET CAFE is equal to the number of people that play Dota in Western Europe OR League in NA, which is a retardedly high number
Go ahead hardcore man of steel, play that clunky piece of shit.
well i don't know about you but i just can't stand playing PUBG. it just feels bad to play. the optimization is so god damn unbearably bad. i'm on a 970 gtx and i still dip below 60 fps constantly, all the while the game looks like a milsim shooter from the year 2011. the shooting feels janky, the slav map design is god-awful and the game revolves around 20 minutes of looting and running followed by 5 minutes of action.
fortnite at least runs well and feels overall competent. the only thing i distinctly don't like about it is the hitscan weapons and RNG spread.
it's not like i hate milsim style shooters either. i love games like that. i've played a ton of red orchestra, rising storm 1/2, project reality, insurgency etc. but PUBG is the only one that i really don't like playing
It depends how you look at it.
Including all the platforms PUBG is very slightly ahead in players, but will probably be overtaken in a month.
Excluding sonybros pubg is ahead by a large amount.
Excluding everyone but high end of users (the only people who can actually run it well), there's a huge difference, pubg likely had 3 to 5x the players
No game will overtake Fortnite this year for Normie presence. Even people who play FIFA are getting called out for not playing the new hotness
>eSports in any way, shape or form
you don't even need ps plus to play fortnite so even poor people can play it
>just jumped off the craft and have no weapon, better charge into this fire fight
Might have used a Jump Pad.
DotA has no public numbers for its Chinese playerbase, which outnumbers its western playerbase by a factor of 1:2.
Yea, no shit. The player-built fort is using wood structures you can only make in single-player mode.
ye but you can get both league and dota's numbers objectively because every chink plays at an internet cafe (about 60% of gamers), and both has about the same technical requirements.
League is the 2nd most played game (1st is chink mmo called moonlight blade) and then dota is at 5th (5th is still v high, but you just can't compare)
Dota still has big playerbase but it has 0 appeal to normies especially as time goes on, community only keeps shrinking since harder to play and normies only play with friends, and League is owned by Tencent (Largest game publisher in China which is also supported by the Chink govt which also is in charge of internet, IT infrastructure, food service, construction, etc)
This. Building is for retards in solo. Usually how I spot people is that they've built a massive structure giving away their location. Also the meta is
So nobody thinks you exist as long as you aren't
>He thinks League of Legends is the #2 played game in China
I'm a chink dude
League wasn't as pouplar until season 4 but with the influx of Korean culture and especially the celebrity match that had 5 chink stars + 5 kpop stars that 4 million ppl watched now more normies play league than mobile games it's disgusting
>giant stairway to heaven
>just shoot the bottom stair
>slowly breaks apart
>2 guys fall to their death and drop me free loot
thats not black survival
I'd say the insane building spam does. This game needs a first person only mode, because the person who's behind a wall gets an inherent advantage, which in turn encourages people to spam-build walls every time someone even fucking looks at them.
What the fuck is with the stuttering every 20 seconds? I get 85-120+fps but awful gameplay ruining stutters multiple times a minute. Ironically PUBG runs much smoother for me, I'm not even shitposting, this is fucked up, I thought this was supposed to be a well optimized game.
It's raining dumbasses!
It probably won't happen. Theres a very basic first person mode and none of the models show up when you're using it
it is a childs game
its free and on console. guess who it's playerbase is made up of? i have 6 younger cousins between 10-14 who are playing this shit all day non-stop. messaging me invites and telling me to get of that faggot ass monster hunter game
>hear a gunshot
>spin and instantly throw up a metal wall house
a single change that makes building take a few seconds to start being put up would change the game for the better.
>nobody's currently trying to dethrone these two massive shitfests with a game that is superior in every way
fucking lazy devs allowed them to gain too big a foothold on the genre and now were stuck with them
Sorry lads. Can you rate my victory. I love playing squad alone and sneaking a win but accept I am a faggot for this one
>console buttons
No thanks
then say something faggot. Defend the building mechanics.
Pretty fun desu. Started playing a few weeks ago after a few hundred hours of PUBG, started winning loadse with my duo
Hope the changes from the shooting test make it in, bloom is ass, at leas with first shot accuracy you can sorta deal with it
Metal takes ages to get going, you can blast metal or brick walls easily when they get placed
Wood is a little more durable out of the bag, but is balanced by having less total hp
>that fort looked comfy as hell, I would play a survival game if they made one, but having to play in that situation made me realize why I dont play these kind of games
the building mechanic adds a layer of tactics and skill that is more than just simply point at the enemy and mouse0 them. It adds depth. A duel is not just decided by aim, but also building proficiency and brain. Even if one of the players is in an open field and another gets the jump on him, he has a means of defending himself and either getting out of the situation, or outright winning it.
The game defaults to windowed fullscreen for me and then I have the same issues, have to switch it back to real fullscreen and it's silky smooth again
Your underground base was smart and a good use of basebuilding, way better than just throwing up defences when you got shot. Made it impossible for anyone to kill you.
stealth sneak in the start was great
What are your issues with it
Everyone """good""" at this game, especially the twitch streamers bragging hundreds and hundreds of wins, are build-spamming spastic try-hards. Really awful, zero skill involved.
does it have FPP-only mode?
>spam walls the moment shots are fired
ruins it for me desu
People who just mindlessly spam walls are no issue at all
Picture not related
Is anyone here not a sonybro?
I try this from time to time and just can't get into it. All my pc friends have the same opinion.
>build-spamming spastic try-hards
>zero skill
as opposed to what? sitting down and wait for the RNG circle to favor you?
Same, no fucking clue how this hasn't been addressed. Throw a cooldown on building structures while under fire, or at least for walls. For 70% of the game unless you got a good roll you're fucking yourself if you try and shoot through them.
I don't mind the crafting, I dont mind the clunky character movement, I don't mind the shitty artstyle. I can't play this game because the gunplay is horrible.
It's a shame because it performs so much better than the piece of shit that is PUBG.
The building is great because it weeds out shitters. The only shit thing about the game is the 3rd person and the tiered loot system, i can deal with loot spawn rng but the tier shit really gets on my tits.
i remember playing this a couple months ago and it was just "PUBG but shit"/"poor man's PUBG"/"more like cucknite haha lmao" did anything change or is this just elitists refusing to play mainstream games
the first shot accuracy really improves it
Have you actually played both? Pubg seems to be agreed to be much better by most people who have. It's not elitism it's just a better game.
Are Xtwats still madly bitter at Fortnite?
They patch and improve the game a lot
Snipers are already fine, shotguns are fine after double pump gets nerfed in the next update, SMGs are fine after the buff they just got
ARs feel bad due to bloom making you miss randomly even on first shot, first shot accuracy fixes that to some degree
Also pistols need some tweaking, they're the odd one out. The legendary one can still do some work though, 70 dmg headshots are pretty gud
Get gud
i love that spot. great place to ramp up and hide in the rafters when people come down too
>do 99 damage on a guy
>a bunch of walls spawn around him
>try to break them
>he keeps building them
>go for rush
>he's fully healed, armored up and shotgun blasts my face
>Fortnite BR but good
Nope, game is garbage
>PUBG but for broke niggers
you are
great, the game is garbage
you too
I know you are but what am I?